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==29 June 2011==
Delia Lake
Plug leaks, recycle water, use our precious resource prudently!
*Water use in China and the Middle East is an environmental Ponzi scheme | Damian Carrington | Enviro
LibyanYouthMovement ShababLibya
World Affairs Journal: Peace Later! http://t.co/B6kgCPk #libya #feb17 #gaddaficrimes
weddady weddady
"@SultanAlQassemi: Reuters: Saudi princess says no one immune from Arab spring http://t.co/ULqVd8H Quotes Princess Basma bint Saud"
Vampire weekend Oxford comma
==28 June 2011==
John Carter McKnight via Liz Danforth
Dissertation topic: "How is 'governance' like 'pest control'?"
*The 7 Biggest Dick Moves in the History of Online Gaming
Divides emerge after meeting of #Syria opposition figures in Damascus: http://nyti.ms/ms9tCe
==27 June 2011==
SF coworking
Wagner James Au
Visiting the new open work space for Philip Rosedale's new startup. Better than trying to get shit done in Starbucks!
*New World Notes: Philip Rosedale's WorkClub Also Great Space for Remote Workers
New Post: VIDEO - Families of Martyrs Demand Retribution http://t.co/MUFsxQ5 #Adly #Pig #EgyPolice #Jan25 #Egypt
Wael Ghonim Ghonim
A MUST SEE newly released video: A Brave Egyptian on 28th of Jan: http://t.co/2HPprGh #Jan25 #Egypt
==26 June 2011==
Clay Shirky cshirky
David Eagleman: Neuroscience is eroding free will as a legal concept http://bit.ly/iCBin0
TweetSmarter TweetSmarter
r/t Now you can automatically get an RSS feed of anyone's Twitter account with a click: http://bit.ly/mjDS1t
Nice: an open-source newspaper publishing workflow based on Google Docs and WordPress feeding InDesign http://bit.ly/l4Q7Kn via @digiphile
Download Rosenvallon
Shirky on Rosanvallon
@hrheingold here's the beginning of my take on the leaderless revolution question. http://bit.ly/kwngB4
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
Do leaderless revolts contain seeds of own failure? http://t.co/w7EYFog #smartmobs
Mitch Kapor mkapor
Math Geeks, Rejoice! The Desmos Graphing Calculator Is Here, It’s Online And It’s Free http://t.co/kyxykkU #I_invested
Loic Le Meur loic
Just had a great conversation with my friend @jobsworth who is behind the gamification of enterprise http://rww.to/kBtSB1
5 fake sounds designed to help humans http://bit.ly/mawjsK
Tateru Nino taterunino
A matter of scale http://bit.ly/m2fIu6 #secondlife #sl
.@ev our conference LeWeb is at LeWeb.net not .com and it did not hurt us in any way. You're right http://t.co/t0PiFBA
DeanGroom deangroom
Ha, you skeptics are doomed. Virtual Worlds converge. http://bit.ly/lCDAUh. HT @nichalley
*virtual supermarket on subway wall
Fabulous piece on #foocamp: ALL WATCHED OVER: ON FOO, CYBERNETICS, AND BIG DATA http://bit.ly/kIP1RE
RT @Liberationtech: The wisdom or madness of crowds? Revisiting smart mobs http://is.gd/la2bjm & http://is.gd/PUGLBg
Awesome camera+ hit sales http://t.co/bCGl2NF
Review of 1982 NSF report, about how 'teletext and videotex' could change society http://nyti.ms/msVwIM Quite prescient.
MacArthur Foundation macfound
New book by HASTAC co-founder Cathy Davidson on how to manage anxieties about the pace of technological change http://t.co/taykmRF
*"Distraction is your friend"
Short blog post on tools for thinking abt technology evolution http://bit.ly/id8pof via @nukem777
RT @creative_author: Interview: Bryan Alexander, Author of The New Digital Storytelling: Creating http://bit.ly/jlhDY9
Are you in charge of what you buy, or is it vice versa? #vrm @buyosphrere http://t.co/f5H9o9J #projectvrm http://t.co/VBSAJVv
*Toward being in charge of what you buy, we have Buyosphere, which is a VRM company. I know that, because Tara Hunt runs it and has been working from the start to imbue it with VRM ideals.
Mitch Kapor mkapor
Useful Infographic on Blended Learning (online/offline): http://t.co/UZuZD5M
White House blog on Building an Impact Economy mentions our own @stephendeberry http://t.co/XI9M4Kz
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
.@doctorow takes off from idea that obscurity is a bigger problem than piracy to explain how revolutions happen http://bit.ly/kDT5To
"networked communications were necessary, but not sufficient, to a successful Egyptian uprising"
Doc Searls dsearls
http://t.co/DQf0RIg Last @Firebox pointer of the day: heads up for downhill racers. It's the 1st day of Summer in #Rome and I want one.
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
Interesting: EFF backs off from accepting bitcoin donations, worried about legal issues http://bit.ly/jaYYTW
Lessig lessig
Check out CreationMix.com, new cc-friendly remix site. I'm on board, but any $ goes to CC. http://t.co/JEBiNJv
RT @petervan pointing to discussion of Google Wallet with @direwolf: http://t.co/I9zkKNF and http://t.co/LdRHoIm Read all comments. #VRM
Chris Messina™ chrismessina
A harrowing tale of the World Without Web. I hope Internet identity doesn't lead us to the dystopia we narrowly avoided! http://t.co/XoUkdlI
==25 June 2011==
Blanka Eckstein
Wonderful article! If you have ever wondered about your own or any one else's "sanity" this is highly recommended reading. Being human isn't easy. But what are the choices, eh
*Expert on Mental Illness Reveals Her Own Struggle
A defense of the printed book, by @JohannHari101: http://t.co/g1leeDC
I've never had 10k @ replies. Preparing 4 possibility. RT @NiemanLab: How NPR is thinking about scaling @acarvin's work http://t.co/Y6QhtOS
Arduino discussed at #civicmedia. Will open source hardware become as prevalent in journalism as open source software? http://www.arduino.cc
Andy Carvin acarvin
Building a bGeigie geiger counter: http://bit.ly/jGLlK5 #civicmedia #makers #jpquake
Fascinating how @joi and other volunteers put together DIY geiger counters after #jpquake: http://bit.ly/jQO2bt #civicmedia #makers
==24 June 2011==
Another awesome #infotention mindmap from #mindamp co-learner @chadgorski http://yfrog.com/hsjubup
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
Infotention mindmap created by #mindamp colearner @ghbrett http://t.co/AN494sX
==23 June 2011==
ANALYSIS-NATO counts on Tripoli uprising to break deadlock http://t.co/KttyUxO #Libya
Note to self: Spend more time playing around with ScraperWiki: http://scraperwiki.com/ #civicmedia
Andy Carvin acarvin
Last but not least, the brilliant Jeffrey Warren wins for PublicLaboratory.org. Super super DIY data gathering project. #newschallenge
Andy Carvin acarvin
Cool: NextDrop. Will alert rural residents of India when water is available so they don't waste precious hours waiting. #newschallenge
Shadi Hamid shadihamid
Egypt declines World Bank loan as incompatible with nat'l interest: http://bit.ly/kYND5a (via @abuaardvark)
Wael Ghonim Ghonim
Ted Talk: An interesting view: What #Google and #Facebook are Hiding http://t.co/02TxbUz
==22 June 2011==
Gore on gamification
Wagner on a Facebook for roles
==21 June 2011==
When u get to the gibberish part at the end of this parody? In fact u will understand every word if you have been in SL. http://t.co/PegeL0D
weddady weddady
ppl's response to Bashar's speech RT @hussamga: Im a germ #Syria FB page http://t.co/1IkA6gj
==22 June 2011==
weddady weddady
Strategic shift? Info on Baath party mobilizing members for demos tomorrow show #Syria regime beginning to understand limits of force.
Looks like we're in good company. :-) RT @ahmed: I made the Foreign Policy's "Twitterati 100" list http://bit.ly/mpQHIy
Fukushima: It's much worse than you think
==19 June 2011==
Smartphone with rotary dial
Wagner - Apple's boon to despots
Wagner - birds with arms
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
One reason why publishers will be reinvented even in the face of a self-publishing torrent on #kindle http://reut.rs/lbnrT1
*spam hits self-publishing
Great story on the history of Android success http://ping.fm/Ss0JW
New proof from @appstoreHQ that the long tail of apps is healthy indeed: http://t.co/HoJ3Ahb 5,000 users loaded 20,100 apps!
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
Great post for entrepreneurs by @natfriedman: Instant Company (aka "the startup stack, CxO edition" per @edd in email) http://bit.ly/lfwTHj
==18 June 2011==
Andy Carvin acarvin
Reminiscent of Sanaa. RT @MalathAumran: Look at #hama, the streets are packed! http://on.fb.me/mBl5cW #syria
==17 June 2011==
Jan Isakovic likes a link.
Sun down
Wagner James Au
Wow, in under a week, the Second Life viewer went from a testicle-pummeling platform of technical fail to actually working pretty well. (Before and after pics at link.)
*New World Notes: Latest Second Life Viewer Update Dramatically Improves My Second Life
John Carter McKnight
Seriously. Read this.
*Unlocking the Mayor Badge of Meaninglessness - Umair Haque - Harvard Business Review
Wagner James Au
This really sucks, it's one of the most amazing examples of user-generated content in Second Life. But in 4 weeks, it'll be gone!
*New World Notes: Sim Deathwatch: The Crooked House, Ingenious Tesseract Home
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
Pew report: Facebook users enjoy higher levels of social well-being http://t.co/un21WYz
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
RT @bryce Industrial and Cultural Revolutions http://bit.ly/k4mBWy / OATV not the only VC following the Make/DIY revolution....
==16 June 2011==
The ABC's of Silicon Valley: http://t.co/0IM5jhr. Highly recommended.
*The most successful people here don’t push their business cards to every person they meet; they figure out the best way to help them and enjoy what comes back around.
Tateru Nino taterunino
How to: Building a solid PC for fast Second Life use http://j.mp/kg4qXB #secondlife #sl
Liking what I see of the Connect Trust framework for privacy http://bit.ly/mazzKF via @DrummondReed in http://bit.ly/l63rp2
Undeserved but welcome: Guardian names Here Comes Everybody one of 100 best non-fiction books of all time http://bit.ly/lZMsGG
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
Why Facebook should allow Google to spider and present "stranger" view of FB profiles, make missing privacy transparent http://bit.ly/kcU2eH
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
The original affluent society -- advantages of hunting-gathering lifestyle http://t.co/MsMvxN0
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
What I learned at Foo Camp 11: @berkun's take http://bit.ly/kFLYPN More takeaways at #foocamp or #foocamp11 hashtags
*One of Scott's books: Making Things Happen
Prokofy Neva Prokofy
Sad World http://bit.ly/kZcent
*If you are getting involved in something like "the SL Birthday," you have to understand in advance what the framework is: the usual barn-raising, collective-farming,
happy goo. You're supposed to work selflessly and endlessly -- like you do on open source software, hmm? You're supposed to do this "for the community". You are not
compensated, and there isn't a means of really claiming your rights as an individual because it's a group. Sure, you will be credited, but you're supposed to be doing all this "for the good of the cause."
RT @heathr: Must read Arab Spring piece re Arab wmn #LGBT &convenient western narratives #wholeselves HT erica ganzell http://bit.ly/kxlvgu about 8 hours ago via TweetDeck
==14 June 2011==
School Reform Is a Dead End, Unless...
Andy Carvin acarvin
Here's the Taiwanese animated video I showed at #140conf a little while ago: 
Mosa'ab Elshamy mosaaberizing
Oh dear, the craziness never ends: Lesbian Blogger in Tripoli (a parody) http://bit.ly/l3LNVK
What straight men don't understand about lesbians
*men make bad lesbians
==13 June 2011==
John Carter McKnight
Hmm. “The shorthand of it is that women run for office to do something, and men run for office to be somebody”
*Why Women Don't Get Caught Up in Sex Scandals
Wagner James Au
Imagine 1000s of avatars living all together in one region. Now imagine Intel made it possible.
*New World Notes: Intel Releasing Code for Putting 1000s of Avatars on a Single OpenSim Region This M
Jan Isakovic recommends a link.
SPIEGEL Interview with African Economics Expert: "For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!"
Les Paul guitar - permanent link
Stock and flow
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
Glassbeadgame time in #mindamp alumni forums. We'll be doing this in live sessions too.
Loic Le Meur loic
I'm in a James Bond movie! http://ping.fm/tBBIw
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
Pew Internet Project's Lee Rainie on "Why new media are becoming your new neighborhood" http://bit.ly/jaygQk
Tateru Nino taterunino
Well, then you're screwed http://j.mp/mJs05W
Evgeny Morozov evgenymorozov
'Fixer' cleans Wikipedia entries for senior business figures http://flpbd.it/8Bys
==12 June 2011==
John Carter McKnight
Hmm. “The shorthand of it is that women run for office to do something, and men run for office to be somebody”
*Why Women Don't Get Caught Up in Sex Scandals
Wagner James Au
Imagine 1000s of avatars living all together in one region. Now imagine Intel made it possible.
*New World Notes: Intel Releasing Code for Putting 1000s of Avatars on a Single OpenSim Region This M
Jan Isakovic recommends a link.
SPIEGEL Interview with African Economics Expert: "For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!"
Les Paul guitar - permanent link
Stock and flow
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
Glassbeadgame time in #mindamp alumni forums. We'll be doing this in live sessions too.
Loic Le Meur loic
I'm in a James Bond movie! http://ping.fm/tBBIw
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
Pew Internet Project's Lee Rainie on "Why new media are becoming your new neighborhood" http://bit.ly/jaygQk
Tateru Nino taterunino
Well, then you're screwed http://j.mp/mJs05W
Evgeny Morozov evgenymorozov
'Fixer' cleans Wikipedia entries for senior business figures http://flpbd.it/8Bys
==12 June 2011==
NYTimes: U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors http://nyti.ms/jN5pGa
Andy Carvin acarvin
Appears to be some damn fine detective work. RT @avinunu: New evidence about #Amina, the "Gay Girl in Damascus" hoax http://bit.ly/iWm85X
weddady weddady
RT @dailyworldwatch: New Guest Post by @monakareem : " Arab Spring : It is not Social Media; it is Cyber Activism! " http://wp.me/pSApd-dM
Andy Carvin acarvin
Massive is an understatement. RT @ArabsUnite: Massive crowds in #Sanaa yesterday http://youtu.be/JOEH4edTZ1M #Yemen #YF
==10 June 2011==
Love this. No confirmation necessary. RT @MMM: Woman records eHarmony video bio, breaks down crying. http://t.co/ClL8KVr
Tateru Nino taterunino
VastPark launches OpenAvatar for virtual worlds and games http://j.mp/mGzisD #virtualworlds #vastpark
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
Daylife publishing suite sounds very useful. Was just wishing for something like it this morning! http://rww.to/j1GSab via @marcprecipice
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
RT @EllnMllr "Doing" my email is going much slower because I find what this shows so fascinating! http://bit.ly/jWa6Ud /Indeed!
==09 June 2011==
Wagner James Au
Fascinating response to this post. When's this thing going to Just Work? Like, right out the box, without workarounds and tweaking and sacrificing goats and shit?
*New World Notes: How Second Life Makes It Hard to Write About Second Life
Facebook Party Gets Out Of Control After German Girl Forgets Privacy Setting
How To Disable Facebook's New Facial Recognition Feature
A New Chronicle: The DSK Connection http://goo.gl/fb/brtzx
Open Sim Worlds on JoKaydia grid (via Maria Korlov)
==08 June 2011==
Spectacular eruption on the sun.http://bit.ly/isnJmc
Sonaar Luthra just named TED Fellow http://j.mp/l5j9b6 for work on cheap water quality testing http://j.mp/iT6QPf #iloveitp
Loic Le Meur loic
Tip @Techmeme http://t.co/lOlzDZs
*Leweb in London?
Second Life mesh-upload to be separately controlled http://j.mp/kbq97q #secondlife #sl
Tateru Nino taterunino
Behind the curtain: Talking with Rod Humble about usability http://j.mp/lEk3oj #secondlife #SL
weddady weddady
As I was saying..RT @NABEELRAJAB: #Bahrain campaign to humiliate Shiites goes beyond politics: http://t.co/2YC9W6R
Andy Carvin acarvin
Well this escalated faster than I expected. http://nyti.ms/k3nDPY #amina
weddady weddady
I lost count "@jilliancyork: Oh oh wait - Facebook screwed up privacy again? I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I tell you! http://t.co/7hiuQLD"
==07 June 2011==
"Freedombox is the software stack for routers that serve you.... Serve privacy to you and your friends." Eben Moglen at #pdf11
20 things I learned about browsers
==06 June 2011==
Présentation de Vastpark
Green economy
J'ai testé le coworking
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
Eye-opening perspective on Google from one departing engineer http://bit.ly/jALpOg via @edd
*Protocol Buffers, BigTable and MapReduce are ancient, creaking dinosaurs compared to MessagePack, JSON, and Hadoop. And new projects like GWT, Closure and MegaStore are sluggish, overengineered Leviathans compared to fast, elegant tools like jQuery and mongoDB.
Quantified Self Guide http://ping.fm/zxFKg
Loic Le Meur loic
Où va la "quantification de soi" ? http://ping.fm/IgCBx
Horrific new footage of the tornado that hit Joplin from a storm chaser. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfdK6H9d6J0 Nature's power, wow.
Loic Le Meur loic
What I'm working on at Google: Making the mobile web fast http://ping.fm/QRlti
Chris Messina™ chrismessina
The Global Commission on Drug Policy asserts that our drug policy is ON DRUGS! http://wv.ly/kf7J2x /via @werner @VanessaAlvarez1
Robert Scoble Scobleizer
Wow, what a list of early-stage startups who want angel funding. 101 Answers: http://qr.ae/dfsm cc: @aplusk
Rands In Repose: The Anatomy of a Notification http://www.randsinrepose.com/archives/2011/06/05/the_anatomy_of_a_notification.html
Tim O'Reilly timoreilly
Lovely little video about @petermui's fixit clinics - helping kids and adults to learn by fixing their broken stuff http://bit.ly/lnwgCc
Robert Scoble Scobleizer
This new iOS preview video is quite "magical:" http://t.co/dCtfljJ
Infotention on @scoopit http://t.co/46aCqhV
NoIMF #IMF #NoAid #Egypt RT @toriaar: @Gsquare86 Read this article in Jadaliyya for excellent analysis of how it works http://bit.ly/kXO1RS
Shadi Hamid shadihamid
Egypt and the Eastern European model, by James Traub: http://bit.ly/isPOBz
==04 June 2011==
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
RT @kegill: "evaluation, interpretation and synthesis are key competencies of the 21st century" http://is.gd/nbVwdK #mindamp #infotention
Hope @bbc follows up on other v. cool stuff @thingm @mikekuniavsky r doing: +1 for WineM RFID wine rack in @bbc story http://bbc.in/k4sbup
Prokofy Neva Prokofy
Government Surplus http://bit.ly/kdHKer
Tish Shute TishShute
If you aren't already convinced of the importance of @Singly & @LockerProject (u know I am!) read @packman's post http://bit.ly/matS1Z
The end of Windows http://t.co/FGJ6JPF
*see how he does links
Robert Scoble Scobleizer
Quora: What are the must-have iPhone apps? Why? 41 Answers: http://qr.ae/TQ5Y Which ones should be added to this list?
RT @slideshare: New #SlideShare blog post: Connecting w/ yr audience http://dld.bz/aca4B Shoutouts to @coachdieter @bdnt @menro @avantgame
OpenSource Micro-Factory "Imagine if u cld build cars, industrial robots.." I love this visionary work ,Factor E Farm http://bit.ly/mKvJpJ
Misplaced priorities: MN school superintendent requests that school be turned into a prison for benefit of students http://bit.ly/mPDx71
Chris Messina™ chrismessina
Hell ya I want to learn how to lucid dream! Don't you? Make it happen: http://kck.st/gL7UFZ
You can now add the +1 button to your site! http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/1-button-for-websites-recommend-content.html
Entrepreneurial learning in the networked age, 2008, @maxsenges @jseelybrown & me http://bit.ly/j5wB5c via @amichetti
New content-type coming to Second Life in Q3 http://wp.me/pEMph-1ej #secondlife
Shadi Hamid shadihamid
Christian VP of Brotherhood's new party explains why he supports the Islamic movement: http://bit.ly/mlT4oF #Egypt
RT @tommymiles: Don't agree w/outing victims, but this @SlateAfrique sidebar (fr) is vg intro to Peul/Fula culture RT http://t.co/PqV2xeh
==03 June 2011==
Robert Scoble Scobleizer
The more I thought about Google 2015 the more depressed I got http://tinyurl.com/4xxa5wr CC: @jason what will it look like?
"The overwhelmingly direct cause of reciprocity is giving support in the first place." http://bit.ly/iyDska - PDF
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
Rereading "It's not who you know, it's how you know them: who exchanges what with whom" by @barrywellman et. al. (1)
Howard Rheingold hrheingold
It's about cultivating a culture of conversation http://bit.ly/18sagZ
Love @mattcutts as "the Greenspan of Google." And love @dannysullivan's flowchart of his decision process http://selnd.com/lCOTAa via @jason
Saleh speech
Syria: Opposition Drafts Declaration in Antalya http://t.co/DR2M1h1 via @globalvoices
Global Voices: Egypt: More Information on Jailed Blogger Mikel Nabil Needed: Caledoniyya complains there isn't m... http://bit.ly/mu81pP
==01 June 2011==
==01 June 2011==
Baki 7our 7our
«Bac+ 12 ? Et alors ? On s’en fout de leurs revendications, il est interdit d’occuper l’espace public !» http://ow.ly/58iOu #Algérie
Amira Al Hussaini JustAmira
A big thank you to Amna Arfaj for this: just saw it: Khaleeji Women in the Blogosphere: http://bit.ly/itZjPU
Andy Carvin acarvin
“With the massive volume of videos on our site, sometimes we make the wrong call." -Youtube re: Al-Khatib video. http://bit.ly/kdUG5R #syria
RT @tommymiles: Refugees in Agadez describe horror of crime, Libya gov, rebs, airstrikes; Fleeing migrants flood #Niger http://t.co/1mW7tRr
Kal themoornextdoor
Neat article on Arab hip hop artists http://is.gd/mPG7JB
Chimp Analytics RT @lisang: Lee Smith continues shock & awe w amazingly awful MidEast analysis. http://tinyurl.com/3ogu8ja
Depressing news this morning > 'Mideast Uses Western Tools to Battle the Skype Rebellion' http://on.wsj.com/j68KUR

Latest revision as of 16:51, 1 July 2011