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==10 January 2011==
==02 January 2011==
==01 January 2011==
John Carter McKnight
United States v. Approximately 64,695 Pounds of Shark Fins, No. 05-56274 (9th Cir. Mar. 17, 2008)....
Comical Case Names - Lowering the Bar
Wagner James Au
The big challenge with Minecraft machinima: Sometimes the director of photography burns to death in the unquenchable fires of hell.
New World Notes: New Minecraft Interstate: Nearly 9 Miles of Virtual Highway Caps a Year of Innovati
The value in jumping off the “social media train” http://bit.ly/fusMfQ
iPhone 4 vs Nexus S: Which smartphone is right for you? http://bit.ly/fuJHPy
Incidentally, wordpress users. Upgrade to 3.04 *now* if you haven't already. Most urgent. There's a live hack in the wild, and a nasty one.
Rheingold U: Intro To Mind Amplifiers syllabus in progress http://bit.ly/dYD6zV
Prok - self-diagnosed Aspergers
NPR Fesses Up to WikiLeaks’ Coverage Blunder, Now It’s Everyone Else’s Turn. http://r2.ly/6gq7
quora discussion on SHARD, distributed triple-store built on top of Hadoop MapReduce http://b.qr.ae/gZHJdI #semweb #linkeddata #rdf
Amazon Web Services, WikiLeaks and the Elephant in the Room. http://r2.ly/6gnj
*I've focused on AWS in this article, but these concerns apply to any provider.
I didn't have the patience to carefully explain why Floyd Abrams is ignorant beyond belief, but I'm glad Jack Shafer did. http://r2.ly/6gni
Rex Hammock's predictions for the year 2011 (next week). http://r2.ly/6gne
*Designers will discover the key to user-love is simple, minimalist, user interfaces
In a pitch meeting with an entrepreneur who describes his team as "MBAs who code"
UC Santa Cruz economist launches website to preserve data 'forever'. http://r2.ly/6gmd
*UC Santa Cruz economist Kai Pommerenke this month launched a new digital repository, Chronicle of Life, that promises to preserve users' photos, video and
text "forever." Customers pay a onetime fee for a space on the website, which Pommerenke built over three years to meet strict data-preservation standards set in place by the Library of Congress.

Revision as of 07:54, 2 January 2011