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==29 August 2010==
==31 August 2010==
timoreilly - Excellent! Plato, Homer, Video games, and censorship: http://nyti.ms/bykrjQ via @mikeloukides. Damon Horowitz, you might like this!
timoreilly - RT @jamesoreilly RT @spacefuture Massive solar storm to hit Earth in 2012 with 'force of 100m bombs' #space http://bit.ly/aTqcBB
loic - Russia in color, a century ago http://ping.fm/bSLKW
Scobleizer - Google Voice is amazing. https://www.google.com/voice Have you set yours up yet? Shows Google CAN do something interesting, useful, etc!
Scobleizer - Gmail users: you really MUST add @rapportive to Gmail. Send yourself email to see what it shares. Do the same with @gist. I am using both.
chrismessina - How mankind is remaking nature, in maps: http://is.gd/eK4PQ /via @davegray
chrismessina - Interesting perspective and insight from @toolnessy on his first CrisisCamp: http://www.toolness.com/wp/?p=955 /cc @philanthropedia
Scobleizer - .@alecperkins wow, http://jawsoflist.typeish.net/#Scobleizer is cool for analyzing Twitter lists. Thanks for sending that!
Scobleizer - .@Admore I don't know of a way to import Twitter lists or autofollow everyone on one of them. I did all mine by hand. Anyone else know?
Scobleizer - Think the geeks aren't trying to "game" Twitter and social networks? You really must grok what @socialflow is doing. youtube.com/watch?v=4P5czS…
Scobleizer - Oh, love @blipsnips -- here's the part of my long NASA tour where they talk about power: http://blipsnips.com/blipsnips/789/show
Scobleizer - How you know you are following too many people on Twitter? Twitter has no more suggestions for me. Sob. :-)
hrheingold - I have been avoiding Facebook entirely for about a month now.
Scobleizer - Yes, I can find the iPhone apps I want @VentureBeat because I use @chomp which lets me search for them (far better than iTunes).
Scobleizer - .@ncomment I lost interest in Digg long ago. I have no sympathy for the audience there. The new Digg has me excited about Digg again.
timoreilly - 10 Ways Data is Changing the World http://bit.ly/c6SPqK This is what @strataconf is all about.
TechCrunch - Bubble Blinders: The Untold Story of the Search Business Model - http://tcrn.ch/akFWAh
*"The story begins in 1996 with an 18-year-old college dropout named Scott Banister, who came up with a simple but elegant concept that turned out to be one of the best business ideas in history. This is the true story of the search business model — a concept that John Battelle and other search historians have erroneously attributed to Bill Gross for Goto.com."
davewiner - Scripting News: What they say about age is true. http://r2.ly/4qnz
*"And if you think there's much difference between JavaScript and C, you're dreaming. Or between JSON and XML or plain text files."
timoreilly - Excellent post from @digiphile: On Language: Putting Government 2.0 in Context http://bit.ly/ca55nJ #gov20 #g2s
davewiner - Dropbox Uploader Allows Anyone to Upload Files to Your Dropbox Account. http://r2.ly/63tp
==29 August 2010==
davewiner - Krugman: "Comments should be comments -- not long diatribes." http://r2.ly/9mw5  
davewiner - Krugman: "Comments should be comments -- not long diatribes." http://r2.ly/9mw5  
*"If you want to paste in whole chapters of Friedrich Hayek or Glenn Beck, start your own blog and see if you can attract any readers."
*"If you want to paste in whole chapters of Friedrich Hayek or Glenn Beck, start your own blog and see if you can attract any readers."

Revision as of 14:00, 31 August 2010