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(29 May 2010)
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==31 May 2010==
chrismessina - Evidence that data IS capital! From the @NYTimes: Web Start-Ups Offer Bargains for Users’ Data http://nyti.ms/blFLYz /tip @techmeme
Scobleizer - Let's all play @lifehacker for a few, post some "INTERNET LIVING TIPS" here: http://bit.ly/dtQ4X6 <<--
Scobleizer - One reason I won't hype up Google Buzz like I did FriendFeed: http://bit.ly/bfq8Pm
TechCrunch - NSFW: Never Mind The Bollocks - Why Carol Bartz Can't Say What Yahoo Is Now - http://tcrn.ch/bujvQv by @paulcarr
*What it should be: curation
davewiner - Thoughts about 'writing for the web'. http://r2.ly/58gb
davewiner - Amazing Archival Footage Of A Soviet Nuke Plugging A Leaking Gas Well. http://r2.ly/zcph
timoreilly - RT @Data4all #BP must copy Goldcorp http://j.mp/,5czXo release all #well data, create Web2.0-based global #crowdsourcing challenge
chrismessina - The Open Graph Protocol comes to Drupal: http://bit.ly/d4DPLF /by @scorlosquet via @Dries @abraham #rdf #rdfa
chrismessina - Me and @rsarver decided that after WebFinger the next protocols we want to work on are SalmonFinger and ChickenFinger. /cc @jpanzer #tanhf
chrismessina - Posted a screencast of my talk from @Gluecon on #XAuth: http://vimeo.com/12121710
davewiner - The Reddit guy is out to lunch, doesn't understand the first thing about how markets work.
TechCrunch - Guy Who Copied Digg Slams Digg For Copying Twitter - http://tcrn.ch/cdvzLy by @arrington
loic - I have only had negative comments about Les internautes sont-ils des narcissiques? @vinvin @scobleizer http://ping.fm/U4kil
John Carter McKnight - Tensions between norms of research and researched: how to negotiate identity while living in and studying online communities
Gwyneth Llewelyn - A different style of article on politics in #SL (or more precisely, in the Confederation of Democratic Simulators)
timoreilly - Must read by @tomforemski: Foxconn suicides: Time for fair trade electronics? Would you buy a fair trade iPhone? http://bit.ly/9k8YvG
davewiner - Video: Angel Investor Chris Dixon on Startups & Why the VC Model Is Broken. http://r2.ly/zcei
davewiner - Digg Wants to Be the Twitter of News. http://r2.ly/zcfr
TechCrunch - Source: Microsoft Bing Taking Over iPhone Search - http://tcrn.ch/aHTn40 by @arrington
Scobleizer - RT @building43 Reading RSS Feeds on iPhone/iPad with ASIHttpRequest and cocoa-rss http://bit.ly/bvhLUK
TechCrunch - Video: Evernote CEO Phil Libin Shares Revenue Stats (And How To Make Freemium Work) - http://tcrn.ch/9mWl7N by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch - With Extension Desktop Notifications, Chrome Now Even More Awesome - http://tcrn.ch/cxcAHP by @parislemon
TechCrunch - PostRank Creates A 'Friendfeed For Content' With Activity Streams Feature - http://tcrn.ch/bkf6e4 by @leenarao
hrheingold - My Brittanica blog post "Is multitasking evil? Or are most of us illiterate?" http://bit.ly/5R0sW5
hrheingold - "A time for focus, a time for distraction" by @alevin worth reading http://www.alevin.com/?p=1821
==30 May 2010==
chrismessina - Compelling money and life advice from sage @paultoo: http://paulbuchheit.blogspot.com/2010/05/what-to-do-with-your-millions.html
davewiner - Zuck gave money to the Diaspora project. http://r2.ly/3uzm
hrheingold - Lesson plans: forum, blog, wiki, social bookmarking, RSS, Twitter, mindmaps, Info dashboards, Wordpress, map mashups http://bit.ly/ojQLk
davewiner - I don't like wires but I do like ports. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/zcbz
*"But computers are meant to be more than DisneyLand, they are meant to solve societal problems and help our species evolve."
lessig - Innovation Corruption, talk at Yahoo! Labs, including a bit about broadband. http://ping.fm/AA7u7
cshirky - Been browsing using Chrome's "/allow/deny cookie and remember my choice", and all I can say is that Adobe Omniture pwns us all.
TechCrunch - Box.net Adopts HTML5; Adds Drag And Drop Functionality Between The Web And Desktop - http://tcrn.ch/9J36D3 by @leenarao
davewiner - Dropbox now with selective sync. http://r2.ly/zcah
loic - Negroponte: One Laptop Per Child is now a $75 Android Tablet http://ping.fm/i3PwJ
hrheingold - Via @democracy Something fun emerging http://twt.tl/SmWW63J - online communities meet local place
TechCrunch - Facebook Launches Android SDK - http://tcrn.ch/bJjdTO by @jasonkincaid
chrismessina - "How to critique an interface for non-designers." http://bit.ly/aiFu9W /by @azaaza (incl an awesome dragging UI critique map!)
Scobleizer - Video: @edsussman's Buzzr http://www.buzzr.com/ makes building business sites easier http://youtu.be/ypM9kEmwmq8
TechCrunch - Friends Around Me IPhone/iPad App Lets You Interact With Friends Or Strangers, Just Like They Were Really There - http://tcrn.ch/aveFuU by
TechCrunch - Tweetdeck Adds Location Column, Integrates Foursquare - http://tcrn.ch/d9PVWg by @mikebutcher
TechCrunch - YouTube Integrates Google Moderator - http://tcrn.ch/99tGKo by @jasonkincaid
==29 May 2010==
davewiner - My top tweets in a JavaScript include. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/zbwv
taterunino - Low care factor. Cuts off mid-sentence and fails to discuss why it might be a candidate for a humanitarian prize http://bit.ly/9Vai36
timoreilly - .@daeaves: "Open source communities think they are managing code but actually they are managing people." Nice. #g2e
TechCrunch - CrunchGear's Maker Bar at TechCrunch Disrupt: Assembling MP3 Players From Scratch - http://tcrn.ch/bD8YRj by
hrheingold - From previous tweet Design 4 America, brilliant infographic on how our laws are made http://bit.ly/aTKwh1
*[http://www.mikewirthart.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/howlawsmadeWIRTH2.jpg image]
chrismessina - The saga of OpenID Connect. In comic form. http://post.ly/gV0A /by @paulmadsen #sotrue
chrismessina - Hey, @BPGlobalPR, you don't think this is a veiled reference to you, do you? "What could possibly go wrong?" http://shar.es/mjI1f #oilspill
chrismessina - Reading about Facebook's new privacy controls: http://j.mp/fb-control They'll be accessible at http://facebook.com/privacy
TechCrunch - Latitude's New Dashboard View Is Exactly What Passive Location Needs - http://tcrn.ch/8XTFqC by @parislemon
hrheingold - Congress just sold us out on #NetNeutrality. Sign this letter and tell Congress it doesn't speak for us: http://freepr.es/aTpq4b
hrheingold - New Pew report: Reputation Managment & Social Media http://bit.ly/do0X54
TechCrunch - Boom, Indeed: Apple Passes Microsoft In Market Cap - http://tcrn.ch/c9M2R5 by @parislemon
chrismessina - Useful list of female speakers (who are on Twitter) by @balsamiq, including some of my favs (like @Brynn!): http://j.mp/bVtk6G #diversity
chrismessina - Excited for @t that he'll be working with Mozilla on advancing web standards! http://j.mp/tmoz + http://j.mp/ttkmoz /tip @techmeme
Catherine Ann Fitzpatrick - I have a piece on Facebook groups and the First Amendment suggesting govt regulation like TV & video games inevitable http://bit.ly/bP7QG6
Jan - Water in Malawi
chrismessina - RT @urbanairship: We're happy to announce that we're accepting beta users for our Android offering: http://bit.ly/awHvpL
chrismessina - Underwater video on the effects of chemical dispersants on the oil spill: http://youtu.be/Z7MD9ldxGgQ /via @lhl #bpfail #oilspill
chrismessina - Just installed the official Twitter App for LinkedIn. http://tweets.linkedin.com/install #opensocial #in
TechCrunch - "Plantly Is An Investment Tool That Aims Not To Suck" - http://tcrn.ch/cd2pMA by @parislemon
All tweets will be housed at Library of Congress
timoreilly - http://go.usa.gov is a gov URL shortener - lists the most popular gov URLs at any point. Built in Drupal, lives in the cloud. #g2e
TechCrunch - Yext Launches Realtime Reputation Management System For Local Businesses - http://tcrn.ch/bpkBLg by @leenarao
Scobleizer - Heh. Interesting way to pitch me on an idea. Say I suck at something. #bm @twitscoop did just that here: http://bit.ly/af2zst
loic - The results are in: Google's Pac-Man homage cost the world $120,483,800 in just one day http://ping.fm/UMomT
*Here is rescuetime's article:  http://blog.rescuetime.com/2010/05/24/the-tragic-cost-of-google-pac-man-4-82-million-hours/
==27 May 2010==
loic - playing a little Google Pacman http://ping.fm/J1iuv
davewiner - My instant review of Twitter's new business plan. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/zbbn
loic - Fees Coming for Firms Earning Income From Twitter | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD http://ping.fm/u5Qrh
==26 May 2010==
Gwyneth Llewelyn [Blog] Transcendence through Second Life: While I'm burning eyelashes on my other computer, swallowed by much-delay...
David Orban - oops, found it! RT @emasie: Google Launches Open Source, Cloud Based LMS: CloudCourse : http://tinyurl.com/3yqpqrs #forlic
chrismessina - Greenpeace's "Rebrand BP" competition. http://greenpeace.org.uk/behindthelogo /via @konigi #oilspill
chrismessina - Do read this: "How tech innovation favors the rich" http://bit.ly/ayzm6o /by @plamb #diversity
How to pick a Linux distro
TechCrunch - Appbistro Is Building An Application Marketplace For Facebook Pages - http://tcrn.ch/clu4rJ by @robinwauters
dsearls - Managing Relationships, Not Each Other: http://bit.ly/bwKN7x #vrm #crm
davewiner - inessential.com: Apps that work together — on iPad. http://r2.ly/8tjm
loic - must watch video: everything Jeff Bezos knows http://ping.fm/PNhAX
cshirky - Friend skeptical of using Kickstarter, saying she worrles about "looking like Diaspora." (Like @mushon said: http://bit.ly/9oEvaI)
TechCrunch - Soluto Figures Out What's Bogging Down Your PC (And Tells You How To Fix It) - http://tcrn.ch/a7llpv by @jasonkincaid
==25 May 2010==
==25 May 2010==
TechCrunch - FluidDB Aims To Become The Wikipedia Of Databases - http://tcrn.ch/dbdCo5 by @erickschonfeld
davewiner - We should have had a rule saying third parties are not allowed to insert ads into RSS feeds. There goes Feedburner. Talk about irony.
TechCrunch - MySpace Co-Presidents Talk About The Future And Each Other - http://tcrn.ch/dqvQRP by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch - Carol Bartz Talks With Michael Arrington At TechCrunch Disrupt - http://tcrn.ch/9leMnh by @parislemon
TechCrunch - Tunerfish Jumps Out Of The Water At #TCDisrupt - http://tcrn.ch/9WcSME by @robinwauters
Scobleizer - Congrats to @terrycojones for not listening to naysayers (including me) and getting funded! http://bit.ly/bDtr9T Great news.
loic - wondering why @arrington replaced @ustream by @livestream at #tcdisrupt must be a sponsorship I guess
TechCrunch - Funny Or Die Pulling In Tens Of Millions In Revenue Thanks To Freedom, Cheapness - http://tcrn.ch/cHZ5w3 by @parislemon
davewiner - Twitter Blog: The Twitter Platform. http://r2.ly/3tu8
loic - Did Twitter Just Kill TweetUp Minutes After Its Launch? - http://tcrn.ch/dsIwuE by @robinwauters /via @TechCrunch
loic - BREAKING: Twitter Bans All Third Party Twitter Ad Platforms http://tnw.to/16DxC /via @Zee
==24 May 2010==
==24 May 2010==
Line 23: Line 225:
dsearls - It bothers me a bit that I love this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZegZSBvXXEk& #children #porkchop #lizard  
dsearls - It bothers me a bit that I love this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZegZSBvXXEk& #children #porkchop #lizard  
Scobleizer - Hello from my iPad on the road via Sprint EVO tethering. Now you see why I didn't buy a 3G iPad version.  
Scobleizer - Hello from my iPad on the road via Sprint EVO tethering. Now you see why I didn't buy a 3G iPad version.  

Latest revision as of 15:20, 31 May 2010