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==31 May 2010==
chrismessina - Evidence that data IS capital! From the @NYTimes: Web Start-Ups Offer Bargains for Users’ Data http://nyti.ms/blFLYz /tip @techmeme
Scobleizer - Let's all play @lifehacker for a few, post some "INTERNET LIVING TIPS" here: http://bit.ly/dtQ4X6 <<--
Scobleizer - One reason I won't hype up Google Buzz like I did FriendFeed: http://bit.ly/bfq8Pm
TechCrunch - NSFW: Never Mind The Bollocks - Why Carol Bartz Can't Say What Yahoo Is Now - http://tcrn.ch/bujvQv by @paulcarr
*What it should be: curation
davewiner - Thoughts about 'writing for the web'. http://r2.ly/58gb
davewiner - Amazing Archival Footage Of A Soviet Nuke Plugging A Leaking Gas Well. http://r2.ly/zcph
timoreilly - RT @Data4all #BP must copy Goldcorp http://j.mp/,5czXo release all #well data, create Web2.0-based global #crowdsourcing challenge
chrismessina - The Open Graph Protocol comes to Drupal: http://bit.ly/d4DPLF /by @scorlosquet via @Dries @abraham #rdf #rdfa
chrismessina - Me and @rsarver decided that after WebFinger the next protocols we want to work on are SalmonFinger and ChickenFinger. /cc @jpanzer #tanhf
chrismessina - Posted a screencast of my talk from @Gluecon on #XAuth: http://vimeo.com/12121710
davewiner - The Reddit guy is out to lunch, doesn't understand the first thing about how markets work.
TechCrunch - Guy Who Copied Digg Slams Digg For Copying Twitter - http://tcrn.ch/cdvzLy by @arrington
loic - I have only had negative comments about Les internautes sont-ils des narcissiques? @vinvin @scobleizer http://ping.fm/U4kil
John Carter McKnight - Tensions between norms of research and researched: how to negotiate identity while living in and studying online communities
Gwyneth Llewelyn - A different style of article on politics in #SL (or more precisely, in the Confederation of Democratic Simulators)
timoreilly - Must read by @tomforemski: Foxconn suicides: Time for fair trade electronics? Would you buy a fair trade iPhone? http://bit.ly/9k8YvG
davewiner - Video: Angel Investor Chris Dixon on Startups & Why the VC Model Is Broken. http://r2.ly/zcei
davewiner - Digg Wants to Be the Twitter of News. http://r2.ly/zcfr
TechCrunch - Source: Microsoft Bing Taking Over iPhone Search - http://tcrn.ch/aHTn40 by @arrington
Scobleizer - RT @building43 Reading RSS Feeds on iPhone/iPad with ASIHttpRequest and cocoa-rss http://bit.ly/bvhLUK
TechCrunch - Video: Evernote CEO Phil Libin Shares Revenue Stats (And How To Make Freemium Work) - http://tcrn.ch/9mWl7N by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch - With Extension Desktop Notifications, Chrome Now Even More Awesome - http://tcrn.ch/cxcAHP by @parislemon
TechCrunch - PostRank Creates A 'Friendfeed For Content' With Activity Streams Feature - http://tcrn.ch/bkf6e4 by @leenarao
hrheingold - My Brittanica blog post "Is multitasking evil? Or are most of us illiterate?" http://bit.ly/5R0sW5
hrheingold - "A time for focus, a time for distraction" by @alevin worth reading http://www.alevin.com/?p=1821
==30 May 2010==
==30 May 2010==

Revision as of 15:19, 31 May 2010