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==02 March 2010==
==03 March 2010==
timoreilly - Once again, @cshirky shows how to think about what's happening today. Shirky at NFAIS: How Abundance Breaks Everything http://bit.ly/dsNxYf
davewiner - "Basically, they want to eliminate the hard drive," the source said. http://r2.ly/z5gc
chrismessina - Looks like our advocacy paid off! Delicious now supports rel="me". http://goo.gl/fb/4FQ0 /via @dewitt #microformats
loic - the problem with that netbook is that even playing a youtube video is a challenge for its atom processor
chrismessina - "This year is going to be the year of the mobile for Virgin" Virgin switches to pure HTML http://bit.ly/bKo9de /via @dalmaer
loic - Browser security: "The main thing is not to install Flash!" http://ping.fm/ovee6
loic - Facebook Developers See Dramatic Drop In Traffic Following Removal Of Notifications http://ping.fm/SfghX
loic - blog post: Get a Facebook page and update it - number of fans will go up http://ping.fm/bjHXz
timoreilly - Microsoft suggests Net tax to clean and police computer networks http://bit.ly/dD75iQ
chrismessina - RT @jyri: Liking @jsmarr's step-by-step guide to implementing PubSubHubbub subscriber support http://bit.ly/9UHFOQ #pshb #push
==02 March 2010==
chrismessina - RT @azaaza: How Google quashed privacy concerns over Google Buzz. An infographic. http://bit.ly/brHyrO
chrismessina - RT @azaaza: How Google quashed privacy concerns over Google Buzz. An infographic. http://bit.ly/brHyrO

Revision as of 17:35, 3 March 2010