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==24 February 2010==
chrismessina - Fascinating details about the remote spying done at Lower Merion school district: http://bit.ly/a9Hx0g #lanrev #security #youarebeingwatched
TishShute - "7 Ways Augmented Reality Will Change Your Brain" from @thomaskcarpente http://bit.ly/ah2Tv9
taterunino - There's now a JIRA out there for the problems with the major increase in network consumption since 1.36.2. http://bit.ly/b0zalF
chrismessina - Browser choice, Euro style. http://flic.kr/p/7Fiuph #nascar
TishShute - Ray Kurzweil "the web is going to take over everything including our minds" #TOC
*(me: has already happened)
Prokofy - Crumpled Up in Sheer Despair at SL 2.0 Viewer http://bit.ly/9JTnG3
Tools of Change (TOC) conference
hrheingold - Commons/community based enterprises in current issue: Intnl Jrnal of the Commons http://www.thecommonsjournal.org/
mkapor - New Second Life Viewer is out #SLViewer2 http://bit.ly/apqtkE. Big step forward.
timoreilly - Kind of fun watching Foursquare try to understand that I'm on a moving train. Expands the notion of what kinds of "locations" to support
taterunino - A red-letter day for Second Life, Second Life 2.0 viewer and more http://bit.ly/a5KNXp
davewiner - Twitter Ad Platform 'Imminent.' http://r2.ly/7xjq
timoreilly - While I haven't read Jaron Lanier's book "We are not a gadget," his premise seems overblown. @dtaspscott has it right http://bit.ly/cK0IDu
Scoble on the new SL
Scobleizer - The Second Life news is breaking a little early:
chrismessina - Curious to see Apple seriously getting into the cloud business with their new data center: http://bit.ly/9inrso
timoreilly - RT @matthewburton A list of services that measure online influence http://bit.ly/akzASh light on twit tools like @peoplebrowsr
Prokofy - I don't think I have enough duct tape to seal all the holes against the Internet that is now going to come flooding into Second Life. Sigh.
*(he's taking about html on a prim)
==23 February 2010==
Scobleizer - 22 features I'd like in Google Buzz: http://bit.ly/9491uT Yo @elatable just a small list, can't you ship tomorrow? :-) Thanks!
Scobleizer - 22 features I'd like in Google Buzz: http://bit.ly/9491uT Yo @elatable just a small list, can't you ship tomorrow? :-) Thanks!

Revision as of 17:13, 24 February 2010