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TechCrunch - A Fix for Discrimination: Follow the Indian Trails - http://tcrn.ch/bzBlsc by @vwadhwa
loic - Does Tiger Woods Owe You An Apology? http://ping.fm/pJA7g
loic - Four Ways of Looking at Twitter http://ping.fm/wavR1
loic - of course someone had to create the most popular Google Buzzers list http://ping.fm/Mn34F
loic - A tour of the open standards used by Google Buzz http://ping.fm/wLaKt
davewiner - When Google says they're building on open standards, ask why they don't build on RSS. Is it not sufficiently open? Or standard?
chrismessina - Interesting comments from @mitchellbaker on Firefox, identity, and "the other monopolies": http://instapaper.com/zW0z3iqz #weave
davewiner - Touch devices don't have the concept of mouseover? They could, if finger is hovering over a spot but not touching screen. http://r2.ly/xmnz
loic - Why I've Fallen in Love with the Nexus One http://ping.fm/IdjA9
chrismessina - Zack Rosen on the failings of "semantic web researchers": http://www.zacker.org/semantic-web-research-isnt-working /via @johnbreslin
Ok Go on treadmills
timoreilly - The Atlantic: Management Secrets of the Grateful Dead http://bit.ly/aiu2l9 The Dead as pioneers of customer-focused best practices
Steven K. Roberts - real-life tinker toys:
davewiner - A brief essay on the bewildering complexity of the tools we use. http://r2.ly/xmai
davewiner - A brief essay on the bewildering complexity of the tools we use. http://r2.ly/xmai

Revision as of 00:00, 23 February 2010