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davewiner - "Come June, a bunch of my remaining [Twitter] apps will die." http://r2.ly/xemy
Prokofy - Greedy, Cynical Avatrian Scraper Bot Invades Privacy, Overrides Consent http://bit.ly/bM208R
davewiner - Facebook working on a Gmail competitor. http://r2.ly/xegq
Scobleizer - The more I hear the big ideas of #ted the more I'm convinced that what the world needs is micro ideas we can do in our kitchen.
chrismessina - Answers to: Where is Twitter going with OAuth? What's up with OAuth? http://bit.ly/whatsupwithoauth /by @raffi via @joshelman
TechCrunch - Aviary Now Free As A Bird - http://tcrn.ch/cL9Kgc
chrismessina - Improvements coming soon to Google Buzz based on your feedback! http://bit.ly/9Y7yGI /tip @techmeme #GoogleBuzz #agile
TechCrunch - The StartupBus: The True Story Of 12 Strangers Building Three Startups, Getting Real - http://tcrn.ch/aplZ6R
chrismessina - RT @atul: One Lesson From The Twitter Grader Screw-up: OAuth Rocks http://j.mp/d9nJhI #security
loic - we have to make the real world much more like online games to make it work better #ted
timoreilly - Cyber warfare: don't inflate it, don't underestimate it http://bit.ly/ambPZ4 Interview with author Jeffrey Carr re "The Great Equalizer"
chrismessina - RT @rww: Email as Identity: Google Turns on WebFinger http://bit.ly/9zmwrP #openid #diso
==11 February 2010==
chrismessina - "Breaking News": Yahoo! OpenID on @HuffPo http://bit.ly/dtMZfb /tip @techmeme via @mwinton grats @atom
pavig - Digital forgetfulness http://bit.ly/ckZL8j Food for thought
chrismessina - RT @bradfitz: WebFinger now enabled for all public google profiles / "gmail" names... http://bit.ly/ayYeld #webfinger #diso
cshirky - They have programmers at Google, right? Who know about the Web and stuff? Because #Buzz seems to have shipped with no way to close threads.
TechCrunch - Google Acquires Aardvark For $50 million - http://tcrn.ch/dqJgfV
davewiner - As you read this great essay by Doc Searls, ask yourself if Google has become "too big to fail." http://r2.ly/xdsg
davewiner - Google shuts down music blogs without warning. The 'Google Butt' team strikes again. http://r2.ly/xf3d
dsearls - Dig Sheila Lennon's post http://shenews.projo.com/2010/02/san-francisco-traffic-video-in.html and its amazing #video. #sanfrancisco
pavig - Stop selling scarcity http://bit.ly/9gre0R sound advice for (new) media folk.
chrismessina - Looking for Google Buzz help (or to file complaints!)? Here's the support forum: http://j.mp/buzz-help #googlebuzz
chrismessina - Looking for Google Buzz help (or to file complaints!)? Here's the support forum: http://j.mp/buzz-help #googlebuzz

Revision as of 17:22, 12 February 2010