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==03 February 2010==
==03 February 2010==
Messina - end-of-life ipod sale
Scobleizer - Oh @facebook innovates on suggested user lists. Much better than Twitter's approach: http://bit.ly/cfE4JN via @rww
timoreilly - This is part of why we invested in http://localdirt.com: Getting Underserved Communities Better Access To Fresh Food http://bit.ly/9wY2wZ
davewiner - Let's ask the Supreme Court if corporations can get married. Can a human marry a corporation? Or only heterosexual corporations?
timoreilly - well worth a read: Cloud Culture: promise and danger by Charles Leadbeater http://bit.ly/awDYpt
chrismessina - Because everyone needs an iPhone app: The mySXSW app has launched: http://bit.ly/8Z4K9l /via @withoutayard #ihopeitworksoffline
chrismessina - To clarify about OIX: other groups like Kantara will *also* certify OpenID providers. /thx @ve7jtb @brettmcdowell
chrismessina - Big news! Open Identity Exchange (OIX) has launched! OpenID providers can soon be certified! http://openidentityexchange.org /via @ve7jtb
chrismessina - "Google struggles with social skills" http://bit.ly/b0Nc7i /by @caro tip @techmeme feat @jsmarr (Good assessment of the challenges we face.)
Forbes 25 web celebrities
davewiner - Google's two-way search is good for the web. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/v6hh
timoreilly - Wow. Sublime Video HTML 5 video player. Looks awesome. http://bit.ly/cdksrR @grechaw says "Try on Safari (or Chrome), not Firefox."
Prokofy - The problem is, forums need to be nasty. That is there are very, very sharp disagreements to be had & they must be free.
11 Outstanding Online Resources for Web Developers
loic - Think I Won't Pay for Quality Web Content? Think Again. http://ping.fm/R66D5 Sent to you via Google Reader
davewiner - Mexico to ban Twitter? (To cut down on crime.) http://r2.ly/ttab
loic - live tweets on a map very cool http://ping.fm/vrszH
Mashable - New Debate on Blog Comments
davewiner - LOST SEASONS 1-5 RECAP IN "8 MINUTES 15 SECONDS". http://r2.ly/tsvy
chrismessina - A startling and enlightening [legal] condemnation of the use of H.264: http://instapaper.com/zeiec3q3 /via @dalmaer #patents
Prokofy - I made one of these dumb things but forgot the camera work http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/6053861/
Prokofy - I made one of these dumb things but forgot the camera work http://www.xtranormal.com/watch/6053861/

Revision as of 00:17, 4 February 2010