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==30 December 2009==
Anil Dash on Twitter lists
hrheingold - Somehow, I manage to be fragmented, distracted, AND addicted! If Inot skirting pathology, I don't feel like my exploration is risky enough.
Om - My Wish for 2010: A Personal Dashboard for the Social Web
New Usability Testing Tool Packs Power and Simplicity
chrismessina - RT @millenomi: SwapKit work-in-progress site now up: http://infinite-labs.net/swapkit /me: sharing data between iPhone apps! Sweet!
Parr - Using Social Media to Connect with Other Entrepreneurs
Scobleizer - Are you a geek? How many of these 75 geek tools do you have? http://shesgeeky.org/sg/2009/12/75-online-resources-for-geeks/ from @shesgeeky
O'Reilly - Identity, anonymity, and all things in between
Rheingold blogs about Social Media Classroom
Prokofy - Excellent round-up of the year in Second Life by Ciaran (Laval)
==29 December 2009==
Stallman - the Guardian trashes Facebook
O'Reilly - Linux anatomy
timoreilly - China's DIY Aviators Take Flight http://bit.ly/5rnb1Q (via @slashdot)
Collecta launches Real-Time search of MySpace
chrismessina - Would love to see Get Satisfaction integration of this in-app iPhone feedback product: http://bit.ly/4sWtd6 /via @grigs cc @monstro
Gwyneth - SL business (website)
Facebook Redesigns Help Center, Gives Unique URLs to Help Topics
mkapor - Jimmy Wales op-ed on civility in cyberspace http://bit.ly/51pxDn (WSJ)
pavig - Taking down a botnet http://www.pcworld.com/article/185122/good_guys_bring_down_the_megad_botnet.html offensive security
GwynethLlewelyn - @Prokofy Neva's most insightful article on what it takes to create an *interesting* virtual world: http://ping.fm/qbjBz
chrismessina - My thoughts on Facebook's growth potential, written up by @bobbiejohnson in the Guardian: http://bit.ly/8ioHCS Related: http://bit.ly/8Sqwc6
Scobleizer - Want to have live conversations like FriendFeed lets you, but better organized? http://livefyre.com/ is the way to go. Getting a demo now.
timoreilly - Today is Linus Torvalds' birthday. A meditation on how much we owe to his long ago birthday choice to buy a PC.... http://bit.ly/8ilfmz
==28 December 2009==
KathySierra - Why DO sites hilighting public humiliation (i.e. FAIL) get way more traffic than, say, TED talks? @leahjones blames Puck: http://is.gd/5ErN8
Messina - Hunch Correlations for The Settlers of Catan
mkapor - Worried that Google favoring its own apps (maps, shopping) will similarly quash innovation as did the MS Office monopoly.
Orban - 10 philosophical questions for the 21st century
Social Networks Only Pretend To Protect You
loic - activating and setting up Google Voice on my iPhone, Droid and Blackberry, same number for all
EFF - your kindle is spying on you
timoreilly - Good perspective from @mjasay: How open source became big business in 2009 http://bit.ly/6pjR4Y
loic - sad number of the day: my videos are watched on youtube at 50% by 40 years old+ people and only 25% women
chrismessina - RT @shelisrael: Detroit Underwear Terrorist says he follows Bin Laden, but only on Twitter. http://bit.ly/7lrXfS #lol
GwynethLlewelyn - Trying to figure out http://ping.fm/th3ZE . When registering to LinkShare, I don't get a "Create Links" tab. What gives?
GwynethLlewelyn - Just changed my twitter background, check it out! Found it at http://www.TwitterBackgrounds.com
timoreilly - Anatomy of a bad search result: 2nd law of thermodynamics applied to web spam http://bit.ly/8IBwpj (via @gnat)
arrington - Doesn't wordpress.com, etc. give everyone one? RT @tonysphere "You know, Freedom of the Press is only guaranteed to those who own one"
==26 December 2009==
pavig -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djVaJN0f0VQ Copying is FUN!!! Yay! [video]
Fail music (via Paul Carr)
pavig - editra looks interesting http://editra.org/ cross platform coders text editor WITH native interfaces on each platform (OSX,Win,Linux)
pavig - soviet childrens book robots - awesome!
Eiffel tower blueprints (via boingboing, via pavig)
Jack Bauer grills Santa (via Lessig)
loic - Recorded my ski run at the peak reached 89km/h http://ping.fm/WZJOZ
:Created by MyTracks on Android
GROU.PS DIY Social Network Platform Reaches 2 Million Users
==25 December 2009==
loic - I disagree with many points but @ewanspence has a good summary about #leweb 09 http://ping.fm/DJUW3 will come back to it
SCVNGR, the platform that lets you build location-based games compatible with any mobile phone
Google Voice Is Coming Back To The iPhone Via The Browser, Thanks To VoiceCentral
Tateru - hacking Blue Mars settings
10 News Media Content Trends
Gwyneth - virtual world search engine
Identitywoman and Internet Identity Workshop
Scobleizer - Happy 5th anniversary to @globalvoices who does a great job bringing us blogs from the world. Support their project: http://bit.ly/59dwwP
==24 December 2009==
Scoble doing Friendfeed on Facebook
timoreilly - David @Pogue Revisits DRM Question about #Ebooks: http://bit.ly/673jOz
Scobleizer - Yes @dgentry and others, I am sharing some items from Google Reader to see if @louisgray is right. He's not. Twitter still wins.
chrismessina - “Make Your Mockup in Markup” — An awesome ending to 24ways 2009 by Meagan Fisher — http://24ways.org/200924 /via @johnallsopp
Cashmore: 2010 the Year of digital distraction?
Tateru cites Wagner: Another jackass proclaims the death of Second Life
Scobleizer - Tay Zonday seriously DESTROYS "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxeYXyPv6lA&fmt=22 Thanks to @bradwilson
*The original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPBS7dVrE1U
chrismessina - PWN3D! http://img.ly/ix9
Twitter acquires Mixer Labs, creators of GeoAPI
Mashable - Social Good Trends in 2010
timoreilly - Amazing tale of threat responses in plants: Sorry, Vegans: Brussels Sprouts Like to Live, Too http://bit.ly/8l5UKQ
==23 December 2009==
timoreilly - Online Retailers Read Your Mind - how neuropsychology is being applied to online selling http://bit.ly/8S5ZnL
Scobleizer - Conversation for @corvida who laments the days of Twitter old when we actually talked with each other: http://ff.im/diY4M
Scobleizer - Interesting post by @joshdilworth in @mashable http://bit.ly/4Sghx1 says data is the new marketing. Hey, data is the new SEO? :-)
chrismessina - The state of the Twitter App ecosystem, circa April 2007: http://bit.ly/8zdKcj /via @kmakice (http://bit.ly/7R9KR6)
GwynethLlewelyn - The equivalent of AdSense for #SL? A get-paid-to-be-spammed service. It's actually a great idea! http://ping.fm/8oYt5
Scobleizer - The service I want for Gmail? Automatic removal from notifications. I want to stop getting Facebook, Foursquare, Cliqset, etc emails.
TishShute - awesome Kymera magic wand learns from ur remote control via @cdibona (now I need one for the cloud w AR goggles) http://bit.ly/7NrxE5
O'Reilly - the future of books
chrismessina - Transm.js 1.0 allows you to add programmable image transitions with Javascript: http://www.netzgesta.de/transm /via @dalmaer
KathySierra - 2010 goal: bigger push for biz to convert more marketing/ad $/talent/resources to user learning. Don't out-spend the competition, out-teach
chrismessina - "On the web, the new form of commerce is the exchange of personal information for something of value." -J. Rosenberg, Google #datacapital
mashable - Turns out u can follow me on Facebook by sending a friend request, w/o reciprocation. Who knew? http://fb.me/petecashmore
Scobleizer - Man Cliqset is getting tons of adoption. Is it the new hot shiny object?
Google and Norad track Santa
Play Your Music Collection In The Cloud With tunesBag
Creators of “HP Computers Are Racist” Video Speak
Orban - Widetag social energy meter
loic - Prediction for 2010: @scobleizer will spam us with wrong predictions for 2011 and we will still keep following him
timoreilly - Atlassian uses OpenSocial for application integration, not for its social features. Very cool: http://bit.ly/7SsZrP
pavig - http://bit.ly/65HEcr Climage change Skeptics VS Science infographic
Tateru interviewed in SL by SmarterTechnology
Scobleizer - 2010 Prediction: @davewiner will come out with a new activity stream called liquid nitrogen that will make my supertweet idea seem very lame
Scobleizer - Prediction for 2010: people will pay professional haters and trolls as they realize that hate is the new SEO.
Scobleizer - Prediction for 2010: @aplusk and @oprah will start a coupon service based on a @foursquare-like location service.
Ito plugs Rheingold - Participative Pedagogy for a Literacy of Literacies
timoreilly - Fabulous discussion here about why those with DIY skills have an advantage. See last comment from Steven Roberts: http://bit.ly/4KmHsr
:Steven K. Roberts, website: http://microship.com/
:Don Lancaster: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Lancaster
O'Reilly - Playing With Foursquare Data
chrismessina - Is someone really claiming to own the #UKSnow hashtag?! Claim: http://bit.ly/5efLoJ Backstory: http://bit.ly/8fxeA0 #omg #copyfail
*Messina's original hashtag proposal: http://factoryjoe.com/blog/2007/08/25/groups-for-twitter-or-a-proposal-for-twitter-tag-channels/
==22 December 2009==
Google, Rome, and Empire
Twitter Streaming API Documentation
:Seigler reports that Friendfeed now uses the birddog mode
Cashmore - 10 Web trends to watch in 2010
timoreilly - Amazing time-lapse video http://bit.ly/86Go1r as @m_reese animates a lesson from @oreillybrett's Great Java course: http://bit.ly/5z1z6M
*OOP video: http://vimeo.com/8324167
*Great Java, objects model objects: http://vimeo.com/8334021
Social media predictions
:“I see velvet rope social networks, where some kind of gating to keep out the commons will occur.” - Chris Brogan, president, New Marketing Labs
:“Twitter will offer a premium level option that’ll allow the creation of hosted invite only discussions.” - Marc Meyer, principal, Digital Marketing Response Group
A curated collection of interesting things
CSS zen garden
chrismessina - RT @analogcoop: We’ve just wrapped up an early Christmas present for you all – our #grid tool: http://hashgrid.com #omgyum
chrismessina - "BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications." http://backpress.org /via @beaulebens by way of http://dntd.cc/8l
For Google, The Meaning Of Open Is When It’s Convenient For Them
Scoble asks for (and gets) help for his Facebook page
OCC de Noël
Scoble - pros and cons of RT
Scoble - see what you're friends are buying thanks to @pud
chrismessina - RT @skairam: Tom Mitchell of CMU on balancing benefits of mining personal & activity data w/ privacy concerns. http://bit.ly/5eDNXT
timoreilly - RT @BenBerkowitz: Citizens helping neighbors to keep their apt. heat on: http://bit.ly/1M6VdD Distributed immunity when institution fails.
Apple May get into The Cable Industry (via iTunes)
chrismessina - The meaning of open, from Google's perspective. http://bit.ly/7oSRT0 /cc @johnolilly @cbeard @daveman692
Appolicious Now Delivers Personalized App Recommendations To The iPhone
Mashable - Wave goodbye to 2009
TechCrunch - Facebook Uses FriendFeed As A Testing Ground For The Next Generation Of OAuth http://is.gd/5wDjr by @parislemon
==21 December 2009==
TechZulu interviews sprouter
daveman692 - Implementing OAuth WRAP on FriendFeed and ultimately within Facebook Connect. http://bit.ly/5xiY76 and http://bit.ly/5NBsil from @btaylor
DIY Meebo bar
Maracas - Men writing advice columns
Maracas - graphic design favors
*[http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4040/4194962172_49567979f7_o.jpg jpg]
Justin.tv Unifies Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, And Their Own Chat
timoreilly - Agree w @jpatanooga: if pg&e used openPDC for their smart grid project, they might have been on the right track http://bit.ly/4gZjSB
chrismessina - Another good post on the "standardizing" of Twitter's API. http://bit.ly/4UsNhu /by @Carnage4Life via @daveman692
TC - The Start Project
Mashable - ebooks about social media
Gwyn - comparison of Blue Mars and Second Life
O'Reilly - four bad bears
Messina - Defriend Facebook to fight Obsession
Scobleizer - If I ask @vark about why the @google - @yelp deal died do you think I would get a good answer?
Scobleizer - And, @mattcutts, I'll think about how to improve the results more and blog about them later. @tomsalzer yes, I'm an elitist. :-)
Scobleizer - Everyone should see @dannysullivan's look at Google's real time results: http://bit.ly/4o2BnM that's what I mean @mattcutts @tomsalzer
Scobleizer - To fix Google's problem I would white-label lists of people. @agrundner asked. Have humans approve lists from http://listorious.com
Scobleizer - Damn, I'm sounding like @ajkeen Google is pushing the most inane stuff into real time results thanks to Twitter. Will Google come to resent?
hrheingold - Added Rosen/Shirky video http://jr.ly/qbzd to my Sprout on why history of public sphere matters in Internet age http://bit.ly/bOlDS
loic - Foursquare does not have a city in Jackson Hole but Gowalla does, its iPhone app is super polished too
Ribbit Mobile Gets An iPhone App By Sticking To Voicemail
==20 December 2009==
O'Reilly - buzzwords of 2009
Gwyn - Draxtor video on Virtual Worlds as Green Workplaces
davidorban - I favorited a YouTube video -- Top 10 quirky science tricks for Christmas parties http://bit.ly/6VUcgF
TC/Segal - ambient streams
Kathy Sierra - applies to more than horses: RT @robinshen "I train my horse slowly because I do not have the patience to do it quickly"
pavig - http://bit.ly/4wP3Ab 800 tracks of classical music for iphone $1 !!!
TC - communicate from iPhone to iPhone using Blipr
pavig - Google Wave... Microsoft Surface... strange how the killer app for every new technology is playing D&D innit.
Paul Carr: my publisher will disown me after I pirate my book on TechCrunch
Arrington - Celebrity Twitter Directory
The Best and the Worst Tech of the Decade
Ribbit is Kevin Marks' company
Google to acquire DocVerse
pavig - http://www.evolver.com/ web based avatar generation engine (licensable) looks quite useful for VW developers
pavig - http://bit.ly/7Q8ZDA Blue mars gets interesting with in-world flash. Hurry up LL!!!
timoreilly - Researchgate (no, not Climategate) - a social media platform for scientists, written up in BusinessWeek: http://bit.ly/4zZ0iy
Google Experimenting With Browser Login For Chrome OS
==19 December 2009==
loic - I favorited a YouTube video -- Do You Use Twitter at Conferences?
*Blog: http://chris.pirillo.com/should-twitter-be-banned-at-conferences/
timoreilly - PastryKit: A Tip-Off To Apple Plans to "Reinvent Publishing"? http://bit.ly/6eJEtH #ebooks
Wordpress 2.9 "Carmen"
chrismessina - RT @azaaza: ChromeOS moving the login screen to be handled by the Chrome Browser. Identity will be browser-based soon. http://bit.ly/6VcEMk
Tateru - Blue Mars limited-term pioneer pricing plans announcement
Loic - Responding Faster To Complaints About Your Competitors
arrington - this all started when @scobleizer joined them :-) RT Rackspace Goes Down. Again. Takes The Internet With It. Again. http://bit.ly/7wxJUj
TechCrunch - Rackspace Goes Down. Again. Takes The Internet With It. Again. http://is.gd/5sQ5q by @parislemon
Scobleizer - Wow http://bit.ly/4A4fnk some people have time to do some awesome art. Watch this movie, thanks @laughingsquid for bringing it to us.
Scobleizer - Where do I go? See a heat map of my @foursquare checkins and make your own at http://bit.ly/86I4Lc
Foursquare’s Facebook Integration Now Live for iPhone Users
Scobleizer - http://startups.com from @garzuaga looks very interesting! Community for entrepreneurs. Would love to know more.
Google, Joseph Smarr, Kevin Marks, OpenSocial, Plaxo
Lacy - Colossus
chrismessina - Not only is Etherpad using Git on Google Code, but the app is also entirely written in Javascript
chrismessina - The Twitter API is finished. Now what? http://bit.ly/twapifin /by @anildash via @steveivy #oauth #diso #apis
==18 December 2009==
Track Social Media Engagement for Any Website With PostRank
O'Reilly - worlds largest spherical photo
Shorewood High lip-dub, shot backwards
loic - I have seen this Bucatti car parked today watch this video, 400km/h! http://ping.fm/LxdAN
O'Reilly - Masterminds of Programming
Bambuser and Ustream apps to stream from iPhone to web
Scobleizer - I just donated $25 to @AriBurton and http://www.TheMatrix.mx -- they are building low-cost supercomputers out of Playstations for schools.
chrismessina - Awesome OAuth flowchart for the Digg API /via @shupp
timoreilly - Very cool visualization from @nickbilton: A Day in the Life of NYTimes.com http://bit.ly/8vhH1m
Scobleizer - It is clear now that Palm misjudged device market. It has best OS and best developer environment but crappy small screen. @gartenberg ?
Scoble - Rackspace cloud
*on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=107780097063&topic=12675
mashable - Thanks to @telegraphtech for profiling Mashable today: http://bit.ly/4C3u8g
Click a Button to Translate an Entire Google Site
KathySierra - Just started playing w/ visual organizer Spaaze for book planning/storyboards--it's a virtual corkboard. thanks @newman5!
==17 December 2009==
Messina - Project Ares is the first mobile development environment hosted entirely in a browser
O'Reilly - Posterous The Copy-and-Post Revolution in (Micro) Blogging
chrismessina - "So yes, HTML5 and the mobile web are clearly up to the task of building rich and powerful apps." http://j.mp/86xcvy /via @dewitt #gmail
:The Iterative Web App: Feature-Rich and Fast
Second Life's Caledon expands to Blue Mars
chrismessina - Refreshed oauth.net pending a full redesign. Also moved to a new, faster server! Yay! /cc @lhalff @schupp @therazorblade @Blaine
Rally Brings Location With Only Your Real Friends
O'Reilly - hobbypreneurs
TishShute - great look at some 3rd cloud formations in @mikekuniavsky's latest presentation on devices & services http://bit.ly/76Vtu1
loic - been waiting for that for a long time: Google helps clean up your contacts http://ping.fm/NHaNI
davidorban - Citizen video journalism greatly empowered by YouTube Direct
davidorban - RT @leeander: I just saw a cool website (gov2.0) with dynamic maps and twitter integration  thanx @citizen_bob
Scobleizer - I love the new RT feature @zard and wish the old one disappears. @tweetie has a feature called "quote" which is better.
Ex-MySpace Execs Launch Gravity Into Private Beta
RRW - RockYou Hacker says 30% of Sites Store Plain Text Passwords
:"Server owners can use third-party sites for authentications, like Facebook, Google, OpenID or OAuth." he said. "Why the [redacted] would they want user passwords? I don't understand that."
RRW - OpenID Ends 2009 With 1 Billion Accounts
TishShute - Tomorrow from @iftf The Futurecast is virtual
Messina - Vimeo Sued By Capitol Records Over Lip Dubs
Google Browser Size Helps Keep Your Content Above The Fold
Tateru - Second Life's Nascera continent
Foursquare teams up with Waze
RepairPal is Google Health For Cars
loic - cover page of lepoint.fr (french) about @queenrania and @leweb http://bit.ly/6ASC3U by @guillaumegralletgrallet
Messina - OpenID Year in Review
Fake Steve Jobs Seeks Way Out of "Operation Chokehold"
KathySierra - Hilight of my week: watching a creative guy discover Comic Life for the first time:
Facebook's Preferred Developer Consultant Program
*Facebook developer wiki: http://wiki.developers.facebook.com/index.php/Main_Page
AdWhirl Open Sources its iPhone SDK
chrismessina - Just forked Fluidium on GitHub and did my first evar push! I'm such a n00b! Yay! /cc @itod
chrismessina - LinkedIn's OAuth documentation: http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1008 and common issues: http://developer.linkedin.com/docs/DOC-1121
Mashable - Rules for Increasing Community Engagement
O'Reilly - The Importance Of What You Say
Appolicious tries to make sense of the 100,000 apps on Apple’s App Store, but with a social twist
Control your computer from your iPhone
Winners of Mashable's Open Web Awards
Project Honey Pot against spam
*Join: http://www.projecthoneypot.org/create_account.php
Digg Plus StumbleUpon Equals Diggstr
Download Seth's book
SEO is less important
:Google has built systems that aren’t Page Rank controlled anymore and are giving far better analytics to small businesses than they did a year ago. They know a LOT more about your behavior now other than you clicked on a link, even to the extent that they know whether you called that business or bought something and THAT is changing the skills SEO/SEM types need to have.
iPhone developers abandoning apps for HTML5 pages
==16 December 2009==
Prokofy - I've been saying the Internet caused the global financial crisis & no one was listening. Now Newsweek says it
Prok - where to buy chickens
arrington - or: see wife check in at yr best friend's house. you drive by check in. then bar. then gun shop. then back at friends. then check in at jail
arrington - someone should write a book with nothing but foursquare checkins.
chrismessina - [Chromium] Security in Depth: The Extension System: http://bit.ly/5OU9nv /cc @ragavan @cbeard @azaaza
chrismessina - How to Screw Your OSS Customers: http://bit.ly/76MCQR /by @gstein #mysql #apache #gpl $ORCL
KathySierra - Thinking *everyone* should read "Designing with Intent: How designers can/should influence behavior" http://bit.ly/75bdKn (via @frogdesign)
timoreilly - Nice article about NextJump, a really intriguing e-commerce company. These guys know the power of data. http://bit.ly/8Or6PK
lessig - The amazing souls at iFixit liberate all their repair documents under a #CreativeCommons license. Bravo! http://bit.ly/5CZMZB
chrismessina - Linking Your Facebook Account on Yahoo! http://j.mp/fb-yahoo /by @danielraffel #openid #fbconnect
Critical Path delivers mobile and identity management applications under the Memova brand
JS-Kit Rebrands As Echo
Tateru - Property, Second Life, backups and you
Scoble - What Counts seminar on video in email
:using video in email can increase your click-through rates by 2-3 times"
pavig - Amazing archeological find of lost civilisation http://www.youtube.com/webby?x=z9c_1V_eTlw
Jesse - Potential FriendFeed Hole Allows Users to Embed Web Bugs
Scobleizer - Developers: @jesse has been raving about @kynetx which is doing a new platform for real time web. I learn more here: http://bit.ly/4MyDfF
:A new platform from Kynetx has tools that let developers use customer preferences to add features to Web sites, regardless of the browser.
chrismessina - Good post by @JesseEngle on the future of @CoTweet given Twitter's foray into business services: http://bit.ly/8JOLwN
Social Networking website for Open Source Professionals, Users, and Believers
loic - nice to see huge French social software Skyblog and CEO Pierre Bellanger getting coverage http://ping.fm/aXN90
TishShute - must read post @davidmoliver on Google Phone http://bit.ly/7H9Dp5 I agree @anselm 2010 power of "white box" shift unleashed on mobile #AR
loic - Seth Godin has published a free ebook called What Matters Now by @fredwilson http://ping.fm/gRFih
Maracas - Top 12 Copybot Myths
Maracas - I have to have something to show prospective clients this week so would you be able to pull something together in the next few days?
==15 December 2009==
pavig - Artrage 3 is out!!! Fantastic natural media paint program win32/OSX http://www.artrage.com/ Highly recomended
LinkedIn's faceted search
chrismessina - Facebook Moves to Standardize and Own Customer IDs: http://j.mp/fb-identity /tip @techmeme by @dmac1 in BusinessWeek. #openid #fbconnect
Scobleizer - "I'm not building an audience, I'm building a community," @leolaporte on http://bit.ly/8lsPgH great video. "We're having a conversation."
For and against Oracle's acquisition of MySQL
TechCrunch - The Wall Opens A Bit More: Facebook To Publish User Updates To Twitter This Week http://is.gd/5nVFc by @parislemon
:"Yes, at some point this week, Facebook will roll out the ability to send your status updates to its rival, Twitter, we’ve confirmed"
hrheingold - Bookmarked: Wired how-to wiki on how to un-Facebook yourself http://bit.ly/5YxeEy
Bit.ly goes Pro
timoreilly - Business ecology and the four customer currencies (time, money, skill, and passion). Good one, @ericries http://bit.ly/7ODVp2
loic - Ho.ly Sh.it th.is sh.ort u.rl w.ar is get.ing ug.ly
loic - very nice photo report of #leweb 2009 by LeJournalduNet http://bit.ly/5OqIyV
chrismessina - RT @37signals: Developers: We've got APIs for Basecamp, Highrise, Backpack, and now Campfire. http://developer.37signals.com
Scobleizer - Twitter starts adding contributor features for businesses: http://blog.twitter.com/2009/12/feature-test-with-businesses.html thanks @tahpot
chrismessina - Tim van Damme's (@maxvoltar) great article on CSS Animations on @24ways. http://24ways.org/2009/css-animations /via @Cocoia #html5
arrington - This is going in my book. When u screw up a story this badly - http://bit.ly/4vgG7r - you write follow ups like this - http://bit.ly/5B54nu
:So this explains why Arrington was pissed at Ulanoff
arrington - facebook is way overly sensitive about foursquare.
loic - I uploaded a YouTube video -- Unboxing a Nokia Booklet 3G Netbook http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcFYEGeKWjU&feature=autoshare_twitter
chrismessina - Don't miss @Brynn's talks on digital ethnography for SxD: http://bit.ly/7iNmD2 ...and innovation with design thinking: http://bit.ly/72tkih
hrheingold - Great student notes on public sphere theory
HipChat Is Yammer For The Masses
Simple geo is the easiest way to use location
chrismessina - Clarifying a few things about Twitter typographics (i.e. hashtags + slashtags): http://tr.im/fj_typographics /cc @aral @stoweboyd @karllong
TechCrunch - Goo.gl Gets Into The Short URL Game http://is.gd/5ny8N by @leenarao
mashable - fb.me: Facebook Now Has Its Own URL Shortener - http://bit.ly/77X0IR
chrismessina - Wrote up the #ShortLink problem w/ proposals: http://twitter.pbworks.com/Short-Links /cc @lqd @atebits @socialiteapp @tweetdeck @askseesmic
Scobleizer - Yo @nickhalstead we finally installed @TweetMeme on my blog: http://scobleizer.com and http://building43.com thanks @kr8tr !
Scobleizer - My challenge to @rackspace: http://bit.ly/4LrZ4z can we enable 15-minute $100 microbusinesses using Twitter's firehose feed? @rsarver
loic - @scobleizer @zee I would love to but that is not accurate, we have acquired Google in fact.
KathySierra - 1 way to improve a product might not mean changing the product, but improving what the user is able to do with it. Upgrade user, not product
Scobleizer - Yup @danstuart I know Black Box Republic is sex-positive. You should check out @maymaym's good review of BBR: http://bit.ly/84Qs99
timoreilly - Oh, the irony! RT @codinghorror: codinghorror Monty, Stallman trying to put the GPL genie back in the bottle: http://is.gd/5nknx
chrismessina - Made a @TeuxDeux Fluid icon: http://flic.kr/p/7nN2Ze /cc @swissmiss @FictiveEvan @FictiveCameron @jbrewer #ssb
O'Reilly - code for America
timoreilly - Really good post by @pkedrosky: How Google Eats Its Own Tail http://bit.ly/5ZVIw6 Google's ultimate vulnerability to Twitter and Facebook.
:Kedrovsky's dishwasher again
chrismessina - The InvisibleShield for iPhones and MacBooks are great -- no more scratches! And, they're 50% off today: http://zagg.com #deal
Loic - The Twitterfication Of Facebook Is Almost Complete
Shirky - Fred Wilson weighs in on the search spam (junk content) question
Loic - Netvibes Wasabi Introduces a Whole New Way to Manage the Real-Time Web
loic - RT @stephtara: another guest post: "Why do we need things like #LeWeb?" by official blogger @abarrera http://bit.ly/8lETIB
loic - RT @worldsporttv: RT @join1goal: @queenrania 's speech at #leweb has given us a surge of new followers! sign at http://www.join1goal.org/
loic - my huge frustration about my own #leweb is that I did not see anyone to focus on making the stage go well. Hope to see you soon :)
==14 December 2009==
Leweb videos on ustream
T-Mobile Partners on Google Phone
:"That partnership also explains why the Google Phone will use GSM rather than CDMA technology, limiting it to AT&T or T-Mobile: Google (Google) only made the decision after Verizon passed on the opportunity to market the device, according to MediaMemo."
With a New Phone, Google May Challenge Apple
chrismessina - Curious about all these simple menubar-based sharing apps... first @getcloudapp, now @droplr? See http://getcloudapp.com + http://droplr.com
loic - When Google Runs Your Life http://ping.fm/NXE0K
O'Reilly - post to delicious from Twitter
Tateru - Second Life script-limitations are long-delayed
Chris Brogan's wordpress blog uses the thesis theme
Lifestreaming Project StoryTlr Goes Open Source
Video of Chinese Rocket Swooshing By Commercial Airplane
Arrington - Gruber answers Stross about ATT
Arrington - Dishwashers, and How Google Eats Its Own Tail
:"To a first approximation, the entire web is spam when it comes to appliance reviews"
Hacking the Nexus 1 holiday game
Scobleizer - Who is going to get more bad PR this week: Facebook or Tiger Woods? I vote Facebook. Their shift toward Twitter is going to be costly.
chrismessina - RT @rww: Google is being infiltrated on a vast scale by content farms. Google should be worried; and is. http://bit.ly/68LAmv
KathySierra - Not all true experts in a field are the high-profile/keynoters and not all high-profile/keynoters are the true experts (tho lots of overlap)
Paul Carr on Anina and ego-apps
timoreilly - BoingBoing says Make: Electronics is a great new book to learn hands-on electronics http://bit.ly/77tul9
:Makershed diy kits: http://www.makershed.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=MKEE2
loic - Adamo XP, Sony Vaio X, Lenovo X301 or HP Envy 13?
Crowdspring is back up
==13 December 2009==
timoreilly - An alternate perspective on iphone, from @NYTimes: AT&T Takes the Blame, Even for the iPhone’s Faults http://bit.ly/5NFtnU via @hackerjack60
loic - @scobleizer your tweet is misleading some people like @dangillmor understood some bloggers were PAID to go to leweb and that NEVER happened
loic - @scobleizer of course many bloggers paid to go to leweb we only have very few free passes like official bloggers what's the problem?
Scobleizer - Yup, I am seeing the same "McMedia" that @arrington is. Some tech blogs paid to go to LeWeb, can you name them? http://bit.ly/4Mz0Ys
timoreilly - Mike Cane argues that #ebooks are going to be only one battleground between Apple and Google. http://bit.ly/5mYzIz via @eoinpurcell
KathySierra - Still hoping we move more to Learn Globally, Party Locally. More conferences online, paired w/ simultaneous real-time local meetup/events.
chrismessina - RT @aral: Introducing Twitterformats: community-driven, client-side APIs for extending Twitter: http://aralbalkan.com/2807 #microsyntax
timoreilly - Explore the galaxy at different wavelengths! Beautiful. http://www.chromoscope.net/ from @jodrellbank via @titforrat
chrismessina - This is awesome, but how do I add the Twitter API to my self-hosted WordPress blog? http://wp.me/pf2B5-Rz /via @wordpressdotcom
Shute - Open NY Forum (promoted by the Open Planning Project)
WordPress Integrates With Twitter API, letting you post from Twitter apps
Seth Goldstein says The Medium Is No Longer The Message, You Are
Wahdwa on Selling for Survival
timoreilly - Humans may be born with an urge to help. http://bit.ly/8DpXMt Study shows this is one of the things that distinguishes us from chimps
Google CEO Eric Schmidt Dismisses the Importance of Privacy
Fake Steve Jobs takes on ATT
timoreilly - Browser market share infographic "reminiscent of the Firefox logo, ...freaky in the best possible way" says @bjepson http://bit.ly/672t3L
Webkit, the open source layout engine (used by the App store, Safari, Chrome, etc.)
TC - eGether, A Social Network For Pitching And Getting Pitched, Without The Email Overload
hrheingold - Of course, meandering is part of what I've decided I'm SUPPOSED to be doing, at least part of the day.
hrheingold - The way I spend my attention online is under my control only if I practice controlling it.
chrismessina - Dear @twitter: here's a mockup for how you could better handle those ugly short urls: http://flic.kr/p/7n5NNk
Blippy, to let Everyone See Your Credit Card Transactions
hrheingold - "Wikipedia: the educator's friend (!)" http://bit.ly/7K1diQ
loic - RT @Elodiebc a good and fair post about @loic - http://www.sansobjet.fr/2009/12/la-peur-de-la-reussite/ (Merci @gonzague)
Rheingold - crap detection
*aluminum foil deflector beanie http://zapatopi.net/afdb/
*endangered tree octopus http://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/
New features in Google search, including the Quick Scroll extension for Chrome
KathySierra - Either an event is a high priority -- as a professional opportunity -- or it isn't. We must support what we value, value what we support.
KathySierra - Do not "get" the desire/expectation to present at events within our *own* profession that we don't value enough to pay to attend.
==12 December 2009==
loic - the BBC summary of LeWeb http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8405554.stm
Tara Hunt - Le Web or Le Clique?
:from the comments, Paul Downing: "And maybe next year go to d.construct or reboot, better european events."
Mobcast Brings Geo To Facebook And Your iPhone
Mashable - programmer journalists
TechCrunch - Have Geeky Friends, Will Travel
:*Silicon Sentier http://siliconsentier.org/
:*La Cantine http://lacantine.org/
mashable - Mozilla Guy to Users: Leave Google, Switch to Bing - http://bit.ly/5jsAVa
Scobleizer - Ahh http://listorious.com has new Twitter list competition: @tweetdeck http://post.ly/El1g most excellent way to find lists!
Scobleizer - Hey @marshallk nice article on why Facebook is moving people to "public" status. http://bit.ly/57ojQV they needed to do this to serve search
davidorban - RT @doctorow: Doing an in-world Second Life interview on #CopperRobot next Weds 8AM Pacific http://craphound.com/?p=2534
pavig - Evil Santas and the kids that know them http://www.sun-sentinel.com/entertainment/holiday/sfl-scaredofsanta-ugc,0,7181908.ugcphotogallery
Scobleizer - 157 French Startups on Twitter: http://twitter.com/cgiorgi/french-startups Awesome! How about lists like this for EVERY country?
Scobleizer - Why is http://cliqset.com/ taking off? I'm getting tons of requests all of a sudden from people on this social network aggregation service.
timoreilly - Fascinating (and somewhat depressing) story about piracy and the #iPhone app store. One game developer's research. http://bit.ly/4s5Qdj
hrheingold - Future of the Forum symposium archive http://bcnm.berkeley.edu/fotf/archive.html #FTOF
chrismessina - I'm sympathetic to this take on the Facebook privacy changes, but it lacks a "global" perspective. http://bit.ly/6zqyez /by @trueslant
mashable - Kill Off Your Facebook Identity With Seppukoo
hrheingold - I also wrote a white paper for National Geo on new literacies: (PDF) http://futurefundamentals.org/pdfs/white_paper_howard_rheingold.pdf
timoreilly - 2.5 million API queries to Nasa's Martian map in first two weeks. Michelle Viotti at online #gov20 conference. http://bit.ly/7eHyNe
timoreilly - Facebook friends of friends is equivalent to "everyone" with a fig leaf. ==Schneier's "security theater", an illusion of additional privacy
KathySierra - Pounding on locked front gates, demanding to be let in, is a strategy for social change. But sometimes the back patio door is wide open.
KathySierra - RT @jamestodhunter "Conference attendance not a real indicator of commitment. I'd rather work with a beaver than a peacock" (via @innovate)
O'Reilly - WSJ interviews Luke Hohmann on Serious Games
:"Society is changing, and leadership structures are shifting. The command-and-control business structure is fading, and if you look at the next generation, you see a flattening hierarchy. Elements of a person’s personal life carry into professional life. Facebook and Twitter are dominated by the social, not corporate, side of existence, and now we want to use social games to solve corporate problems."
Tateru - Why Second Life inventory transactions fail
Mashable - Facebook’s New Privacy Push Concerns Experts
mkapor - Consensus: If D.C. = "Hollywood for ugly people", then Silicon Valley = "H'wood for geeks". Thanks all, for yr participation
Shute - VoiceChat turns Google Wave into a smart phonecall
LeWeb – Startup Competition Finalists: Cloudsplit, Stribe, Tigerlily
Rheingold - EFF on FB privacy changes
Apple purchased Lala to bring iTunes to the web
Rubaiyat - I'm Yours (ukulele)
Shute - 3D video projection mapping on buildings
:via @TishShute RT @Dr_Manhattan @BettinaTizzy
Scobleizer - I wish my bags could tweet. That way I would know what city they end up in.
Pavig - Walt Disney's creative organisation chart
The Facebook Privacy Fiasco Begins
chrismessina - Twitter's UI sprite PNG could be compressed by 24.3%. That'd be a lot of bandwidth saved! http://flic.kr/p/7mMvjy /cc @rsarver @stop @al3x
Messina - 37signals on the end of the edge case
KathySierra - Love @37signals template, "Better to build half a [z] than a half-assed [z]". They say z=product, but imagine presentation, book, course...
chrismessina - Five reason to drop NDAs: http://j.mp/drop-ndas /me I concur. /cc @brynn
Wikihow gets pretty
==11 December 2009==
chrismessina - RT @EllnMllr: Open Government Directive embraces the 8 Open Data Principles: http://bit.ly/89rMoC #opengov
Mashable - video with Google Street View
GeoAPI Adds User Creation, Foursquare, YouTube, And Weatherbug Data
Scobleizer - Damn, I love my Canon 5D MKII and @youtube 's HD. Check out the quality: http://bit.ly/6W76uP make sure you turn on HD.
KathySierra - Read @cliffatkinson's new book, Backchannel, cover-to-cover. It may be the "Don't Make Me Think" of presentations. Yes, it is *that* good.
chrismessina - Sweet! @ciberch announced the MySpace real-time stream using Activity Streams, PubSubHubBub, and open standards! http://is.gd/5gMNt #diso
Scobleizer - Oh, cool @gsnap fixed their Twitter search problem. I will play a bit with real-time Twitter curation: http://gsnap.com/scobleizer/1004
Davos Debates 2010 Opens On YouTube
Scobleizer - Wow @inbox2 has a nice email/twitter/facebook system. Much nicer than @threadsy in my look. What do you think?
MySpace Launches New Set Of Realtime APIs With Google, OneRiot And Groovy
Mashable - Time names Droid gadget of the year
:"...and, best of all, the Droid is on Verizon’s best-of-breed 3G network."
Rheingold - a critique of Facebook's privacy changes
Gwyneth - SL on iPhone
Orban - widenoise makes rrw top 10 internet of things
Ustream now available for iPhone
MobileRoadie - make your own iPhone app
Scobleizer - Traveled from Social Media Club House with @Stephtara who is running blogging for @leweb Nice photo of her in Metro: http://bit.ly/5oxtUf
Scobleizer - Yo @gsnap the Twitter search in your service just isn't very reliable. (Why early adopters have lots of blood on their fingers).
Google Steps Up Collaboration For Apps Users With Google Groups Integration
Messina shares photos on img.ly
Scobleizer - I can't wait to use @gsnap to curate Tweets from @leweb today. Add yours here or follow along:
Scobleizer - People ask me "what's the next Facebook?" http://www.blackboxrepublic.com/ is the closest thing I've seen. @SamLawrence is founder.
TC - Brizzly chrome extension
Messina on the chrome browser
Mashable - place pages within Google Earth
Mashable - Most expensive Xmas card (with Bauble iPhone app)
pavig - Ardour, the amazing opensource digital audio workstation, has a manual! http://en.flossmanuals.net/ardour/
Nat Torkington - this week's finds in theoretical physics
Pavig - weird books
Mashable - topselling iphone apps
:*Textfree Unlimited ($5.99)
:*SlingPlayer Media ($29.99)
:*ColorSplash ($1.99)
:*Pocket God ($.99)
:*Quickoffice Mobile Office Suite ($9.99)
mashable - iPhone App Offers Instant Speech-to-Text Transcription - http://bit.ly/6c7TQQ
chrismessina - Is Google the "new Evil Empire?" SFGate asks here: http://bit.ly/7Tjmii /by @jtemple
chrismessina - RT @1Password: Official Chrome support is coming: http://bit.ly/7aBkc5 Here's how to get 1Password 3 in Chrome now: http://bit.ly/6YTLez 3:29 PM Dec 8th from Tweetie
mkapor - .@jamesjoaquin says with Google real-time results, Google SERP is no longer a clean well lit place for 10 blue links
taterunino - Open Letter Implores Games Industry: “Don’t Forget Women” http://bit.ly/5ckXrz
chrismessina - "Beacon launch did not go well but it had a good idea at its core. That idea is now Facebook Connect and very successful." - ibid
chrismessina - Looks like @socialthing is shutting down, transitioning to AIM Lifestream: http://j.mp/rip-socialthing /tip @techmeme #deadpool cc @mg
*AIM lifestream http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/07/06/aim-embraces-the-lifestream/
Messina - Design at Facebook
Messina - Creating municipalities that work like the web
O'Reilly Velocity Online Conference
SxDSalon: A group blog on social interaction design
The cool and not-so-cool of LeWeb
TC - Build It With Me Helps Connect Designers With Developers
*Drew Wilson http://www.drewwilson.com/
Rheingold - Is Multitasking Evil? Or Are Most of Us Illiterate?
timoreilly - PARC workshop on Technology Mediated Social Participation looks really interesting. Wish I could be there. http://bit.ly/4tgMBM
Mashable - Twitter chats
Loic - wikio and ebuzzing join forces
==10 December 2009==
Prokofy - Are the RTs by others only those people I am following? Are the RTs of people I'm not following still findable on search?
Loic - Google launches real-time search
==08 December 2009==
Mashable - Apple nukes cheater apps
loic - Don't tell anyone but @paypalx will give a free netbook to all participants of their #leweb workshop
Shute - maker lab image wiki
TechCrunch - Google Analytics Gets An Upgrade With Annotations, New API And More http://bit.ly/87KIl9 by @leenarao
Google shows updates from Facebook fan pages
Google Aims To Push The Speed Of Light With Realtime Results
:“The importance of relevance has gone through the roof as the amount of information out there is growing. Relevance has become the critical factor,” Singhal noted.
LiveFyre Wants To Ignite Realtime Intelligent Conversations On The Web
Google maps with telephone reading of QR codes
TishShute - RT @jingleyfish: @chris23 What a great article! A Treatise on Augmented Reality #ARdevcamp http://tr.im/GSTn
Twinity’s virtual London opens for business
Can OpenID Be Commercialized? Investors Bet $3.25 Million On JanRain
aworldforus RT @peignoir You can organize #thetoile here http://bit.ly/72Aeva it's #leweb for those who didn't get a ticket ! cool :) let's do it
==07 December 2009==
timoreilly - Local Governments Offer Data to Miners: @nytimes on #gov20 and cities http://bit.ly/6Ykedq
KathySierra - Simple, powerful, useful metaphor: "Build a System, not a Product" by @erikstarck (via @alisohani) http://bit.ly/7M5lnk
CrunchGear - Getting it right and getting it wrong with the new media
ev - Many of the great businesses of the next decade will be about making information about our behaviors more visible.
KathySierra - Yes it's all very 2.0/crowdwisdomy to assume nobody "teaches" anybody anything & it's all one big "conversation". Which is, well, bulls***.
timoreilly - RT @AndreaDiMaio: Good debate w/ @timOReilly re open data vs. "implicit participation" - asymmetry of #gov20 unveiled http://bit.ly/5hmCkL
:Why Citizen Participation May Be An Illusion
KathySierra - Keeps coming back to our advice to authors: Don't make a better book. Make a better [programmer/photographer/manager/etc.]
cshirky - I've been ignoring the "Retweet Wars", b/c I use Tweetdeck, but I just "upgraded" TD and holy cow, does the new RT logic suck.
Farmville, Social Gaming, and Addiction
KathySierra - Reminding new authors why a non-fiction/how-to book can think of chapters as game levels, w/ new capabilities/powers to reach next levels.
O'Reilly - the Twitter Times
O'Reilly - hack things better
Scoble - Dana Oshiro aka @SuzyPerplexus
*Villagers with pitchforks http://www.villagerswithpitchforks.com/post/271914435/day-one-inseine-in-the-membrane
*reposted frop http://www.otherthanthat.com/commentary/
arrington - arrived paris. happy with google voice forwarding my Droid # to a MagicJack cordless in the room + local French mobile.
pavig - Erm. Non-jailbroken iphones can have user data hacked PROVIDED you plug them into the SDK and install an app. LOL Sorry guys, not news.
loic - Congrats @orangepartner for your apps initiative looks good http://appshopcommunity.orangepartner.com/ expecting news at leweb
loic - The real time web isn't fast enough by @joawyang http://bit.ly/6XXatQ
mkapor - Etherpad service fully restored, will be open sourced
Cathy Brooks at Social Media Club House for Leweb
mkapor - NYT (http://bit.ly/6LcpmF) attacks Taiwanese machinima of Tiger Woods accident (http://bit.ly/4UB9tL) as pseudo-journalism
timoreilly - From @allspaw: mapping the headquarters of the top 100 websites: http://bit.ly/6OPBCE
davidorban - RT @Bob_Richards: The official roll-out of @Virgin_Galactic SpaceShipTwo is on Monday! http://bit.ly/7KgS2B http://www.virgingalactic.com/
timoreilly - Great visualization: The Geography of a Recession (unemployment rates by county, 2007-2009) http://bit.ly/6S0xRV via @energyliteracy
TishShute - listen to pres. on open AR/VR framework based on the Microsoft XNA gaming platform on skype #ardevcamp #ardevcampnyc http://bit.ly/5djS4s
Kronos - Groove Armada launches in Home, virtual world for PS3
==06 December 2009==
timoreilly - Franklin on why he didn't patent: "As we benefit from the inventions of others, we should be glad to share our own ... freely and gladly."
11 Chrome extensions
Loic - The rise and fall of MySpace
OpenCoffee France on slideshare
loic - LeWeb gear roundup by @seanpercival, what gear will you bring? http://bit.ly/8kU33c #leweb #gear
Shute - the AR Wave project
Linden Lab to test new house/land incentive for premium Second Life accounts
Scobleizer - Apple's purchase of Lala pretty much dooms @spotify who hasn't even launched in US yet. Or am I wrong?
Man Promotes Band In The Middle Of Nowhere On Google Street View
hrheingold - Very cool free library, tools for Flash visualizations: http://flare.prefuse.org/
Sierra - Tesla is badass of the week
Google Is Acquiring AppJet, The Company Behind EtherPad
*Etherpad http://etherpad.com/
:Mashable - http://mashable.com/2009/12/04/appjet-etherpad/
:The actual EtherPad service will stay up for another four months, until the end of March 2010. After that, it will shut down, as the team will focus on Google Wave.
KathySierra - I think it matters less that we "walked a mile in our customer's shoes" than that we "spent a week working our tech support/call center"
Prokofy - Totally false premises abt changed biz models based on a coupon push in an FB group. http://bit.ly/5GS6SC We all shop on company sites duh.
The Firefox sharaholic extension is now chrome ready
RRW - Top 10 RSS & Syndication Technologies of 2009
Scobleizer - Damn @michaeljones is right. @bing is DOWN. BING IS DOWN!!! How often have you seen THAT on @google? Not anytime in recent memory for me.
Scobleizer - Still I +hate+ that the http://mobile.twitter.com/ UI doesn't have all the features of the "real" UI. Where are lists? Geo? Gag!!!!
Scoble tweets Draxtor's "Too Busy to Date Your Avatar"
*Pooky Media: http://www.pookymedia.com
Twitter's new mobile interface
rubaiyat - so fuck is at 42% Shit at 40.5% with a steady decline in bitch at 14 thank you cursebird.com for tracking the twitter pottymouth
Gwyneth - SL Entreprise and Beta Tech
Scoble - Hypemachine's Twitter music chart
Osnapz’ Top Foursquare Users list
Mashable mobile site
Unknown filmmaker gets $30m for robot movie
loic - 10 things to love and hate about the Droid http://bit.ly/52cFoM
Know your meme: Joel, Crow and Tom
davidorban - and! Google's public, open DNS to overcome ISP hijacking http://bit.ly/7C8Lu0 (via @cdibona)
timoreilly - This should be part of every city's #gov20 toolkit: RT @pcapr: who lives here: http://envisioningdevelopment.net/map very slick
loic - LeWeb has an official iphone app with live video from ustream of the stage in it (a first ever) ! thanks mobile roadie http://bit.ly/6U9jxr
==04 December 2009==
TishShute - RT @genebecker: Some good references on experience design for locative media and augmented reality http://j.mp/6pWgMT
Loic - LeWeb iphone app with live video streaming launched
Philip Kaplan is founder of adbrite
Mashable - 10 adobe air apps
hrheingold - Saturday: The Future of the Forum: Internet Communities and the Public Interest
Google public DNS
Bedrock Thinks Publishers Should Create Their Own Ads
Mashable - choose a news reader (note iPhone apps)
davidorban - Very useful list — RT @rww: Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2009. http://bit.ly/82KeeG
Shute's blog - Web 2.0 Meets Gov 2.0: Hacking Human Behavior within a City, FourSquare, MoMo #13, and AR DevCamp
mashable - Is Your Site Slow? Google Launches Tool to Help You Fix That - http://bit.ly/7lsfiR
==03 December 2009==
Facebook page of JobsDirectUSA, with Carlos Gil
hrheingold - .@theother66 on Twitter pointed me to http://bit.ly/8zEoJ6 which led to creating http://bit.ly/8MnCLj
Google Turns To Twitter To Help Friend Connect Fly
Causes page on Facebook
*plus the causes website: http://www.causes.com/
TC - As Google Backs Away From A Plug-in, Microsoft Rushes Towards One
timoreilly - Bernardo Huberman - half life of a popular online story or video is 69 minutes. #sn09
hrheingold - And of course we have Twitter and Etherpad as a real-time text channel. But I couldn't see how to split up my lesson plans.
The Day The Highway Went Coast-to-Coast: 70+ SocNet Feeds Normalized by New API
KathySierra - To be clear: At my keynotes, I WANT backchannel & live-tweets (yay @whitneyhess). I do NOT want it onstage, visible to all or even just me.
Sierra - Tim Ferris on the Benefits of Pissing People Off
Scobleizer - Twitter is here showing off how geolocated tweets are being displayed into @bing maps. New inclusion of tweets and hyperlocal blogs is huge.
Fortune - The trouble with Steve Jobs
Bing Fall Release
:In that regard, Microsoft says it’s going to opposite way of Google and keeping people on Bing for a number of clicks to get information. Google’s stance is
to get people to the information they want in one click (presumably away from Google).
davidorban - Linspire's CNR morphed into @apps2market by Xandros: a white label, cross platform App Store service. Cool!
TC - Craigslist Blocks Yahoo Pipes After Dev Shows Craig His New Mashup
timoreilly - RT @mikeloukides: Comet: an interesting technology for optimizing just about anything. Constraint-based programming. http://bit.ly/8pE0AL
==02 December 2009==
==02 December 2009==

Latest revision as of 17:29, 30 December 2009