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timoreilly - Online Retailers Read Your Mind - how neuropsychology is being applied to online selling http://bit.ly/8S5ZnL
Scobleizer - Conversation for @corvida who laments the days of Twitter old when we actually talked with each other: http://ff.im/diY4M
Scobleizer - Interesting post by @joshdilworth in @mashable http://bit.ly/4Sghx1 says data is the new marketing. Hey, data is the new SEO? :-)
chrismessina - The state of the Twitter App ecosystem, circa April 2007: http://bit.ly/8zdKcj /via @kmakice (http://bit.ly/7R9KR6)
GwynethLlewelyn - The equivalent of AdSense for #SL? A get-paid-to-be-spammed service. It's actually a great idea! http://ping.fm/8oYt5
Scobleizer - The service I want for Gmail? Automatic removal from notifications. I want to stop getting Facebook, Foursquare, Cliqset, etc emails.
TishShute - awesome Kymera magic wand learns from ur remote control via @cdibona (now I need one for the cloud w AR goggles) http://bit.ly/7NrxE5
O'Reilly - the future of books
chrismessina - Transm.js 1.0 allows you to add programmable image transitions with Javascript: http://www.netzgesta.de/transm /via @dalmaer
KathySierra - 2010 goal: bigger push for biz to convert more marketing/ad $/talent/resources to user learning. Don't out-spend the competition, out-teach
chrismessina - "On the web, the new form of commerce is the exchange of personal information for something of value." -J. Rosenberg, Google #datacapital
mashable - Turns out u can follow me on Facebook by sending a friend request, w/o reciprocation. Who knew? http://fb.me/petecashmore
Scobleizer - Man Cliqset is getting tons of adoption. Is it the new hot shiny object?
Google and Norad track Santa
Google and Norad track Santa

Revision as of 23:29, 23 December 2009