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chrismessina - Clarifying a few things about Twitter typographics (i.e. hashtags + slashtags): http://tr.im/fj_typographics /cc @aral @stoweboyd @karllong
TechCrunch - Goo.gl Gets Into The Short URL Game http://is.gd/5ny8N by @leenarao
mashable - fb.me: Facebook Now Has Its Own URL Shortener - http://bit.ly/77X0IR
chrismessina - Wrote up the #ShortLink problem w/ proposals: http://twitter.pbworks.com/Short-Links /cc @lqd @atebits @socialiteapp @tweetdeck @askseesmic
Scobleizer - Yo @nickhalstead we finally installed @TweetMeme on my blog: http://scobleizer.com and http://building43.com thanks @kr8tr !
Scobleizer - My challenge to @rackspace: http://bit.ly/4LrZ4z can we enable 15-minute $100 microbusinesses using Twitter's firehose feed? @rsarver
loic - @scobleizer @zee I would love to but that is not accurate, we have acquired Google in fact.
KathySierra - 1 way to improve a product might not mean changing the product, but improving what the user is able to do with it. Upgrade user, not product
Scobleizer - Yup @danstuart I know Black Box Republic is sex-positive. You should check out @maymaym's good review of BBR: http://bit.ly/84Qs99
timoreilly - Oh, the irony! RT @codinghorror: codinghorror Monty, Stallman trying to put the GPL genie back in the bottle: http://is.gd/5nknx
chrismessina - Made a @TeuxDeux Fluid icon: http://flic.kr/p/7nN2Ze /cc @swissmiss @FictiveEvan @FictiveCameron @jbrewer #ssb
O'Reilly - code for America
timoreilly - Really good post by @pkedrosky: How Google Eats Its Own Tail http://bit.ly/5ZVIw6 Google's ultimate vulnerability to Twitter and Facebook.
:Kedrovsky's dishwasher again
chrismessina - The InvisibleShield for iPhones and MacBooks are great -- no more scratches! And, they're 50% off today: http://zagg.com #deal
Loic - The Twitterfication Of Facebook Is Almost Complete
Shirky - Fred Wilson weighs in on the search spam (junk content) question
Loic - Netvibes Wasabi Introduces a Whole New Way to Manage the Real-Time Web
loic - RT @stephtara: another guest post: "Why do we need things like #LeWeb?" by official blogger @abarrera http://bit.ly/8lETIB
loic - RT @worldsporttv: RT @join1goal: @queenrania 's speech at #leweb has given us a surge of new followers! sign at http://www.join1goal.org/
loic - my huge frustration about my own #leweb is that I did not see anyone to focus on making the stage go well. Hope to see you soon :)
==14 December 2009==
Leweb videos on ustream
Leweb videos on ustream

Revision as of 17:59, 15 December 2009