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==12 December 2009==
==12 December 2009==
loic - the BBC summary of LeWeb http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8405554.stm
Tara Hunt - Le Web or Le Clique?
:from the comments, Paul Downing: "And maybe next year go to d.construct or reboot, better european events."
Mobcast Brings Geo To Facebook And Your iPhone
Mashable - programmer journalists
TechCrunch - Have Geeky Friends, Will Travel
:*Silicon Sentier http://siliconsentier.org/
:*La Cantine http://lacantine.org/
mashable - Mozilla Guy to Users: Leave Google, Switch to Bing - http://bit.ly/5jsAVa
Scobleizer - Ahh http://listorious.com has new Twitter list competition: @tweetdeck http://post.ly/El1g most excellent way to find lists!
Scobleizer - Hey @marshallk nice article on why Facebook is moving people to "public" status. http://bit.ly/57ojQV they needed to do this to serve search
davidorban - RT @doctorow: Doing an in-world Second Life interview on #CopperRobot next Weds 8AM Pacific http://craphound.com/?p=2534
pavig - Evil Santas and the kids that know them http://www.sun-sentinel.com/entertainment/holiday/sfl-scaredofsanta-ugc,0,7181908.ugcphotogallery
Scobleizer - 157 French Startups on Twitter: http://twitter.com/cgiorgi/french-startups Awesome! How about lists like this for EVERY country?
Scobleizer - Why is http://cliqset.com/ taking off? I'm getting tons of requests all of a sudden from people on this social network aggregation service.
timoreilly - Fascinating (and somewhat depressing) story about piracy and the #iPhone app store. One game developer's research. http://bit.ly/4s5Qdj
hrheingold - Future of the Forum symposium archive http://bcnm.berkeley.edu/fotf/archive.html #FTOF
chrismessina - I'm sympathetic to this take on the Facebook privacy changes, but it lacks a "global" perspective. http://bit.ly/6zqyez /by @trueslant
mashable - Kill Off Your Facebook Identity With Seppukoo
hrheingold - I also wrote a white paper for National Geo on new literacies: (PDF) http://futurefundamentals.org/pdfs/white_paper_howard_rheingold.pdf
timoreilly - 2.5 million API queries to Nasa's Martian map in first two weeks. Michelle Viotti at online #gov20 conference. http://bit.ly/7eHyNe
timoreilly - Facebook friends of friends is equivalent to "everyone" with a fig leaf. ==Schneier's "security theater", an illusion of additional privacy
timoreilly - Facebook friends of friends is equivalent to "everyone" with a fig leaf. ==Schneier's "security theater", an illusion of additional privacy

Revision as of 17:49, 13 December 2009