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==30 November 2009==
Scobleizer - Hey, @loic you gotta see @gsnap I'm going to use it to curate day one of @leweb -- this service rocks, video to come
TechCrunch - M.I.T., Google, And Umberto Eco Want To Erect a Realtime Cloud Over The 2012 London Olympics http://bit.ly/8oRG4u by @erickschonfeld
timoreilly - RT @OReillyMedia: Google Closure: A New Way of Developing in JavaScript - A Guide http://bit.ly/47Htcb
timoreilly - How huge JavaScript libraries, rich content, and poorly designed ad servers are slowing the web down http://bit.ly/8UcGFI
pavig - the snake oil of silverlight on iPhone: Gruber nails it http://daringfireball.net/l...
Scobleizer - I think @seesmic web is the only Twitter client with columns that has no API limits. Very important for lists. Is that right @loic ?
Scobleizer - Congrats to @ChrisSaad and JS-Kit team for shipping Whirlpool (blog commenting updates): http://bit.ly/4repSa Will use on @building43
Scobleizer - Which Twitter client do I prefer? @redragon asked. I prefer @tweetie on iphone and @seesmic web on desktop. But testing @tweetdeck now.
timoreilly - RT @GJCAG: check out what DOCOMO is doing in Japan, they're building a sensor network & selling data http://is.gd/5802Y #websquared
timoreilly - More #websquared: RT @monkchips: Nasa scientist unveils postage-stamp-sized mobile chemical detector, plugs into iPhone http://bit.ly/8ocC99
KathySierra - Exquisitely sad/absurd/wasteful biz/marketing plan: "Let's just add a little viral". http://bit.ly/5mmzqm
:We believe marketing is strategic and seek companies that are marketing focused – with marketing requirements driving product development.
timoreilly - Loving Dive into HTML 5 by @diveintomark, retro typography and illustrations too.
New TweetDeck adds lists, retweets and location maps
Pavig - Timelapse of swarming monster worms and sea stars
pavig - is tinkering with the new MakeHuman http://makehuman.blogspot.com/
loic - Gangs in New York talk Twitter
Loic - La flashmob (non officiel) de la chaine de l'espoir au Louvre
loic - More On Seesmic's Vision of Programmable Twitter clients http://bit.ly/5KEGYC
arrington - if i get caught in phishing scam and my bank won't reimburse me, i'm suing the NYTimes. http://bit.ly/6sGHWx
TC - Gillmor on Calling Twitter’s bluff
:FriendFeed’s access to the Twitter firehose was terminated and vaguely replaced with a slow version that is currently delivering Twitter posts between 20 minutes and two hours after their appearance on Twitter.
mkapor - Stewart Alsop @salsop REALLY doesn't like his Droid. Is his unit jinxed or are all the positive reviews hype?
Scobleizer - Oh, Twitter's new Geolocation feature MUST be turned on to use it on settings ... now works with @tweetie!
Scobleizer - iPhone users, Tweetie 2.1 with list support is now out!
Scoble's news list
Wikipedia astronomy images:*Planets: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Planets2008.jpg
*Universe: [http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a7/Universe_Reference_Map_%28Location%29_001.jpeg Universe]
:Plus another version of the solar system model
==29 November 2009==
Winer - Mullenweg on Micro-blogging vs Mega-blogging
Winer- programmable Twitter client
OurielOhayon - RT @posterous: Add tags fast from the bookmarklet and post editor http://post.ly/DgrZ
OM - Netbooks: The Disruptive Dual-OS Future
Surprised kitty
Robert Scoble Have you posted all your info to Google's Profiles yet? Here's mine, I included my Facebook links too:
TC- why Paul Carr isn't writing about Murdoch:
:Microsoft has just agreed to help fund the next-generation search crawling protocol, ACAP, which gives content owners like News Corp more control over how their news is indexed.
Scobleizer - Good point by @eric_andersen to check your Twitter app connections frequently, delete unneeded ones!
pavig - economy expands to consume all available energy?
TC - Watch Out Foursquare, Facebook is Poised To Dominate Geo
hrheingold - "model that best predicted network structure of US senators was social licking among cows" http://bit.ly/4JRA7i
TishShute - Mobile Augmented Reality and Mirror Worlds: Blair MacIntyre + video http://bit.ly/5C9okX #AR
timoreilly - Automatic captions in YouTube show us what will become possible thru Google speech recognition and auto-translation: http://bit.ly/6VB5yx
timoreilly - IBM's BlueMatter brain simulation shows us just how complex and amazing the organic brain is: http://bit.ly/78gtkB
Arrington - Leweb highlights
==29 November 2009==
timoreilly - Tweulogy: "I'm just saying, not every event needs a backchannel." http://bit.ly/8x7hgz (via @jstogdill in email)
arrington - right now I wish I could auto filter out any tweet that has "tiger woods" in it.
Video: man in Japan weds anime game character
arrington - just saw this set of apple.com home pages over the years. start at beginning, omg.
John's blog:
Tiger Woods Injuries Caused by Wife
Tateru - Imprudence 1.2
pavig - Microsoft silverlight on iphone is a LIE - it's transcoding via IIS server, ie NOT cross platform
Mashable - MS Demos Silverlight on the iPhone
Rheingold - web projects of journalism students
Mashable - Optimizing Your Business Website for Mobile Visitors
timoreilly - Arduino and open source hardware in the WSJ:
Shots Of Facebook’s Upcoming Redesign, With A New Emphasis On Search
Scoble on Google Wave (again)
Will Europeans will use Gowalla, FourSquare or what?
==27 November 2009==
davidorban - Checking out Streamy. Very smooth interface, didn't find compelling advantage yet. http://www.streamy.com
TC - 4mapper Puts Foursquare On The Map
Mashable - A Guide to Mobile Web Design Tips and Tricks
Gwyn - the end of freebies
:plus the other side by Dusan
Gillmor Gang: Silverlight v. ChromeOS v. Chatter
O'Reilly - Thanksgiving recipes per state
Kapor - flat is the new up
loic - http://ping.fm/p/yBJRa - Ready for thanksgiving with @jeff @freddymini @moissinac see our fuel
==26 November 2009==
Why Google Wave Sucks, And Why You Will Use It Anyway
loic - RT @jamoral: "Economic growth will be fuelled by entrepreneurs. Small becomes big and startups change world" (Julie Meyer) http://ow.ly/EZzb
loic - uploaded my slides on the impact of Twitter on news and media, presenting in a few mins in French over skype http://bit.ly/55HBxt
Mashable - HOW TO: Try Out The New Google Search Right Now
Pavig - Dr. Professor is the Internet's leading authority on what Dr. Professor thinks of video games
Scobleizer - We talk about a TON of people. @docsearls @davewiner @dahowlett @chrisbrogan in @briansolis conversation: http://scobleizer.blip.tv
Scobleizer - Did Microsoft do Silverlight on iPhone or HTML5? Looks like HTML5 to me!
Pavig - the Big Bang was really a Big Bounce
Dr. Leslie Jarmon speaks at Metanomics about University of Texas virtual project
Yahoo Boss lets you build customized search engines
Google Profiles Turn Into OpenIDs
TC - The Snapture app, which costs $1.99, shows you the picture you just took in a small picture-in-picture window so that you don’t have to go to the camera roll to see if it’s any good.
hrheingold - Thank you for the many Netvibes responses -- favored http://downforeveryoneorjus... for future reference.
loic - 1519 participants signed up for LeWeb in exactly 2 weeks http://bit.ly/8tuIQF
cshirky - There is a big opportunity for an "App Store for Netbooks" (& laptops & PCs). No one's there yet, but Jolicloud is closest.
Sobees desktop adds LinkedIn
arrington - ok that's it. i'm done with the hootsuite stuff. and i'm banning canada again.
davidorban - Chromium OS on USB drive by @Hexxeh
Confessions of a public speaker
==25 November 2009==
Prokofy - Great protest video on the SL ebayification fees
Scobleizer - Hey @LanceUlanoff I'm even hearing about the Google Phone. Are you going to apologize for your attack on @arrington? http://bit.ly/5wazZl
Scobleizer - Oh, cool, you can watch Twitter's lists for keywords now: http://listimonkey.com/ very useful! Use it on http://twitter.com/Scobleiz...
Gmail Supports Attachments Even When You Are Not Attached To The Internet
hrheingold - RT @jdlasica: Doing Good 2.0 and the New Journalist in the Age of Social Media, my blog post & presentation. http://bit.ly/8uUHtq
TC on LeWeb program
The solar system as one huge web page
Google Reader adds favicons
Rheingold - Disable PDF from Opening in Web Browser
==24 November 2009==
TC - iFixIt Answers, a collaborative repair community for gadgets
Mashable - Opera 10.10: Web Browser and Web Server In One
Loic RT Ouriel - The new GigaOm
hrheingold - Please please indicate if a link is a PDF before I click on it. Thank you.
Google opens Chrome extensions to developers
Shute - pygowave news
Mashable - Mobile Productivity Tools for the Small Business
==23 November 2009==
Mashable - your social media policy
TechCrunch - Five Ways Startups Are Tapping Into LinkedIn's API http://bit.ly/4wMejk by @leenarao
Scobleizer - This afternoon @briansolis is coming over today. We'll talk about his post about whether Twitter is in decline or not: http://bit.ly/tnql
TechCrunch - appendTo Aims To Commercialize jQuery Javascript Library http://bit.ly/5B5spA by @cubrilovic
LinkedIn Opens Up API
timoreilly - Quirk: Apple is not evil. iPhone developers are stupid. http://bit.ly/8Ovi4y (on native #iphone apps vs web apps. Warning: profanity laced.)
:In order to release an iPhone application without having to submit it to Apple’s insane App Store process, developers could just use Web technologies and
create Web apps instead of native apps.
lessig - A CC report: http://bit.ly/6H0nTA We need your help: http://bit.ly/4qngHt 2day. Pls.
TechCrunch homepage deconstructed
Au - Second Life (and OpenSim) iPhone app
pavig - Cory on Rosedale "Love machine" http://ondrejka.net/metaver...
Scobleizer - Talking with @Gwynethb who is on SF's planning commission and works at IBM and she is praising http://worldcommunitygrid.org
Loic (RT @problogger) - Biggest list of Twitter links
Rheingold - community impact through mapping
loic - RT @dougw: Reading @nickhalstead's thoughts on Twitter Advertising http://retwt.me/1KBfL
cshirky - More on the Mutualization of Everything: mobile home owners buy the land as a coop. http://bit.ly/86t9h0 (via @kitode)
==22 November 2009==
TC - Give me ad-free conversations, or give me death
:Adding sponsored tweets will have an even more poisonous effect on the party. There we are, listening to a friend talking about the weather or sports and suddenly – boom – he’s trying to sell us a personalised pack of M&Ms.
O'Reilly - Augmenting Aerial Earth Maps with Dynamic Information
Mashable - How Google Wave is Changing the News
O'Reilly - makershed kiosks
timoreilly - One big problem with Twitter.com RT feature is that you can't see whether or not the RT needs to be trimmed for length.
Scobleizer - Yo @nk can you block http://conversationlist.com/ from posting to "listed?" That service is VERY spammy and hides real value of lists.
Scobleizer - A new form of list spam: remove people from your lists and then add them back on. Your list will now be at top of "listed" for that person.
HOW TO: Use Twitter’s New Retweet Feature
Violent exchange between Scoble and an unknown on Loic's blog
Nirvana vs Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give Your Teen Spirit up
Twitter Sales Top $4 Million
:The current revenue comes from companies paying to use Twitter’s data, such as Microsoft Corp. displaying Twitter updates in its search results.
The Decline of Twitter.com; Not Twitter
loic - what is the best blogging client on Windows? I am trying MS Live Writer now with my TypePad blog
Scoble's vanity feed (what's this?)
Percival's CrunchUp photos
How Mrinal Desai screens the news
Psychology of twitter
Shute - Google Wave may be the future, but the future is not "Real Time"
O'Reilly - maker shed on wired store
loic - just accepted about 500 friend requests on Foursquare this thing is seriously taking off
Getting To The SuperTweet: Speedi.ly Classifies The Real Time Web
The Ellerdale Project Mines The Semantic Web To Help You Make Sense Of Real-Time Streams
Tateru - Linden Lab to raise Xstreet fees, loses vendors, products
:Pavig - and gets slashdotted
CrunchUp - The Rise Of Geo Streams
Scobleizer - Sorry for getting http://speedi.ly 's URL wrong earlier. They will provide infrastructure that will make SuperTweets possible.
hrheingold - Bing webmaster on mindful, ethical SEO http://bit.ly/8tyUdL
TweetMeme promotes Retweeting of Ads
==21 November 2009==
Scobleizer - I just saw http://speed.ly which is an API that will feed SuperTweets. Coming later this year.
Status.Net: The WordPress For Microblogs Gets A Hosted Solution
Knx.To Is Your Social Graph And Address Book Rolled Into One
Scobleizer - Yeah, @shamirkatsu I see that @seesmic on Android doesn't support lists. That sucks, Blackberry version does. Sigh.
TechCrunch - Qwisk Brings Your Social Networks To The Browser http://bit.ly/5XHRU4 by @leenarao
Scobleizer - Wow, @techmeme is now getting articles from Twitter stream in seconds. That's what happens when you have seven people paid to watch Tweets!
Hot Potato Organizes The Stream Around What’s Really Happening Now
Seesmic Launches Mobile Apps for Android and BlackBerry
hrheingold - Is anyone home @diigo ? No responses to tweets, emails. Great resource. Hope it's OK.
Scoble blogs: Why Google Chrome OS has already won
Facebook Agrees To Set Friend Lists Free. Mashups With Twitter Lists Should Follow
FunMail Takes The Work Out Of Picture Messaging
loic - RT @kevinmarks how are @erickschonfeld and @loic retweeting me while they're onstage? did they clone themselves? #crunchup
==20 November 2009==
Scoble explains SuperTweet (Twitter ads)
TechCrunch - Twitter COO: We'll Have An Advertising Business Soon. And You're Going To Love It.
Orban - Internet for Peace
Gwyn blogs about Second Life Enterprise
loic - talking in the opening Ray Ozzie keynote was a rare moment for me, 5,000 people. It's here if you haven't seen it http://bit.ly/MP3xp
AlKronos - New-fangled retweet feature? Nice
davidorban - RT @rooreynolds: Learned a cool trick from @BrendanNelson: ImportXML in Google Docs. See http://bit.ly/x6nRZ and http://bit.ly/eMYUT
davidorban - Enabled geotagging of tweets on my @davidorban account. Not on the team accounts, as it won't make a lot of sense...
Try out Chrome OS
Shute - The Next Wave of AR: Mobile Social Interaction
O'Reilly - Time-travelling browsers navigate the web's past
timoreilly - How the iPhone sensors work in concert to determine orientation http://bit.ly/2p0QGS More complex than it might appear!
timoreilly - Scathing post from @umairh: The Digital Economy's Coming Subprime Crisis http://bit.ly/3k4nFY A reminder to work on stuff that matters!
:related post from 2008 - Haque calls Facebook evil
loic - RT @rww Seesmic jumps on Twitter’s new location feature with map previews http://bit.ly/4tZSg6
Scobleizer - Damn @foursquare is on fire! I can't keep up with friend requests I am getting by the way Fraiche Yogurt rocks. :-)
Scobleizer - RT @ITSinsider: @Scobleizer it's @jivesoftware Thanks, sorry about that.
Scobleizer - Just was at @jive who has a lot better way to add social to enterprises than Microsoft, Cisco, Salesforce are showing. Work is changing!
timoreilly - RT @bucchere: @baratunde had the best #w2e [talk] of all time. Of all time! http://bit.ly/1ORzob #WWKD
timoreilly - One of the most important pieces ever written about #gov20 and social engagement: http://bit.ly/3aRLh8 Change means CULTURECHANGE.
Twitter Turns On Location but Not For Twitter.com
Scobleizer - I love the new @techmeme for mobile. Just announced by @gaberivera
Google's Sergey Brin wears Crazy Monkey Shoes
==19 November 2009==
Google Is Keeping Chrome OS too Simple?
:wondering why Google needs two operating systems: Android and Chrome OS. At today’s chrome OS briefing, Google was asked whether Chrome OS would support Android apps. The answer is no.
TishShute - v. cool met @gentry at #w2e today. Brilliant insight into large scale collaboration/social interaction & more! http://bit.ly/1nr5ou
Videos about Chrome OS
mashable - Retweet This: Twitter Retweets Now Live For Everyone - http://bit.ly/2O5d9G
Scobleizer - Mark Pilgrim, one of the guys pushing HTML5, is covering the Chrome OS press conference all in Twitter: @diveintomark
hrheingold - "first massively multiplayer online game that encourages diplomacy and social cooperation over violence." http://bit.ly/1ruy4n
loic - reading the Chrome OS open source project blog post from Google http://bit.ly/34qdUv
Scobleizer - .@markmilian the reason the hardware will be locked down is so they can get sub-five second startup times and low costs.
Scobleizer - Ahh, now we learn what I meant by "locked down." You will only be able to run Google's Chrome OS on new machines made for it.
Web Worker Daily, a GigaOm network site
More Details On SimpleGeo, The AWS For Location
Scobleizer - "We all now work for Google," @chrismessina says. Hey, that's been true since at least 2000! :-)
taterunino - Linden Lab to disband moribund mentor group
:Linden Lab continues to utilize volunteers for the Wiki, the Second Life Answers project, the Community Translation Project, and is working on the next stage of the Resident Help Network to promote existing user-run volunteer organizations.
mkapor - Urgent doggie health problem solved by SearchTabs. Yes, I started the company. Yes, it's super-useful. www.searchtabs.com.
JoliCloud facing the Google juggernaut
:Array.org Netbook Repository for Ubuntu
loic - tomorrow we should finally have our Seesmic for MINITEL launch ready see details here http://bit.ly/3ZPy2T
TishShute - very cool! blow by blow account from @anselm's on his recent augmented reality app dev (& opensource code) http://bit.ly/1YJrkL
Scobleizer - .@slatteryz I won't use the new RT feature a lot until everyone has it. I would FLOOD everyone's screens if I really used it Scoble style!
Scobleizer - You need a somewhat locked down version for hardware manufacturers. I think it'll be interesting to see why two versions. @CajunTechie
Scobleizer - My source also says that Google's Chrome OS will "slam" @tariqkrim's Jolicloud OS. Takes away its air supply.
Scobleizer - When I say "weird driver support" I mean that Windows has to run on thousands of machines from 1990s on. Chrome doesn't have that problem.
Scobleizer - Well, locked down might be a little harsh, but I can't change the source code in the Droid, right? @zbowling
Scobleizer - Source told me Google Chrome announcement later today will have two releases: Chromium (open source version) and Chrome OS (locked down).
Scobleizer - Source also told me that the Chrome OS's key message is that it will reboot the OS market without legacy of weird driver support needed.
RT as SMS with Twittermobile
Prokofy - Cutting off the Long Tail: the Lindens Chop off Freebies From XStreet http://bit.ly/Sxtuf
Scobleizer - I wasn't the first to see the Twitter/FriendFeed parallels:
:We know that the new retweet functionality will keep everyone’s “like” below the master/initial comment.
Scobleizer - Best line from Salesforce event: Benioff: "I know more about what my friends on Twitter are doing than what my VP of sales is doing."
Gwyn explains the end of LL mentor group
Scobleizer - I just realized that Twitter is turning into FriendFeed. Maybe that's why I like all the new changes!
Prokofy - another chance to sound off against the usual open source shtick
:Lots and lots and lots of people need to describe how opensource systems like openID and Drupal constantly freeze and do not work, and are cumbersome, difficult, and stupid to use for no good reason.
hrheingold - Privacy and "Social Media Monitoring" (SMM) http://bit.ly/O9pu0
:Keeping Friends Close and Friends with Good Credit Scores Closer
The next Flip camera will have Wi-Fi
hrheingold - It's not that old guys have learned to choose their battles, it's that you don't get to be an old guy unless you do.
hrheingold - I see my Stanford teaching career heading swiftly for a cliff.
arrington - oh sorry, forgot to say i was just kidding about having special RT power to add commentary.
arrington - Huh? My version allows it. RT @Rafe Just tested retweet button on Twitter. It sucks. Can't add commentary. Boo.
Pavig - Rezzable's Heritage Key Flickr contest
arrington - i'm seriously concerned for @lanceulanoff . If you're his friend, reach out to him. He needs to know someone loves him.
Microsoft MinWin attempts to modularize Windows
Mashable - use Ning for business
Mashable - 6 Killer Google Chrome Extensions for Social Media
Zynga To Launch Smash Hit FarmVille On FarmVille.com
Shirky - laptop steering wheel desk
arrington - My God man. @LanceUlanoff you are the editor in chief of PC Magazine. Try to have some dignity.
Good questions from VCs to startups
Silverlight 4 In Beta supports Google Chrome (plus Screenshots of Facebook Desktop App)
TishShute - watching the tweets still rolling in after @ginatrapini's Wave talk. Wow twitter stream flowing fast on #wave at #w2e
TishShute - Wave Federation Protocol is the basis of an architecture of participation (mobile social interaction utility) for the outernet #AR #w2e
Scobleizer - Cool @salesforce just integrated Twitter into its Service Cloud 2 and made life tougher for a raft of Twitter startups.
Salesforce Chatter is a “Facebook for the Enterprise”
LinkedIn and Microsoft have partnered to offer an add-on that integrates much of your LinkedIn contact information with your Outlook contacts
GwynethLlewelyn - Breaking news: Linden Lab to discontinue existing volunteer Mentor Programme. More news to be announced on the official SL blog soon.
Ana Lutetia interviews Gwyn
==18 November 2009==
Dreamforce: Salesforce Chatter is A Real-Time Social Network For The Enterprise
Shute - Whurleyvision AR radar
Better kitesurf link
Scoble - Video about Pearltrees
*RSS is dead? http://www.pearltrees.com/#N-u=1_6478&N-f=1_71557&N-s=1_71557&N-p=499291&N-pw=1&N-play=0
Mendeley, the-Last.fm-of-research
Tateru - employee of the month
TechCrunch - Location Is The Missing Link Between Social Networks And The Real World
:I believe we’ll see more and more users opt-in to be able to use third-party clients like Birdfeed which let them choose which tweets to attach their location to and let people know where they are.
Twitter/Facebook app Seesmic may ditch Adobe for Microsoft
:Le Meur said his big vision is for Seesmic itself to become a platform for third-party applications itself, the way Twitter and Facebook are now, and AIR wouldn’t allow that to happen.
Tatereu - good version of Cthulhu
Scobleizer - .@Xtel easy, @Seesmic supports Twitter's new lists feature (across three versions!!!) I haven't seen @tweetdeck yet do that.
Scobleizer - My Favorite Twitter client? @tweetie on iPhone (app) @dabr (web) and @seesmic on Web. I am considering a ton of others. @DaveMora asked.
Loic - Seesmic feedback collected here
typepad adds free micoblogging
Tateru - the imprudence viewer respects copyright
Scobleizer - .@gregscher Seesmic doesn't yet have a mobile client. The best out there right now is http://dabr.co.uk (web client for mobile).
Scobleizer - Playing with @seesmic I like their web client better than either their AIR or Silverlight. Why? Has more features. Works same on Win and Mac
Twitter Just UI Puked On My Timeline
:it was a bug
timoreilly - RT @zephoria: My W2E Talk: "Streams of Content, Limited Attention: The Flow of Information through Social Media" http://bit.ly/3gz0Wi #w2e
:article by Dana Boyd
timoreilly - RT @missrogue From my presentation at #w2e today: Your Social Media Strategy Won't Save You 2 http://bit.ly/3MyYOM
O'Reilly - iPhone tricorder
Prok - Tizzy on Posterous
Scobleizer - Hmm, on new UI they got rid of the favorites feature in Twitter. I hope that isn't so. I guess we gotta wait to see what's up with changes.
Scobleizer - One interesting thing is that the ugly new UI automatically refreshed. Interesting!
Scobleizer - Something is going on with Twitter. I have a new UI that really looks awful. I bet we are only seeing piece of something new.
cshirky - A crazy idea for saving local bookstores by mutualizing them
Tateru - Telstra BigPond to shutter Second Life presence in December
YouTube Lets Anyone Create Their Own iReport
mkapor - Geo-volunteerism from Open Streemap to Google maps
Seesmic Launches Native Twitter Client For Windows
:Windows users have previously limited options when it comes to native Twitter clients and are forced to either used web-based clients or use desktop clients like TweetDeck or Seesmic Desktop. These are both based Adobe’s AIR platform, which is notorious for eating up memory and CPU cycles, along with weird window placement quirks.
:Seesmic’s new desktop client will feature integration with just Twitter (Facebook will be added in the next few weeks) and will have much of the same functionality as the Adobe Air-powered client such as lists and multiple accounts, but it will be built on the .NET framework.
:It is available by request at Seesmic.com; signing up for Team Seesmic will net you access to the preview.
How TechCrunch uses Rackspace Cloud
timoreilly - RT @lewisshepherd: a couple quick thoughts I wrote on @timoreilly's "War for the Web" relating to Microsoft's #PDC09
timoreilly - Lines in the Sand, Excellent post by @johnborthwick, anticipating my War for the Web by a few weeks
Shute - NY semantic web meetup
Scobleizer - I am MUCH happier with the new RT feature now that I have a page that shows me Retweets you have done. Awesome. Can't wait for you to get it
Google’s Sample Chrome Extensions Are Already Working
Adobe Releases Flash Player 10.1 And AIR 2.0 – Both Include Multi-touch Support
Google Sites Become Prettier With Templates
timoreilly - RT @zittrain: UN security forces destroy our poster at IGF for mentioning China's firewall
Scoble - Tim Berners-Lee launches WWW Foundation at IGF 2009
Mashable - Foursquare API
Mashable - Qualities to Look for When Hiring a Community Manager
ev - Oh good, a find people API: http://bit.ly/dDvy8 If you wondered why you can't search for people from Twitter apps, this was the missing link
O'Reilly - Changes in Media Over the Past 550 Years
O'Reilly - Messina on "The death of the URL"
Mashable - 37signals’ Basecamp and Highrise Go Down
O'Reilly - Turning Predictions into Opportunities
:Citing: Louis Gray "The Blurry Picture of Open APIs, Standards, Data Ownership"
Pavig - Lunar Rover simulator
NYT garbage article was crowdfunded
Rheingold - Acevedo on Network Capital
Man kite-surfs over pier
==17 November 2009==
Droid army
Foursquare Lets Others Play With Its API
TC - the Social Collective helps organize conferences
TC - Roambi processes data for viewing on iPhone
Old O'Reilly article about the definition of Web 2.0
Loic (RT) - Top 10 Must-Reads for the PR Professional
O'Reilly - The War For the Web
Tateru - Second Life Global Provider Program troubled
Pavig - Mandelbulb
arrington - yeah @randyjensen i know he will. but to be fair I did steal his iphone and I did tweet that message out about the droid.
TC/IT - Gillmor on The Mayor of Realtime
MrBoo - Facebook has 30,000 servers
:The 1-hour, 10-minute presentation discusses the company’s commitment to open source technologies and the importance of memcached and Hadoop in their operations.
pressecitron - Y a parfois des pubs vraiment nazes sur Presse-citron, j'ai beau filtrer à la hache, Adsense me ramène des trucs d'un autre monde
TC - Android Market Badly Needs A Desktop Presence To Compete With The App Store
Feldman's Audience Conference
cshirky    A speculative post on the idea of algorithmic authority
:Jeff Jarvis
Scobleizer - I am on the beach with @arrington arguing Droid and I didn't notice he got my iPhone. :-)
Scobleizer - Droid is the best phone. @arrington was totally right
How to Profit off the Poor… and Keep Your Soul
:A 13-year-old, illiterate kid who’d never seen a computer wandered over tentatively, and soon realized he could move the cursor by moving a finger across the touch pad. Within four hours, a small group of kids had gathered. They had figured out how to open Internet Explorer and were playing a game on Disney’s Web site.
Rheingold - How To: Be Active On Twitter Without Getting Burned Out
Mashable - Social Media Can Change The World Through Common Ground
==15 November 2009==
Scobleizer - What @chudson really wants is a SuperTweet (which is what I'm working on now). More later...
Scobleizer - Good blog post from @chudson who wants to see better integration of Yelp, Eventbrite into Facebook. http://bit.ly/3RsqR6
Scobleizer - RT @mytweetmark: grails is the easiest way. Please look up grails.org and they have a photo album sample where you can build an app.
Scobleizer - Software developers: How do you do prototyping? I have an idea for a "SuperTweet" that I want to show you.
timoreilly - Interview with me in Entrepreneur Magazine: Radicals and Visionaries
pavig - log in or sign up, simple elegant UI design
TC - why did Daniel Raffel choose Yahoo?
:Yes, think Facebook Connect, Google Friend Connect, and the like.
iDroid Wars on Gillmor Gang
timoreilly - The Genius of the AND: John Halamka on the need for both complex and simple standards in #healthcare interop:
Mashable - 5 Real-Life Google Wave Use Cases
Scobleizer - I hate seeing tweets in Facebook, I wish I could filter them out
Facebook unlinks Twitter links:
:note - O'Reilly's imported link seems to be working again
Kapor - problems with wine rating
It’s Google’s world and handset makers just live in it
TC - Tumblr seems to be growing
Searles - intention economy traction
Scoble - RRW reports that Rackspace Says it's Closing the Gap with Amazon
Scobleizer - Great post from @chrismessina on location-based ad targeting: http://bit.ly/eKklT
Le Rouzic - Journée Mondiale de l’Utilisabilité 2009
Maracas - flash origin policy issues
:And an imperfect block
==14 November 2009==
Scobleizer - Ahh Microsoft employees calling me insipid bring great joy to me on Friday afternoon. Thank you @nadyne
Arrington - How Murdoch Can Really Hurt Google
Scobleizer - Is RSS dead? Well, I am using it to build a new kind of Twitter account: my blog. @scobleblog will have just my blog posts, nothing else.
lessig - Fox-puppet: an angry complaining soul misinformed by sensationalist press.
lessig - Let's create a meme: fox-puppet.
Mashable - Wordpress plugins to build community
Scobleizer - While I was at @defrag I met with @80legs who made a software crawler that does some wacky cool stuff for app developers and marketers.
Scobleizer - I agree with those who say personal brands (er, friendship) isn't scalable. That said we are in a new world now. @chanezon
Mashable - Before You Go Online: Talk to Your Customers Offline
timoreilly - The Redmonk IT trend roadmap laid out by @sogrady closely matches my own thinking. http://bit.ly/3aoNSw (via @monkchips) Really good piece.
Scoble likes the layout of this news site
Scoble in text chat with Financial Times
Retrevo aggregates electronics recommendations
cshirky - RT @jeffjarvis: I think the divide in media will not be MSM v. bloggers but walled v. open
Twitter bringing in revenue
O'Reilly - Demand Media is the new answer factory
New Scoble posts:
*Twitter lists: http://scobleizer.com/2009/11/13/twitter-lists-lifechangin/
*Smart phones: http://scobleizer.com/2009/11/13/arrington-droid/
Messina uses Metafilter, community weblog
TC - GeoAPI Launches For Places, Tweets, Flickr...
O'Reilly - iPhone apps used daily?
Joe Hewitt and his iPhone app development kit
Mashable - WordPress Now Knows Where You Are
O'Reilly - iPhone sensors
timoreilly - nice collaboration between bit.ly and the Internet archive: http://bit.ly/3LHAKx Forward thinking, important, public service. (via @bryce)
==13 November 2009==
==13 November 2009==
Google wave adds following
Scobleizer - RT @NigelFenwick: RT @alexcalic: Couldn't make it to #defrag #defragcon? Watch it from behind @stoweboyd here http://bit.ly/4wqrNI
O'Reilly - makers on WSJ
Scobleizer - I really am loving Seesmic Web. List support there is awesome! http://seesmic.com/web/ Better than any AIR app so far
Incsub Launches WP Plugins; App Store For WordPress Plugins
Listiti marries Twitter lists with e-mail alerts – now with added widgets!
Arrington - the best pages on the Internet
Arrington - the best pages on the Internet

Latest revision as of 22:40, 30 November 2009