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==19 November 2009==
==18 November 2009==
RT as SMS with Twittermobile
Prokofy - Cutting off the Long Tail: the Lindens Chop off Freebies From XStreet http://bit.ly/Sxtuf
Scobleizer - I wasn't the first to see the Twitter/FriendFeed parallels:
:We know that the new retweet functionality will keep everyone’s “like” below the master/initial comment.
Scobleizer - Best line from Salesforce event: Benioff: "I know more about what my friends on Twitter are doing than what my VP of sales is doing."
Gwyn explains the end of LL mentor group
Scobleizer - I just realized that Twitter is turning into FriendFeed. Maybe that's why I like all the new changes!
Prokofy - another chance to sound off against the usual open source shtick
:Lots and lots and lots of people need to describe how opensource systems like openID and Drupal constantly freeze and do not work, and are cumbersome, difficult, and stupid to use for no good reason.
hrheingold - Privacy and "Social Media Monitoring" (SMM) http://bit.ly/O9pu0
:Keeping Friends Close and Friends with Good Credit Scores Closer
The next Flip camera will have Wi-Fi
hrheingold - It's not that old guys have learned to choose their battles, it's that you don't get to be an old guy unless you do.
hrheingold - I see my Stanford teaching career heading swiftly for a cliff.
arrington - oh sorry, forgot to say i was just kidding about having special RT power to add commentary.
arrington - Huh? My version allows it. RT @Rafe Just tested retweet button on Twitter. It sucks. Can't add commentary. Boo.
Pavig - Rezzable's Heritage Key Flickr contest
arrington - i'm seriously concerned for @lanceulanoff . If you're his friend, reach out to him. He needs to know someone loves him.
Microsoft MinWin attempts to modularize Windows
Mashable - use Ning for business
Mashable - 6 Killer Google Chrome Extensions for Social Media
Zynga To Launch Smash Hit FarmVille On FarmVille.com
Shirky - laptop steering wheel desk
arrington - My God man. @LanceUlanoff you are the editor in chief of PC Magazine. Try to have some dignity.
Good questions from VCs to startups
Silverlight 4 In Beta supports Google Chrome (plus Screenshots of Facebook Desktop App)
TishShute - watching the tweets still rolling in after @ginatrapini's Wave talk. Wow twitter stream flowing fast on #wave at #w2e
TishShute - Wave Federation Protocol is the basis of an architecture of participation (mobile social interaction utility) for the outernet #AR #w2e
Scobleizer - Cool @salesforce just integrated Twitter into its Service Cloud 2 and made life tougher for a raft of Twitter startups.
Salesforce Chatter is a “Facebook for the Enterprise”
LinkedIn and Microsoft have partnered to offer an add-on that integrates much of your LinkedIn contact information with your Outlook contacts
GwynethLlewelyn - Breaking news: Linden Lab to discontinue existing volunteer Mentor Programme. More news to be announced on the official SL blog soon.
Ana Lutetia interviews Gwyn
==18 November 2009==
Dreamforce: Salesforce Chatter is A Real-Time Social Network For The Enterprise
Dreamforce: Salesforce Chatter is A Real-Time Social Network For The Enterprise

Revision as of 17:17, 19 November 2009