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==13 November 2009==
==14 November 2009==
Scobleizer - Ahh Microsoft employees calling me insipid bring great joy to me on Friday afternoon. Thank you @nadyne
Arrington - How Murdoch Can Really Hurt Google
Scobleizer - Is RSS dead? Well, I am using it to build a new kind of Twitter account: my blog. @scobleblog will have just my blog posts, nothing else.
lessig - Fox-puppet: an angry complaining soul misinformed by sensationalist press.
lessig - Let's create a meme: fox-puppet.
Mashable - Wordpress plugins to build community
Scobleizer - While I was at @defrag I met with @80legs who made a software crawler that does some wacky cool stuff for app developers and marketers.
Scobleizer - I agree with those who say personal brands (er, friendship) isn't scalable. That said we are in a new world now. @chanezon
Mashable - Before You Go Online: Talk to Your Customers Offline
timoreilly - The Redmonk IT trend roadmap laid out by @sogrady closely matches my own thinking. http://bit.ly/3aoNSw (via @monkchips) Really good piece.
Scoble likes the layout of this news site
Scoble in text chat with Financial Times
Retrevo aggregates electronics recommendations
cshirky - RT @jeffjarvis: I think the divide in media will not be MSM v. bloggers but walled v. open
Twitter bringing in revenue
O'Reilly - Demand Media is the new answer factory
New Scoble posts:
*Twitter lists: http://scobleizer.com/2009/11/13/twitter-lists-lifechangin/
*Smart phones: http://scobleizer.com/2009/11/13/arrington-droid/
Messina uses Metafilter, community weblog
TC - GeoAPI Launches For Places, Tweets, Flickr...
O'Reilly - iPhone apps used daily?
Joe Hewitt and his iPhone app development kit
Mashable - WordPress Now Knows Where You Are
O'Reilly - iPhone sensors
timoreilly - nice collaboration between bit.ly and the Internet archive: http://bit.ly/3LHAKx Forward thinking, important, public service. (via @bryce)
==13 November 2009==
Google wave adds following
Google wave adds following

Revision as of 09:52, 14 November 2009