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==12 November 2009==
==12 November 2009==
Pavig - The Hubbert Peak Theory of Rock
Prokofy - In which I argue w @avc & say @1938media is genius & Fred sez he's a troll http://bit.ly/1OqYg6
:This clip for example is pure genius, the "A List Works Harder Than You Do"
:And how about a conference with no laptops or Twitter for a change? It took Loren to put that together:
Scobleizer - Cool @gist just released public profiles. @tamccann is showing them to me http://bit.ly/18GM7f has details.
Scoble - a Rackspace cloud success story
:Unlike Amazon, Rackspace offers a service called “cloud sites,” which basically means that they do the server management stuff that my team doesn’t know how to do — maintain the LAMP stack, basic security, crap like that.
Scobleizer - Large Twitter datasets just revealed from @infochimps http://bit.ly/w2dGf Gotta go study...
Scobleizer - Hanging out with @pistachio who has the best directory of Twitter apps anywhere:
Mozilla Jetpack Gallery helps users find Jetpack add-ons created by the community
:Jetpack allows developers to create add-ons for Firefox, even if they have limited programming experience
Find, Follow, Feed: YouTube’s Social Strategy And Solving The Curation Problem
IDG Teams Up With Networked Insights To Sift Through Social Noise
Loic - RRW on 7 Apps We're Falling in Love With
Scobleizer - Cool @chrisfleck is showing me real Office running on iphone. He is a vp at @citrixsystems and demo is at http://citrixcloud.net
Scoble - tweets from #defragcon
:Scobleizer - RT @eventvue @Scobleizer or watch them live, faster, & with comments at http://short.to/wkov cool
timoreilly - ParticipateDB: a new collaborative catalogue of online tools for participation
Orban - Techshop in Menlo park
TishShute - coffee today with Sophia Parafina http://opengeo.org/ - looking forward to talking - OpenAR, OpenGeo, Google Wave, Pygowave #AR
TishShute - coffee today with Sophia Parafina http://opengeo.org/ - looking forward to talking - OpenAR, OpenGeo, Google Wave, Pygowave #AR

Revision as of 00:56, 13 November 2009