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==23 August 2010==
==24 August 2010==
taterunino - Tonight Live with Paisley Beebe: Artistic Expression, Keiko Returns, and Emerald Controversy http://bit.ly/c6fa5Y
hrheingold - Susan "Memes" Blackmore on the power to copy information as an evolutionary force ("Temes") http://nyti.ms/cJ7pc4
loic - The First 99 People to Follow on Twitter by @HilzFuld [thanks!] http://ping.fm/zUTeB
TechCrunch - Fraudsters Drain PayPal Accounts Through iTunes - http://tcrn.ch/cSOWix by @erickschonfeld
*hey this page shows how to do search on Facebook!
dsearls - For your soul's bibliography: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/doc/?p=3229 #KevinKelly #LewisHyde #technology #technium #commons #property
timoreilly - RT @nslater: Just launched the new CouchDB: The Definitive Guide website, with updated content and public source code. http://bit.ly/du2X2D
TechCrunch TechCrunch - Why Social Media Projects Fail – A European Perspective - http://tcrn.ch/cn8MfZ by @robinwauters
Behind the scenes with Paisley (via Tat)
taterunino - Arabella Steadham “asked to lie” about Emerald viewer http://bit.ly/aFJ8zJ
TechCrunch - Hunch Tries Local Recommendations - http://tcrn.ch/9HeERO by @erickschonfeld
Prokofy - Well at least with #EmeraldGate the Lindens have succeeded in distracting everyone from viewr 2.x & their other sins like display names
loic - all these posts about Zuck not being blockable on Facebook are ridiculous, seriously, who gives a shit? Who wants to block him anyway?
Scobleizer - While what @leolaporte wrote today contains a lot of truth you can only quit once and keep your credibility. That is why I don't quit.
Prokofy - If only @PaisleyBeebe could interview Lindens like that every week, the world would be a better place.
davewiner - "Socially Generated Newspaper for Geeks, Designers and Venture Capitalists." http://r2.ly/4p9y
loic - Hey @arrington that Skype chat video with @alexia bugging you non-stop is awesome http://ping.fm/Kr7xf
mkapor - The RIAA cuts deal with broadcasters, now wants to mandate FM radios in cell phones http://bit.ly/aniEW3 Nooooooo!
Scobleizer - Does design sell? @tether designed this new Gatorade bottle and sales went through the roof: http://bit.ly/bwhJfv (loved meeting him).
Scobleizer - I don't like @davewiner's comment proposal. Here is my audio to Dave. #Cinch: http://bit.ly/b9O9dA
davewiner - In order of number of hits (it wasn't close): 1. Ycombinator. 2. Slashdot. 3. Techmeme.
davewiner - I've had major linkage this weekend from: 1. Ycombinator. 2. Slashdot. 3. Techmeme. Which do you think delivers the most hits?
Scobleizer - the real problem is Google Buzz is a poor copy of FriendFeed and is too noisy to get large audiences. Twitter is much better. @leolaporte
Scobleizer - Wow. I sometimes agree with ... @leolaporte: Bye-bye Google Buzz... http://leoville.com/buzz-kill ... but not today.
taterunino - Hijack hijinks « Dwell On It http://bit.ly/ddNRsq
*Emerald viewer is naughty
Scobleizer - .@RaviVora Facebook should have given me a way to remove "fake" location tags. That's the bug. Very poor design.
davewiner - Scripting News: Proposal: A new kind of blog comment system. http://r2.ly/4nw4
*Winer turns control freak
==23 August 2010==
TechCrunch - Skype Etiquette - http://tcrn.ch/94YLxv by @arrington  
TechCrunch - Skype Etiquette - http://tcrn.ch/94YLxv by @arrington  

Revision as of 14:01, 24 August 2010