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==22 August 2010==
TechCrunch - TinyChat Jumps To 1 Million Users, Adds Broadcast Feature And Facebook Chat - http://tcrn.ch/cH5DBz by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch - It's Official: Google Acquires Like.com - http://tcrn.ch/ayZOEj by @leenarao
davewiner - A developer I know applied to get access to Twitter's OAuth interface and was turned down. So Twitter is doing an Apple? http://r2.ly/zzu2
hrheingold - A document, like Engelbart's "Framework," that I have to read over and over to use as a lens.
hrheingold - ... "Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture" http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/full_pdfs/Confronting_the_Challenges.pdf
TechCrunch - Horror Film Finds Actual Business Use For Chatroulette - http://tcrn.ch/bNhUBd by @alexia
TechCrunch - GinzaMetrics Aims To Bring Simplicity To SEO Software - http://tcrn.ch/9K9Bz5 by @leenarao
timoreilly - http://bhorowitz.com by @bhorowitz is a fabulous resource for entrepreneurs and executives. Love it. Thanks @gnat.
hrheingold - Create a coop cafe in yr neighborhood http://bit.ly/cURGvj via @mbauwens
timoreilly - Wow - this could change the dynamics of #ebooks: in Japan, people are digitizing their own http://bit.ly/acMv8F via @naypinya
timoreilly - The age of nations is over. Good article from Foreign Policy about why it's the century of cities http://bit.ly/dqt8c5 via @codeforamerica
TechCrunch - Confirmed Hot Potato: Yup, Facebook Bought 'Em, Will Soon Shut Them Down - http://tcrn.ch/9FOCBr by @robinwauters
*The young company initially focused strongly on check-ins based around events, and later pivoted more towards check-ins based on anything you may be doing.
chrismessina - Awesome to see the Chrome Web Store using OpenID and OAuth for licensing and identity! http://j.mp/9HQvlK
taterunino - Hooray. A new thing learned http://bit.ly/apaeqy
*Did Americans in 1776 have British accents?
mkapor - Junk DNA can wake up and make you sick http://nyti.ms/cjiOQ4
davewiner - Open Hardware Summit. http://r2.ly/4ndh
TechCrunch - The Confusing Stages Of Opting Into Facebook Places - http://tcrn.ch/cLH7sL by @jasonkincaid
timoreilly - Eye-opening. RT @CodeforAmerica Cool visualization of "The Geosocial Universe" (v2) fr @jess3. http://twitpic.com/2g2zbq
hrheingold - Doug Engelbart & Ted Nelson came to dinner (14 min vid): http://bit.ly/cprNC8
timoreilly - Impressed by http://odata.org demo from @douglasp and team. Playing with http://odata.netflix.com #odata
*The Open Data Protocol (OData)
Scobleizer - Interesting mobilized replicatable database. Interesting conversation about that: @CouchDB http://bit.ly/adoUzN
*See this page for interesting links
timoreilly - RT @arwenogriffith Nice answers by Chris Anderson on what he reads: http://snurl.com/10q5lx (Yay for @make! and @timoreilly!)
timoreilly - This is What It Looks Like to Fall From Space http://bit.ly/aAdBCq
TechCrunch - Google Launches Chrome's 'App Store For The Web' In Developer Preview - http://tcrn.ch/cDAURT by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch - Google To Start Charging Devs $5 To List Chrome Extensions, Themes, And Apps - http://tcrn.ch/dv0rGD by @parislemon
==19 August 2010==
==19 August 2010==

Revision as of 15:52, 22 August 2010