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==30 June 2010==
hrheingold - If you look close, the online pregnancy tester is a joke http://www.thepregnancytester.com/guarantee.html but scary that ppl cd believe it
Prokofy - @mkapor are you going to be kinder to the residents now or are you going to continue to call us losers and masochists? We pay more than VCs.
loic - awesome video shot in HD and edited on imovie for iPhone 4 by @mathieu (watch full screen) http://ping.fm/1n6Bh
==29 June 2010==
loic - awesome by the creator of Heroes (corrected!) @timkring checkout @conspiracy4good http://ping.fm/9okSu
TechCrunch - Google Apps For Education Wins Two More States, Rolls Out Training Tools For Teachers - http://tcrn.ch/8YaSoe by @leenarao
TechCrunch - Apperang Pays You Cash to Download iPhone Apps... Ka-Ching! - http://tcrn.ch/c2kLlI by @gregkumparak
chrismessina - iPhone's World Clock UI made with CSS3: http://j.mp/icss3 /via @t @jmspool
loic - Why We Check In: The Reasons People Use Location Based Social Networks http://ping.fm/BRb1b
davewiner - Growing pains afflict HTML5 standardization. http://r2.ly/4auf
loic - the earthquake was kinda mild but always reminds you that a lot worse could happen here, we should move Silicon Valley somewhere else :)
TechCrunch - Yahoo's Style Guide For The Web Lands Next Week In Print, iPad And Kindle Form - http://tcrn.ch/ci8e4s by @robinwauters
==28 June 2010==
TechCrunch - Bettween Makes Tracking And Sharing Twitter Conversations Even Easier - http://tcrn.ch/b8qM9W by @robinwauters
loic - I meant the iPhone 4, not 4g :) wishful thinking to have 4g on it.
timoreilly - First useful social graph viz I've seen. Handheld video walkthrough of LinkedIn graph that includes @Joi and me http://bit.ly/bGrvm9 #foo10
dsearls - Hey @rekha6. I like http://bit.ly/cplgbN. Full #VRM will happen when tools and perspectives are the individual's. More on a later blog post.
*Tribemonitor service tracks social media and online metrics for artists and labels.
hrheingold - I use http://paper.li/hrheingold daily to harvest from ppl I follow, but can see creating specialized accounts 2 follow topic experts
hrheingold - To create expertly curated daily newspaper on a topic, create twitter account, follow ppl who know the topic, use http://paper.li
==27 June 2010==
loic - How We Got To 40,310 Facebook Fans In 4 Days http://ping.fm/Idoc3
timoreilly - An obscured cloud: content sharing in the cloud, but w/o the cloud operator having access to the content http://bit.ly/d0KZon via @digiphile
Roberts - philosophy football
Roberts - the oil hits Pensacola beach in Florida
McKnight - Steampunk workshop
TechCrunch - Musicians - This Is How You Create A Great Looking Facebook Page - http://tcrn.ch/bRo5G9 by
davewiner - Welcome to Social Whale. (Looks interesting.) http://r2.ly/zmth
==26 June 2010==
taterunino - The Virtual Whirl: A brief history of Second Life http://bit.ly/bT0Gif
davewiner - HowTo: EC2 for Poets. http://r2.ly/kdcm
davewiner - Traditional Media Is Having A Field Day On Tumblr. http://r2.ly/4afj
Chris Messina  chrismessina - "THIS PAGE BEST VIEWED WITH PATRIOTIC MUSIC" http://public.resource.org/bsc.ca.gov @SarahPalinUSA would approve.
davewiner - Facebook Uses BitTorrent, and They Love It. http://r2.ly/9d8a
chrismessina - You can now share any file in @dropbox — sweet! http://forums.dropbox.com/topic.php?id=21441
TechCrunch - Palantir: The Next Billion-Dollar Company Raises $90 Million - http://tcrn.ch/arjigC by @evelynrusli
loic - Apple Nation http://ping.fm/vGEA6
loic - social networks generate trust as in a love relationship #nimportequoi http://ping.fm/Riilo
timoreilly - Agile development: RT @RomanStanek Maintaining a 14 day release cycle at @gooddata http://bit.ly/af1Ppo #devops #velocityconf
timoreilly - Love this taste of the always real-time computing future: Live train map for the London Underground http://bit.ly/94bdsC via @naypinya
Hernandez - prim perfect on content theft
Hernandez - Java trailer
davewiner - iPhone Mayhem: Robbery, Heat Exhaustion, Shattered Faith. http://r2.ly/4b6z
loic - How We Find Top Influencers by @klout http://ping.fm/DMzhR
TishShute - interested 2 c how OpenAMD @ NextHope will work out http://amd.hope.net/ discussion of #AR apps in forums http://bit.ly/9p4r3n via @spara
davewiner - Dropbox Adds Ability to Create a Shareable Link to Any File in Your Account. http://r2.ly/4b5k
==24 June 2010==
timoreilly - Awesome piece: The Anosognosic’s Dilemma: Something’s Wrong but You’ll Never Know What It Is http://nyti.ms/aqXbli
TechCrunch - Twitter Feels Like Falling in Love, At Least From a Hormonal Perspective - http://tcrn.ch/aoAoMo by @johnbiggs
timoreilly - Great idea from @crowdflower: Crowdsourcing the Goldman Sachs Investigation http://bit.ly/9o4uoG #gov20 #opengov
Kingdon out:
*Philip's speech: http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2010/06/philip-rosedale-at-sl7b.html
TechCrunch - Chrome OS Adding Polish. Zip Files, Boot Up Process, And Addictive Games Being Debated - http://tcrn.ch/cNWloh by @parislemon
TechCrunch - Sequoia Capital Leads $14 Million Round For Sencha's HTML5 Frameworks - http://tcrn.ch/ddVQ78 by @jasonkincaid
chrismessina - Panda is the new weaponized pony. http://flic.kr/p/8cWvJE Experience the power: http://flickr.com/explore/panda
taterunino - Lab staffers apparently telling people Mark is out and Philip back in (in some role). None of them have talked to *me* so it is all 2nd hand
chrismessina - Tweetie 1.2.7 removes @Posterous, Pix.im and Img.ly from the image services (but leaves in tr.im?!). The "Show Ads" option still exists.
hrheingold - 60+ summaries of fundamental texts across disciplines abt cooperation, collective action http://bit.ly/bcwOxF
davewiner - Scripting News: How Edit This Page works in Scripting2. http://r2.ly/4a7m
chrismessina - "The administration will use Web 2.0 technologies to enable online feedback on the latest draft of the plan." http://bit.ly/d2oZ6d
*Administration plan for online IDs
TechCrunch - Twitter Perfects A Way To Link Up With Your Facebook And LinkedIn Friends - http://tcrn.ch/9Kp4jS by @parislemon
TechCrunch - Greystripe: Developer Sign-Ups Doubled Following Apple's New Ad Network Policy - http://tcrn.ch/aN4S31 by @leenarao
chrismessina - Opt-in/out to the redesigned Flickr photo page: http://www.flickr.com/help/general/#1539493
loic - Enhancing Net Promoter Score (NPS) with Total Social Customer Value (TSCV) « Web Strategy by @JOwyang http://ping.fm/BQKIE
TechCrunch - Flickr Gets More Photogenic With A Complete Photo Page Overhaul - http://tcrn.ch/9qL7LX by @parislemon
TishShute - RT @eric_andersen: Wow! #IBM Alternate Futures: an interactive 3D art experience in @SecondLife! http://j.mp/bETxSx /via @RitaJKing
timoreilly - RT @strangeloopnet: Steve Souders: Zen and the Art of Web Performance: http://bit.ly/8cz8ST Awesome. #velocityconf
hrheingold - "Little change, big change, & Gov2.0" Smart Mobs blogger @stequoianie talks to IDEO's Fred Dust http://bit.ly/dbI3Z6 via @semanticwill
*Permaculture  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Holmgren#Holmgren.27s_12_design_principles
TechCrunch - Dept. Of Annotation: Bounce Some Website Design Ideas Off Your Friends - http://tcrn.ch/a9lUL4 by @erickschonfeld
TechCrunch - Like A Match.com For Search Marketers, Linker Facilitates Relevant Link Exchanges - http://tcrn.ch/ainoUZ by @robinwauters
TechCrunch - Why Every Site Should Have A Data Portability Policy - http://tcrn.ch/dcT1jD by
TC - Appdata, FB application metrics
==23 June 2010==
TechCrunch - Google Counters Apple's HTML5 Showcase With HTML5Rocks (Yes, It's Really Called That) - http://tcrn.ch/cKbu2t by @parislemon
chrismessina - An interview about the advantages of distributed social networking over monolithic services: http://ur1.ca/0bde1 /feat @evanpro via @walkah
hrheingold - Somewhat deep thought piece on "bow tie structures" (the Web is one) by @paulbhartzog http://bit.ly/cuoHmo
*on P2P foundation website
timoreilly - Nice writeup about @opscode funding: Turning Sysadmins into Superheroes http://bit.ly/bME1s3 Congrats to @jesserobbins & team #velocityconf
TechCrunch - Posterous Targets Ning In Massive Switching Campaign. Who Is Next? - http://tcrn.ch/bKK0jt by @leenarao
timoreilly - Good reminder from @cjoh: Build Communities, Not App Contests http://bit.ly/8ZXe1U #gov20 #opengov #innovation
TechCrunch - LinkedIn Takes Groups To The Next Level With Likes, Follows And More - http://tcrn.ch/dqPuwV by @leenarao
TechCrunch - Quora's Highly Praised Q&A Service Launches To The Public (And The Real Test Begins) - http://tcrn.ch/b8JGEo by @jasonkincaid
hrheingold - via @dailydish intview w/ Clay Shirky: "it was more important that Europe be literate than for scribes to have a job" http://bit.ly/912O6U
chrismessina - ~@WSJ Exclusive: @Quora will make its public debut tomorrow http://on.wsj.com/9NW2ed /via @artypapers tip @techmeme
davewiner - Apple collecting, sharing iPhone users' precise locations. http://r2.ly/zjyw
timoreilly - RT @radar On the performance of clouds http://oreil.ly/bdEVcY
hrheingold - Thks @szarka for better link to Burt's excellent paper (PDF) "Social Origins of Good Ideas" http://bit.ly/b6m8ur
TechCrunch - Location Labs (Formerly WaveMarket) Gives Mobile Apps Geo Data Without A Download - http://tcrn.ch/b3WJIW by @erickschonfeld
chrismessina - iPhone multitasking explained http://furbo.org/2010/06/21/iphone-multitasking/ /by @chockenberry tip @techmeme
davewiner - It’s 2010. Where’s My Internet Dashboard? http://r2.ly/zjx2
davewiner - A Big, Programmable Event Loop in the Cloud. http://r2.ly/zjvg
davewiner - Scripting News: An epiphany about Twitter. http://r2.ly/zjw5
==22 June 2010==
McKnight - CDS: Not Democratic, Not A Government
Delia - Global Warming, Peak Oil, Resource Depletion, and Sustainable Living
Android and me
TechCrunch - Woops, Google Street View Cars Collected Email Passwords; French Gov Investigate - http://tcrn.ch/8YG8YI by @sohear
TishShute - on my way 2 COM.geo readin @Nextgov Data.gov's next big thing: Mashing up federal stats with maps http://bit.ly/dvUXaf #gov20 @digiphile
timoreilly - RT @alexevansuk #Peakoil experts tell me the best energy descent plan in the world right now belongs to Bloomington, IN *http://is.gd/cChqG
==21 June 2010==
Prokofy - I found this post completely ill-conceived b/c he's unconvincing about the bigass picture effect being so vital http://bit.ly/a3lcq4
Prokofy - Are remaining Lindens reading this v useful message? http://www.startuplessonslearned.com/2009/09/cardinal-sin-of-community-management.html
TechCrunch - Why Mobile Innovation Is Blowing Away PCs - http://tcrn.ch/aidm9L by @stevecheney
hrheingold - As usual, @stevenbjohnson makes sense about multitasking and "deep reading" http://nyti.ms/bwSd59
davewiner - Twitter Annotations Are Coming and Google is spreading fear. Wish they'd kick back and give it a chance. Sheesh. http://r2.ly/zjmc
timoreilly - .@macgill reviews some of the legal issues raised by #ebooks: http://oreil.ly/ado3HA #copyright
davewiner - Readability will change the way you read online. http://r2.ly/zjju
davewiner - Winer’s sub-text: A stumble in the right direction. http://r2.ly/zjjm
TishShute - RT @genebecker: Beyond Augmented Reality: Ubiquitous Media (visuals from my session at #ARE2010) http://j.mp/b3qNGw
taterunino - Data loss http://dwellonit.taterunino.net/2010/06/19/data-loss/
Scobleizer - Nice to see @soluto in the New York Times. http://nyti.ms/9Le1D2
loic - New trend pitching your startup: instead of saying "the problem we're solving is..." say "the problem we're creating is..."
hrheingold - Using @thebraintech more often, in more depth; getting further into @ScrivenerApp Next up: DEVONthink. By end of summer, aim 2B proficient
==19 June 2010==
John Carter McKnight - reading On Democracy by Robert A. Dahl
Searls - letter to Ballmer
dsearls - There has to be a better way than http://bit.ly/cKveGs to get screen shots on a Nexus One
mkapor - Why the command line will never die http://bit.ly/cI1wSe
chrismessina - Don't miss @dondodge's accurate write up of his first 6 months at Google (he joined shortly before me): http://j.mp/working-at-google
TechCrunch - Might Threaded Conversations Be Coming To Twitter? - http://tcrn.ch/9Y99Xt by @parislemon
chrismessina - "In a utopian world, where unicorns fart butterflies, it might all work out," Joe Gregorio on Distributed Extensibility http://j.mp/dist-uri
TechCrunch - Use The iPhone 4's Gyroscope Right Now -- Without The iPhone 4 Or The Gyroscope - http://tcrn.ch/9ejguE by @parislemon
TechCrunch - Pogoplug Updates Android App: Control Your Drives From Your EVO 4G - http://tcrn.ch/chK9nj by @johnbiggs
McNight: "Hearing the Other Side: Deliberative versus Participatory Democracy" by Diana Mutz
==18 June 2010==
chrismessina - The command line lives! Introducing GoogleCL: http://j.mp/cdLqWM Project home: http://j.mp/googlecl
chrismessina - RT @ginatrapani: Astonishing parade of newly-minted OpenID's happening on my blog thanks to @chrismessina! http://bit.ly/birOT0 #yay!
Scobleizer - Video: Strings http://strings.com real time aggregator of your personal info http://youtu.be/SLRLR7iKAos Yo @louisgray why aren't you on it?
timoreilly - RT @sarawinge Seminal post on data science from @mikeloukides! If you missed it 2 weeks ago, catch up now: http://oreil.ly/cWchWz
TechCrunch - OneRiot's Realtime Search API Now Indexing Facebook Likes And Shared Content - http://tcrn.ch/aMVSc1 by @leenarao
Dog blown away by huge storm
Prokofy - Mr. President, Meet with Russian Dissidents and Raise Russian Human Rights Problems http://bit.ly/czjUjU -- and that goes for Silicon Valley
Scobleizer - Yet another opportunity to give away your privacy: http://snoopon.me shares your screen with everyone. #ihaveseeneverythingnow
Scobleizer - I want to thank my psychiatrist for making it OK to use my iPhone again.
mkapor - I laughed at Posterous, but they proved me wrong http://bit.ly/bBpXZ8
hrheingold - http://paper.li/ great way 2 use Twitter as information source. Turns links from ppl U follow into a page like http://paper.li/hrheingold
mkapor - My investment @blockchalk just wrote about their fund-raising experience http://j.mp/9p3U07. Here's @venturehacks' take http://j.mp/bIAA2a.
TechCrunch - Rdio Fairly Rocks (The Complete Review) http://tcrn.ch/9nrryD by @erickschonfeld
chrismessina - Pretty cool! You can now request to license a @flickr user's photos via Getty: http://cot.ag/9zyyHp /via @gregcohn tip @techmeme
TechCrunch - Facebook Also Said To Have A Deal With Localeze For Facebook Places - http://tcrn.ch/bLzhsN by @parislemon
chrismessina - So cool that NYSenate has an iPhone app: http://bit.ly/aUkfb2 Better, it's open source! http://bit.ly/aBHBlI /via @ahoppin
chrismessina - RT @wordpress: Introducing WordPress 3.0, Thelonious. What are you waiting for? http://wp.me/p4Ez4-mg /tip @techmeme
Scobleizer - Two location companies that are more important than @foursquare, @whrrl MyTown or @gowalla : http://bit.ly/9PTtzU @therealgoby @thedealmap
hrheingold - Today's New York Times on use of smart mob tech/tactics by labor movement in China http://nyti.ms/do3s03
TechCrunch - Google's Commerce Search For Retailers Now Better And Cheaper - http://tcrn.ch/b5w7Yz by @leenarao
Scobleizer - In the morning we'll be visiting the first floor of Twitter's building where @publitweet @plancast @klout and a ton of other startups are.
mkapor - Twilio launches Open VBX, web-based open source phone system for business http://openvbx.org
TechCrunch - Huffington Post Buys Adaptive Semantics To Keep Up With 100,000 Comments A Day - http://tcrn.ch/cHOHCq by @erickschonfeld
==17 June 2010==
TechCrunch - Disney/Pixar Buys The First Twitter Trending Topic Ad - http://tcrn.ch/cMEGHV by @parislemon
davewiner - Knight Foundation Announces Winners of 2010 News Challenge. http://r2.ly/ziai
hrheingold - I've consulted 4 pay w/ Microsoft, but objectively believe their critical thinking for classroom resource is valuable http://bit.ly/9B8kxw
TechCrunch - Hot Potato 2.0 Lets You "Check-In" While You're Doing Anything - http://tcrn.ch/djPHpj by @parislemon
chrismessina - "Social" is a layer, not a feature; making the vision a reality in the enterprise: http://bit.ly/anSGqd /by @alevin #openid #activitystreams
TechCrunch - Advocacy Groups Poke More Holes In Facebook Privacy, Facebook Responds - http://tcrn.ch/deISZL by @jasonkincaid
davewiner - Scripting News: Bootstrapping a federated Twitwork with annotations? http://r2.ly/zhzq
hrheingold - Doug Thomas & @jseelybrown wrote some good stuff about World of Warcraft and learning http://bit.ly/dxnA46
timoreilly - Smart #cloud article by @bernardgolden: How complex systems have changed the job of the auto mechanic and the #sysadmin http://bit.ly/b73GcE
chrismessina - Meanwhile, Janrain relaunched their site (looks good!); RPX is now called Janrain Engage: http://janrain.com /via @peat
TechCrunch - Plancast Plans To Spread Throughout The Web With An API And Widgets - http://tcrn.ch/coyRxm by @parislemon
davewiner - Twitter at a crossroads once again. http://r2.ly/zhx6
TechCrunch - Memeo Connect 2.0 Makes GDrive A Reality - http://tcrn.ch/djZILj by @jasonkincaid
taterunino - Best sign of trouble in Second Life so far is a sudden upward spike in u2u transactions. Most often accompanies major woes or gloom.
davewiner - Twitter.org? http://r2.ly/zht3
timoreilly - RT @TheOilDrum: A (Very) Stunning Picture of Oil in Seawater from UK Guardian: http://bit.ly/bDhdZZ #oilspill #oilpocalypse #BP #peakoil
davewiner - Better headline: "No good deed goes unpunished." (Looks like CNET is owned by AT&T and they are nasty fucks.) http://r2.ly/zhs8
chrismessina - "The best products let people focus on the goal of the activity, not the details of working the product." http://instapaper.com/z86i3kfI
*"Rob Tannen is an expert in designing products, interfaces and systems that accommodate the complexities of human behavior and capabilities."
davewiner - Scripting News: How an "Emergency Broadcast System" for Twitter could work. http://r2.ly/zj3e
davewiner - Does the World Need More Than One Twitter? http://r2.ly/zj2t
davewiner - There are technical solutions to Twitter's problems that lie outside Twitter. The client vendors have the means to solve it.
chrismessina - I'M COMIC SANS, ASSHOLE. Print it: http://j.mp/imcomicssans (PDF)
TechCrunch - Twitter Gives Itself A Yellow Card For Downtime; Warns Of More To Come - http://tcrn.ch/dqlc5i by @parislemon
==16 June 2010==
hrheingold - Tool for visualizing online opinions in multiple dimensions: Civility Algorithm & launch of Opinion Space http://bit.ly/9Hz5LF
TechCrunch - Apple TV Is Even Less Of A Hobby For Now Thanks To The New Mac Mini - http://tcrn.ch/c7vKdi by @parislemon
timoreilly - Tweet your favorite item @themakersmarket to win it! http://bit.ly/9p97ad Mine might be Caffeine Molecule Necklace - http://bit.ly/d0Ocht
davewiner - "links are the currency of the web" - Google Search. http://r2.ly/zhmz
TechCrunch - Abine Launches To Help Web Users Regain Control Over Their Privacy, Acquires T.A.C.O. - http://tcrn.ch/c6YNs6 by @leenarao
timoreilly - Me too. Thought-provoking RT @jamesoreilly I like this piece by David Brooks on state capitalism v democratic capitalism http://is.gd/cQyBH
timoreilly - RT @digiphile "I'd love to see law as the source code of our democracy, watch programs execute & effectively debug the system"-@TimOReilly
davewiner - What Twitter Places Means for the Geosocial Startups. http://r2.ly/zhmk
hrheingold - Good advice frm @zephoria re: digital bodies - we can't control badinfo abt us, but we can create a living presence - ongoing good info
TechCrunch - Big Change At Hunch; Caterina Fake Predicts "Traffic Will Plummet," But Quality Will Rise - http://tcrn.ch/9XebE9 by @erickschonfeld
timoreilly - Infochimps API to twitter, census data etc. looks awesome: http://bit.ly/d5ORkk (via @mikeloukides)
davewiner - "Just as a program has source code, so does the writing on this blog." http://r2.ly/zhhz
davewiner - Rex Hammock: Twitter is getting too big to fail, and that’s a whale of a problem for all of us. http://r2.ly/zhhj
davewiner - $84 netbook runs Android. http://r2.ly/zhgp
taterunino - VenueGen seems to have some basic literacy problems http://bit.ly/b1p8Lz
==15 June 2010==
davewiner - Scripting News: RSS to the left of me, OPML to the right. http://r2.ly/zhca
chrismessina - Great advice from @cdixon that applies equally well to OAuth and OpenID (etc): http://bit.ly/bbUV7f /tip @techmeme
TechCrunch - How the Chinese Internet Needs to Up Its Game - http://tcrn.ch/d1DCXF by @sarahcuda
timoreilly - The Pattern-Seeking Fallacy: applies statistics to web marketing, among other things. Smart. http://bit.ly/cKkpMJ
*"The fallacy is that you're searching for a theory in a pile of data, rather than forming a theory and running an experiment to support or disprove it."
TechCrunch - Twitter Joins The Place Race -- Foursquare, Gowalla Come Along For The Ride - http://tcrn.ch/9lvRMA by @parislemon
TechCrunch - As Formspring.me Passes 700 Million Questions, Brands Start Taking Notice - http://tcrn.ch/9Jt6PR by @jasonkincaid
chrismessina - Oy. @TweetPhoto's sign in options foretell the coming OAuthization of the NASCAR UI: http://flic.kr/p/8andZJ RIP OpenID (j/k!).
timoreilly - Love @chr1sa's slide at Wired Disruptive by Design: History of the past two decades in 2 sentences: http://bit.ly/bBoXp5 #diy #important
==14 June 2010==
JCM - shit my Darth says
JC McNight - PowerPoint champion of Gor
Hernandez - momma otter teaching pup to swim
Scobleizer - Blog: trip planning in the age of Facebook, first look at new @TripAdvisor "trip friends" feature: http://bit.ly/dqDGUr
loic - we added students, developers and startup rates for LeWeb 2010 http://ping.fm/MHUOu
chrismessina - More thoughts on URL shorteners: http://google.com/buzz/dclinton/JKoWPTAAyvw/. Warning, it's a long one. /by @dewitt tip @techmeme
chrismessina - OMGAMAZING! Hard crafted, pure CSS animated failwhale! http://bit.ly/cUjPrE How it was done: http://bit.ly/dy4qUU /via @dalmaer
TechCrunch - 5 Tips To Transition From A Free To A Paid Service - http://tcrn.ch/d8g3pt by
==13 June 2010==
chrismessina - Just discovered a free film called Patent Absurdity, on how software patents broke the system: http://patentabsurdity.com /via @mlinksva
taterunino - Second Life’s greatest asset, and how it was squandered http://bit.ly/9cr5cU
loic - Build a very large network of engaged users first revenues will come next says @fredwilson http://ping.fm/URIgG
*see link to article about StackOverflow
davewiner - Coming soon: an open source Dropbox alternative with collaboration. http://r2.ly/3zke
loic - Humans Are So Yesterday - NYTimes.com http://ping.fm/A55ey
taterunino - Reading “A Message from M Linden” « http://bit.ly/ck0SH7
davewiner - Apple fears the killer app. http://r2.ly/zi39
dsearls - Prepping for #Paris: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/doc/2010/06/12/prepping-for-paris/ #travel #mobile #wi-fi
Apple Reader is Readability (via Dave Winer)
timoreilly - Sara is indeed a treasure. RT @brady Great article about @sarawinge, her creations and mgmt style at O'Reilly. http://j.mp/cE31Rk
chrismessina - List discussion on how Twitter is making OAuth available to open source apps using "child apps": http://bit.ly/9OJgnW /via @episod
taterunino - The Virtual Whirl: The bottom line http://bit.ly/cACV02
timoreilly - I've been talking government as a platform; @bradusv talks platforms as governments. Fabulous insight http://bit.ly/a7Zj04 via @digiphile
timoreilly - Worth reading: NYT on language acquisition in children whose parents spend too much time plugged in. http://nyti.ms/amEiH0
TechCrunch - Is Entrepreneurship Just About the Exit? - http://tcrn.ch/bizpJK by @vwadhwa
cshirky - FTC & papers "Hard to ignore the irony of FTC, designed to protect competition, suggesting anti-competitive practices" http://bit.ly/d8jAtl
davewiner - Forever Storage. http://r2.ly/zgjd
loic - Great story about Europe vs US entrrpreneurship in The Economist http://ping.fm/M2X4w
hrheingold - http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia_sociology interesting set of links about social architecture of collaboration
Prokofy - Not good, T Linden is gone, Tom Hale, Chief Product Office of LL, he is gone from mgt page. I had been waiting for his views. A smart Linden
taterunino - Seems pretty safe to say Tom Hale is out. Been hearing that for a while now. Days of silence when I try to confirm it. I think it is solid.
chrismessina - The end of an era. Twitter "Switching to OAuth" http://j.mp/cLVK1r /by @brianellin tip @techmeme #passwordantipattern
davewiner - Webmonkey: Design for Readability First. http://r2.ly/zgef
davewiner - Google Maps Catches Children Making Out Behind Bushes. http://r2.ly/zged
davewiner - This clip of Steve Jobs being "pissed off" makes me pissed off. His company sells your hard drives to refurbishers. http://r2.ly/zgbm
timoreilly - Need these everywhere RT @pahlkadot FixIt Clinic. A great idea http://bit.ly/aKwTCY Tues June 15, 7PM UC Village Computer Center, Albany, CA
davewiner - New feature: Blog post sub-text! http://r2.ly/zgc6
cshirky - Pinker on Carr: "It’s not as if habits of deep reflection and rigorous reasoning ever came naturally to people." http://nyti.ms/bnLGfO
TechCrunch - Shoply Lets Anyone Create An Online Store - http://tcrn.ch/bPPmdp by @leenarao
loic - Google TV is a bigger deal than you think http://ping.fm/kKNAS
*"Google TV will be a persistent interface that resides on your TV, giving you access to search functions (searching linear programming, web video, and even the general Web to get IMDB facts or background on the season finale of Glee) any time you're watching TV, not just when you switch the input."
cshirky - Open Source win: "The door has slammed shut on the SCO litigation machine." http://bit.ly/99J7hE Groklaw FTW!
davewiner - WWDC Keynote WiFi woes may have been due to iPhone 4 drivers. http://r2.ly/3yvb
timoreilly - Excellent: The greatest change in the history of media is not analog to digital but scarcity to surfeit http://bit.ly/aLrkzZ via @macslocum
TechCrunch - Tomorrow, There Will Be More Than 350 TechCrunch Birthday Parties Everywhere - http://tcrn.ch/drCfsH by @erickschonfeld
*Paris: http://www.meetup.com/TechCrunch/8459/
==12 June 2010==
hrheingold - Reading extensive study of http://socialmediaclassroom.com & participatory media education via @yardi @wiredcampus http://bit.ly/crtsHc
hrheingold - @hrheingold Searching on argument mapping led me to http://bit.ly/bICiE7 whi... http://replyz.com/c/4Pkq
davewiner - Why We Built Readability. http://r2.ly/3yqd
TechCrunch - A Look Behind The 'Words With Friends' iPhone Gaming Phenomenon - http://tcrn.ch/csJ8cK by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch - Stanford Students Build Their Own Y Combinator - http://tcrn.ch/bAzXDS by
davewiner - Called back to Calif AAA, transferred me to Oklahoma, where they say they *do* write policies for NYC. On hold again. Music. Fee-yah-sco.
davewiner - Why I'd rather be punched in the testicles than call customer service. http://r2.ly/zfxs
hrheingold - steven CLift @democracy blogs what to DO abt Pew report "Neighbors Online" http://bit.ly/9ZC1Xq Women lead way, need more inclusion.
loic - 50 startups worth watching by @louisgray (thks for including us!) http://ping.fm/molTE
davewiner - "All counselors are busy. We will be with you as soon as possible." They are thanking me for my patience every 20 seconds.
chrismessina - Sweet! Second Life adds support for OpenID! http://bit.ly/d6iWYv /via @yoz
chrismessina - Love it! @Aviary now has a free web-based music creator! http://bit.ly/dq2o01 /via @msg tip @techmeme
timoreilly - Good post: Elephant in the Room? “Culture” and Social Media uptake in the Public Sector http://www.publivate.com/?p=671
TechCrunch - Twitter Analytics No Longer An Afterthought With Smallthought Buy - http://tcrn.ch/9cZxww by @leenarao
*and this from Messina: http://www.avibryant.com/2010/06/life-changing.html
TechCrunch - Google Retires Web Alerts, Replaces With 'Everything' Option - http://tcrn.ch/cnOJ0u by @leenarao
timoreilly - RT @lewisshepherd LOL @cheeky_geeky proposes that new #twitgov hire get grilled by @timoreilly at #gov20 summit http://is.gd/cJ6o2
TechCrunch - New York Times Bans The Word Tweet "Outside Of Ornithological Contexts" - http://tcrn.ch/dBFXO0 by @robinwauters
Phoenix Technologies helped launch the digital revolution when it created the industry’s leading machine-independent BIOS software.
davewiner - Scripting News: My Scripting2 to-do. http://r2.ly/zh6b
TechCrunch - Crowdcast Raises $6 Million To Make Business Intelligence More Social - http://tcrn.ch/aRUD8R by @robinwauters
*start a conversation with the people who really know what's going on: your employees, your customers
TechCrunch - Everyone Can Now Move Data In And Out Of Amazon S3 Faster And Easier - http://tcrn.ch/ciIB2D by @robinwauters
loic - RIP Macintosh http://ping.fm/1XmXP
davewiner - What Happens To Blogging When Twitter Goes Down. http://r2.ly/zh32
chrismessina - According to the FlickrStats app (http://stats.vispillo.org) I've had 733,121 views on my photos/screenshots in the last 5 months.
cshirky - "The Obama Adminstration claims the gov't can't be held accountable for illegal surveillance under any federal statute" http://bit.ly/h5znW
Prokofy - Comment on: Second Life Parent to Lay Off 30%: Curt, I think you've gotten so used to evaluating companies in Silicon http://bit.ly/b52EpR
hrheingold - BP buying search terms to control message http://bit.ly/9BaGid is good example of why teach crap detection skills http://bit.ly/2pZ1r
hrheingold - Metacognition http://bit.ly/bz0F5G "includes knowledge about when & where to use particular strategies for learning or for problem solving"
hrheingold - New Pew Internet Project report: how ppl use digital tools 2 learn abt local community http://bit.ly/bnAQg5
TechCrunch - Linden Labs Lays Off 30 Percent Of Staff - http://tcrn.ch/9SSeuh by @leenarao
hrheingold - Tools to help students evaluate info they find online http://critical-thinking.iste.wikispaces.net/Tools
Scobleizer - A really nasty trend: apps that spam Twitter. @listorious and @foursquare I'm looking at you. Blog on this: http://bit.ly/bslqF3
chrismessina - RT @addthis: Updates on AddThis support for OExchange: http://bit.ly/bml1jt /tip @techmeme
timoreilly - RT @ThisCJ via @gnat: LimeWire owes $1.5T http://is.gd/cI8wa BP $69M. So music sharing is 200,000x more damaging than catastrophic oil spill
davewiner - IP-Addresses of First Hurt Locker Victims Revealed. http://r2.ly/zfgv
cshirky - Mona Lisa Considered as a Helix of Semi-transparent Polygons: http://bit.ly/12R0Ol (Evolving Mona Lisa with genetic algorithms)
TechCrunch - Don't Buy The Android EVO, It Is A Seriously Flawed Device - http://tcrn.ch/9XWgBo by @arrington
*"MG Siegler irrationally loves the iPhone and it has become an important fashion accessory and self confidence crutch in his San Francisco hipster lifestyle."
loic - thanks @horatzica for installing froyo and that latest seesmic for android build on my nexus one it's so fast and cool!
Mitch Wagner interviews Mark Linden
John Carter McKnight - Fantastic review of the first panel I presented on at GLS, by Mark Chen
Wagner James Au - The good news: Linden Lab is finally developing a web version of the Second Life viewer. The bad news: In the process, they're laying off
30% of their staff.
*and more from Hernandez:
*and Gwyn logs in
==11 June 2010==
==11 June 2010==
TechCrunch - Why Japan Matters: iPad Mania, Cloud Computing, And Social Intelligence - http://tcrn.ch/cwb7hX by
davewiner - Tests Confirm Spreading Oil Plumes in the Gulf. http://r2.ly/zfbm
hrheingold - Experimenting w/ a Pageflakes Pagecast, the opposite of privacy: http://www.pageflakes.com/howard9/
hrheingold - Atlantic: "Closing the Digital Frontier" http://bit.ly/cBdlTo
chrismessina - Twitter's link wrapping isn't really that different from FeedBurner rewriting links in feeds. And @dickc did that then too. ^shrug^
TechCrunch - Caffeine: Google Finally Brews Its New Pot Of Web Results -- 50% Fresher - http://tcrn.ch/94M1yq by @parislemon
TechCrunch - Exalead, The 'French Google', Is Acquired For $162 million - http://tcrn.ch/cmmhse by @mikebutcher
davewiner - I think what Twitter is saying: "All your links are belong to us." :-)
TechCrunch - Twitter Hints At Content Recommendation Service With New Link Shortener - http://tcrn.ch/aQ9AB2 by @parislemon
TechCrunch - Twitter To Begin Wrapping All Links With Official t.co Link Shortener - http://tcrn.ch/d1PPKL by @jasonkincaid
chrismessina - Yow. "Ultimately, every link on Twitter will be wrapped." http://bit.ly/bZmrXy API details: http://t.co/VbmGKY9 /by @sg via @episod
*Twitter blog: http://blog.twitter.com/2010/06/links-and-twitter-length-shouldnt.html
*On the API: http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/browse_thread/thread/14d5474c13ed84aa
chrismessina - Excited about the work that Microsoft is doing with Messenger Social and ActivityStreams: http://bit.ly/9FpmhL /by @Carnage4Life
timoreilly - Insightful: Dispatch From Startup Land: Zuckerberg and Contest Economics http://huff.to/aJQqws (via @calacanis)
TechCrunch - Google Is Getting Better At Turning IE Into Chrome As Chrome Frame Goes Beta - http://tcrn.ch/byKC6j by @parislemon  
TechCrunch - Google Is Getting Better At Turning IE Into Chrome As Chrome Frame Goes Beta - http://tcrn.ch/byKC6j by @parislemon  

Latest revision as of 17:56, 30 June 2010