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==30 April 2010==
Lifehacker on restoring your privacy on FB
Jobs on Flash
davewiner - Free Jason Chen's Computers! http://r2.ly/yu4b
chrismessina - "To protect your privacy, we will need your name, phone number, SSN, filing number, and address." -from the IRS helpline. Uh huh.
chrismessina - Account Manager coming to Firefox! http://mzl.la/cJBqrG /by @thunder tip @techmeme #idib
hrheingold - Resource from webinar, good guide to search, research, credibility for students, teachers, librarians: http://bit.ly/dtxTBj
hrheingold - Doctoral thesis (en Francais) on social bookmarking in education http://drechslermichele.edublogs.org/
davewiner - Google’s Andy Rubin on Everything Android. http://r2.ly/3gee
dsearls - Getting Real and #VRM: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/vrm/2010/04/27/getting-real-and-vrm/ #SCRM #CRM
davewiner - Interesting thin and light notebook computer. http://r2.ly/ysfd
Scobleizer - “PowerPoint makes us stupid,” Gen. James N. Mattis of the Marine Corps. http://nyti.ms/9Rn3p7 YESYESYESYES!!! Thx @alygibson
Scobleizer - Who are my favorite Twitterers? @techcrunch @davewiner @rww @timoreilly @mashable @gigaom @skepticgeek http://favstar.fm/scobleizer/who
Scobleizer - Ahh @aharpaz thinks the GMAIL to SMS feature is only available in Israel. Does anyone else have it? Quite cool feature, btw.
TechCrunch - iPhone Leak Investigation On Hold As DA Ponders Gizmodo Shield Law Defense - http://tcrn.ch/dzrjr5 by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch - How I Would Have Handled The Stolen iPhone Story - http://tcrn.ch/azWBoN by @arrington
TechCrunch - Next Question: Are The Police After Gawker Or The Person Who Took The iPhone? http://tcrn.ch/bSWGhz
==29 April 2010==
TechCrunch - The iPhone Leak Gets Ugly: Police Raid Gizmodo Editor's House, Confiscate Computers - http://tcrn.ch/c7gt9X by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch - Facebook On AIM Is A Hit: 1 Million Users - http://tcrn.ch/8XDlns by @arrington
taterunino - Telling: Like it Is: Hey, Rube! http://bit.ly/deh2cg
Scobleizer - Did you know you can ask @google questions? I just asked it "What time is it in Frankfurt?" And it answered back. @tripit should do that.
Scobleizer - Over on BusinessWeek we're debating whether Tweets belong in Library of Congress: http://bit.ly/ajOFYA
timoreilly - Really compelling piece from @netgarden: Five reasons iPhone vs Android isn't Mac vs Windows http://oreil.ly/b6EIWI
Mind Controlled Spy Robot - Emotiv EEG headset pilots Rovio using Skype
RSS 2.0 specification (Winer)
loic - Google Is Going To Lose This Social “War” Due To Perception http://ping.fm/vzabG
Dangling vehicle
loic - Lessons Learned from Seth Godin http://ping.fm/RWfmm
chrismessina - Tips on creating a good password: http://bit.ly/good-pwd /via @leggett #security
TechCrunch - NSFW: TechCrunch TV - Which Part Of 'Don't Employ Me' Do You Not Understand? - http://tcrn.ch/b8vGGt by @paulcarr
hrheingold - Still enjoying http://paper.li/hrheingold -- I check it every day.
TechCrunch - The Open Sausage Foundation - http://tcrn.ch/azcosq by
*"Already Twitter engineers are exploring building annotations on top of the Facebook structures, while PubSubHubbub moves toward JSON support."
loic - The Facebook F8 story that no one seems to be writing… http://ping.fm/fDpl0
davewiner - What if: A standards body that obeyed Asmiov's three laws of robotics. http://r2.ly/yt5w
loic - The Evolution of the Social CRM Process | CloudAve http://ping.fm/KXLKk
loic - 4 Reasons PR Agencies Are Failing in Social Media http://ping.fm/6P0wo
loic - Facebook’s Open Graph Protocol from a Web Developer’s Perspective http://ping.fm/yajNE
hrheingold - Google adds "fair use" button for ppl whose videos have been taken down unfairly http://bit.ly/b3MaMb
chrismessina - Love Twitter's "Countdown to #OAuthcalypse": http://countdowntooauth.com Details: http://bit.ly/cp8P32 /via @ChristopherA #oauth
Scobleizer - I have gotten used to the fact I am NOT in control of my story. For me privacy is dead because of that.
Scobleizer - Louis Gray started the argument about the next web: http://bit.ly/dB69YM Important to participate in. I think Google employees screwed up.
davewiner - Dave Winer on the terminology of RSS. http://r2.ly/yrjs
davewiner - I quickly threw together this app to show headers of the request that called it. Click to see what Twitter sends. http://h.scripting.com/
chrismessina - "OAuth Is the New Hotness in Identity Management" on eWeek: http://bit.ly/bAyBTt /tip @techmeme
davewiner - Curious why Facebook never shows up in my Referrer log, even though I regularly point to my site from my Facebook stream?
davewiner - Apple //t – bootable Twitter floppy with old-school tweets. http://r2.ly/yrip
mkapor - Richard Clarke as Chicken Little http://bit.ly/9rHmBl (Wired). Cyber-warriors who over-hype make things worse, not better.
taterunino - Is There A Culture in the Virtual World Second Life? http://bit.ly/aPo9rL
*post by Grace
timoreilly - Firefox Contacts looks very interesting. http://mzl.la/celnAk via @ragavan If it works, it might make me switch back from Chrome.
taterunino - The Virtual Whirl: More Marriott, less Microsoft http://bit.ly/bpfAok
TechCrunch - Ditch the Biz Plan, Buy a Lottery Ticket - http://tcrn.ch/bZS69j by
loic - Facebook Adopts Open Standard for User Logins http://ping.fm/YL3ZC
timoreilly - I like @jeffjarvis' take on "One Graph to Rule Them All", esp the bit about getting the rules in the right order. http://bit.ly/dywWRt
davewiner - Twitter Processes One Billion SMS Tweets Per Month (And This Is Why We Can’t Have Proper Hyperlinks). http://r2.ly/yreh
Scobleizer - Oh, my, @bagtheweb might have just delivered the curation tool I needed for the real time web. Very nice!
Scobleizer - What companies are we visiting in Israel? @avimeir asks. http://www.soluto.com/ is the one I'm most excited about, but I'm planning now.
TishShute - RT @mikeliebhold: @anselm spectacular txt re ARWeb that works like code w many buildable ideas in the right dimensions! http://bit.ly/cCuWeh
timoreilly - Hacking Big Brother with help from Revlon: Reverse-engineering artist busts face detection tech http://bit.ly/d7pSuw via @slashdot
chrismessina - Trying not to be a *complete* curmudgeon, here's what I do like about Facebook's "openness": http://bit.ly/9xrMbg /cc @daveman692
loic - Google Map envelopes http://ping.fm/fhqkb
==28 April 2010==
loic - T.M.I? Not for Sites Focused on Sharing - NYTimes.com http://ping.fm/aPxeD
TechCrunch - Santa Clara County Police Now Looking Into the Lost iPhone Prototype - http://tcrn.ch/bmW8uM by @gregkumparak
davewiner - All the wonderful "open" kids just move around the parts, not doing anything to help you or I. They get nice salaries and expense accounts.
mkapor - Check out cool video production on my short video celebrating CiviCRM, open source CRM for non-profits http://bit.ly/dxUA5s
chrismessina - Rt @daveman692: My thoughts on why f8 was good for the open web. http://oreil.ly/9KprYh /tip @techmeme
Boobquake post gets more than 350 comments (via Dave Winer)
Status of FB on downrightnow
hrheingold - Forgot twitter provenance, but this on social bookmarking, collective intelligence, & more is deep, broad http://bit.ly/cBKKRQ
davewiner - Lost iPhone prototype spurs police probe. http://r2.ly/3etn
TechCrunch - Facebook's Open Graph: It Depends On What The Meaning Of The Word "Open" Is - http://tcrn.ch/dbwXdu by @parislemon
davewiner - I think when I finally get around to doing graph.scripting.com, it will be in OPML and I will edit it with an outliner. :-)
==27 April 2010==
Amber Case, cyborg anthropologist
Police seize Jason Chen's computers
*Here they are: http://topherchris.com/post/551530253
Interview with 4square's Crowley
davewiner - Caterpillar Cowboy: How Facebook will win the Internet and why that scares the shit out of me. http://r2.ly/yqz5
TechCrunch - Arctic Explorer Eric Larson Becomes First Person To Tweet From The North Pole - http://tcrn.ch/cgQVva by @erickschonfeld
*The tweet: http://twitter.com/ELexplore/statuses/12698401618
davewiner - Does this loop ever end? (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/ys8y
*Twitter and FB doing the same thing
TechCrunch - CrowdEye Adds Location And Sentiment Filters To Realtime Search - http://tcrn.ch/bzXYkN by @erickschonfeld
*Twitter search
TishShute - "Augmented Twitter" @jeffpulver's #140conf, post + slides, video of my talk & @wello's http://bit.ly/cHdg8V (thnx! @ritajking @josholalia)
Apple Gestapo
davewiner - The advantages of programming on a small netbook. http://r2.ly/yqtm
TechCrunch - Are Like Buttons Evil? The Open Web Reacts To Facebook's Not-So-Open Graph - http://tcrn.ch/bYkl8H by @erickschonfeld
TechCrunch - Exodus! Movement of G People... From Facebook After F8 - http://tcrn.ch/ablP5I by @mikebutcher
*GigaOm: http://gigaom.com/2010/04/22/your-moms-guide-to-those-facebook-changes-and-how-to-block-them/
Scobleizer - My new iPhone app just shipped. It is freaking awesome, built by @mobileroadie search Apple store for "Robert Scoble."
davewiner - Exploring iGoogle and pictures. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/ys2t
davewiner - New Ways to Read Feeds in iGoogle. http://r2.ly/yqq8
chrismessina - Understanding the Open Graph Protocol (according to me!): http://bit.ly/aEuTKC /cc @umairh @brianoberkirch
TechCrunch - EdgeRank: The Secret Sauce That Makes Facebook's News Feed Tick - http://tcrn.ch/chhK2s by @jasonkincaid
timoreilly - If you're an open source developer, meditate on @mjasay's Where are all the open-source mobile developers? http://bit.ly/a37cNS Then act.
hrheingold - What I mean about Kevin Kelly thinking big: The Evolution of Evolution's Evolution http://bit.ly/dbVnt9
timoreilly - One way to build a smarter school infrastructure http://oreil.ly/c6ArUh Didn't know @SteveCase and @mkapor were on board of epals
TechCrunch - History Channel Turns Foursquare Into A Real World Pop-Up Video - http://tcrn.ch/caQXHW by @parislemon
Julia Hernandez Passing along to those that it will mean something to
Kawasaki on learning from Jobs
davewiner - How Facebook Could Organize The Internet. http://r2.ly/yqgi
loic - Hitler parody videos latest copyright fight CNN via @michaelreuter http://ping.fm/L5CNU
timoreilly - Personal Information on the Copy Machine http://bit.ly/aAj2yy Good reminder that we need to rethink privacy in a systemic way.
davewiner - OpenLike is a protocol for sharing the things you like on the web. http://r2.ly/yqea
taterunino - Next #NXSW panel "Privacy law must die for better business" with Eisner, Zuckerberg and Glickman. A shame Valenti can't see this.
timoreilly - Awesome post via @adrielhampton RT @DavidForbes: What AK-47s, agriculture and microloans tell us about tomorrow http://bit.ly/cbglg3
loic - meet the Facebook Execs a very cool @KaraSwisher video http://ping.fm/CdfoL
loic - How and why to launch your service in France by @cgiorgi http://ping.fm/SKKCB
loic - Trying to do a public search on "seesmic" on Facebook but doesn't seem that option is available yet?
TechCrunch - Brightkite Group Text Delivers 20 Million Messages Per Month, Launches In Canada - http://tcrn.ch/c6toVD by @robinwauters
TechCrunch - Tradeshift Is Courting VCs On A $80-100 Million Valuation - http://tcrn.ch/auZev0 by @mikebutcher
davewiner - Compromising with Facebook. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/3f9i
Scobleizer - Major blog post: Facebook's Ambition: http://scobleizer.com/2010/04/22/facebook-ambition/ What a day, still stunned by the announcements.
Scobleizer - OK, I'm sold on the new Facebook stuff. The new Pandora is FREAKING AWESOME. Sorry @leolaporte you gotta play with this. Wow. @tconrad wow.
Scobleizer - Microsoft Docs is a disappointing first experience for me. First of all, not open to everyone. Second of all, loading slow, etc. Sigh.
loic - Daring Fireball: Gizmodo and the Prototype iPhone http://ping.fm/rMeaj
TechCrunch - iFixit Attempts To Usher In A New Era Of User-Repaired Devices - http://tcrn.ch/cQeUL1 by
loic - The question about Facebook users is if most will turn their profile/updates data public or keep private. That will be key.
loic - Heard at F8: "last year Zuck was obsessed by Twitter this year he doesn't give a crap"
Scobleizer - I love seeing what people are doing with their iPads: Making Music with iPad http://youtu.be/lhH3AJ9kIXg
Scobleizer - Heh, I think @Ed_Dale groks what Facebook did for marketing today. http://bit.ly/aW0vyS I wish he'd calm down his writing a bit, though! :-)
loic - What would be much cooler would be to get iPhone OS run on Nexus one!
loic - AH someone got Android running on the iPhone http://ping.fm/6wwin
davewiner - Linux on the iPhone: Android running on iPhone! http://r2.ly/3dtv
loic - good question: Has Facebook won the web war against Google? ZDNet http://ping.fm/ZGVcq
Prokofy - Wonder if Mark Wallace wd now call the latest ban of WU "poor judgement" now he is a Linden & can see more of facts http://bit.ly/avs9cO
TechCrunch - I Think Facebook Just Seized Control Of The Internet - http://tcrn.ch/9YgYIH by @parislemon
timoreilly - RT @pahlkadot NYSenate.gov codebase contributed to Drupal, via @ahoppin http://bit.ly/aHcIPu #drupalcon
hrheingold - Reading, highly recommend "The Future of Thinking: Learning Institutions in a Digital Age by @CatinStack et al http://bit.ly/bdwU2t
dsearls - Required reading: The New Copernican Revolution http://bit.ly/bm1bFQ by David Siegel, @pullnews
dsearls - David Weinberger at #Fiberfete : We are moving past the information age, which was about scarcity of information. New assumption: abundance.
timoreilly - thinking how much more *social* the environment is at F8 than it was at Chirp. Great job by Facebook.
Bottled water
Reflections on cyberdissident event
==26 April 2010==
dsearls - Photos from #Fiberfete: http://bit.ly/aypCb6
*conference on fiber internet infrastructure, in Lafayette, LA
chrismessina - Dudes, the @whitehouse just dropped some open source code! http://whitehouse.gov/tech /tip @techmeme #drupal
chrismessina - Google Buzz layer now available for Google Maps on your computer http://bit.ly/ajsO2u /via @atul #geo #location
TechCrunch - A Look At The Future of Facebook Credits - http://tcrn.ch/bx1tDW by @jasonkincaid
Scobleizer - I came away from conversation that Zuckerberg understands privacy at a level that very few do. More later after I learn more about new stf.
davewiner - For what it's worth, JSON is a re-invention of XML-RPC serialization. It has structs and arrays, designed to model exactly the same stuff.
davewiner - Okay everybody -- got the answer -- arrays. Back in a bit.
hrheingold - Judd Antin's dissertation talk, South Hall, UCB: "Social Operational Information, Competence, and Participation in Online Collective Action" [participation in Wikipedia]
chrismessina - Facebook nixing 'Facebook Connect' branding http://bit.ly/9y4rcC /via @caro #f8 #sigh
davewiner - Looking into JSON, and it's apparently not equiv to XML. If you have two items with same name, the 2nd overwrites the 1st. Correct?
TechCrunch - Zuckerberg: "We Are Building A Web Where The Default Is Social" - http://tcrn.ch/9rPVf2 by @erickschonfeld
cshirky - Revolution, in any field, means the old stuff people used to do starts failing, and most of the new stuff people try fails too.
davewiner - Open request to Facebook: Could you please serialize as XML. I won't be able to play for quite some time otherwise.
davewiner - Zuckerberg is really awkard, but Facebook is going to be god now. Microsoft should let Facebook buy them and let him run the company.
Scobleizer - Lili Cheng is here from Microsoft to announce http://docs.com BOOM there goes Google! :-)
Scobleizer - F8 is a HUGE contrast to Twitter's Chirp. News is huge. Oauth just announced.
Scobleizer - Now you see why Facebook is pushing people to be more public. Just announced search and real time features.
Scobleizer - http://graph.Facebook.com just announced. http://graph.Facebook.com/btaylor is Brett's. /friends /likes etc. Cool.
Scobleizer - Facebook just announced social plugins, one of which is a social bar. There goes @meebo
Scobleizer - Facebook is going to join all sorts of graphs together into Open Graph. Just announced Graph API.
loic - no more caching of #facebook data for 24 hours wooooot! #f8 facebook #rocks
davewiner - Is Apple Booting iAd's Competition from the iPhone? http://r2.ly/yr6r
timoreilly - A Hunger for Good Learning: @ddmeyer on making over math curriculum. Part of a new education focus on @radar: http://oreil.ly/cO3Yop
dsearls - If we see the Net as a medium rather than as a place, we risk losing it. Here's why: http://bit.ly/95n7oA #fiberfete
taterunino - Evans et al vs Linden Lab: The new lawsuit on the block http://bit.ly/db1nuz
lessig - on the release of the #acta text: http://keionline.org/node/831
davewiner - Oy. We're caught in the middle Facebook's obsession with Google and Twitter's obsession with Facebook. http://r2.ly/yr38
chrismessina - 10 Suggestions for Google Profiles: http://goo.gl/fb/1dIjG Google's Battle For Your ID: http://goo.gl/fb/h09zj /by @louisgray tip @techmeme
davewiner - This is What a Tweet Looks Like. (For those who believe there's a 140-char limit behind the curtain.) http://r2.ly/ypn3
davewiner - Hitler “Downfall Meme” gets taken down. (Which theoretically should spawn its own Hitler video, no?) http://r2.ly/3ddm
TechCrunch - Answers.com Starts Answering Questions On Twitter - http://tcrn.ch/dsrz8P by @erickschonfeld
chrismessina - RT @burtonator: Come to the Stanford #VLAB event tonight. I'll be on the Real Time Web panel (#spinn3r). http://ping.fm/yxZrc
chrismessina - Awesome! @superfeedr announces support for parsing #ActivityStreams! http://dlvr.it/Z4cX /via @julien51 tip @techmeme
davewiner - 90% of Content on Google Buzz is Bots, Report Finds. http://r2.ly/ypjs
hrheingold - I'm not convinced from empirical evidence that Sunstein is right or wrong, but Daily Me theory worth discussion http://bit.ly/am93sz
Web workers
TechCrunch - Google Exposes The Countries That Annoy Them The Most About Privacy - http://tcrn.ch/caoifr by @leenarao
taterunino - Fahy vs Linden Lab: This just gets weirder http://bit.ly/buL1xA
mkapor - Kapor Foundation Director Cedric Brown Receives Emerging Leader in Philanthropy Award http://bit.ly/dBFuem
hrheingold - David Brooks column on Sunstein's "Daily Me" theory and new research: http://nyti.ms/bN02dQ
chrismessina - Does XAuth disintermediate the user in user-centric identity? @pamelarosiedee thinks so: http://bit.ly/aYk9aa I'm not convinced. #openid
TechCrunch - Google Escalates The Location War With Google Places - http://tcrn.ch/cEvgR5 by @erickschonfeld
==22 April 2010==
Beta Tech in WSJ
CDS page on FB
timoreilly  Printing from an iPad: http://bit.ly/bRx3gV Would like to see the results but love the idea of this hack. Performance art, if nothing else.
davewiner  Yesterday I offered to be friends with Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs on Facebook and they both accepted. I'm sure Woz is really Woz, but...
davewiner  "Steven Levy Revisits Tech Titans, Hackers, Idealists." Oy. http://r2.ly/ypbw
chrismessina  Also posted my first entry on the Google code blog! "Using XAuth to simplify the social web": http://bit.ly/a2aDzq
dsearls  Hanging at #ecomm with @stuarthenshall, talking about @twitmart. Impressed. Thinking #VRM and personal #RFP.
chrismessina  My first post to the Google social web blog, about XAuth: http://bit.ly/cYFETM
TechCrunch  A Look At The Next iPhone, As It Leaks Across The Internet - http://tcrn.ch/c1dFDO by @gregkumparak
chrismessina  RT @raffi: Map of a Twitter status object http://post.ly/bQYz /via @raffi
timoreilly  Gizmodo gets their hands on what appears to be a prototype of Apple's next iPhone: http://bit.ly/aVkTVq (via @slashdot) Sounds great!
hrheingold  My experience teaching university students convinced me they need to learn a set of literacies that they don't teach each other. #smcedu
chrismessina  Facebook seeping into the web. Kind of like the mutagen from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. http://nyti.ms/aoqIdD #f8
chrismessina  Seven hours later I still don't have a simple site up and running with AppEngine and/or Flask. Clearly I'm doin' it wrong (or too much). =`(
Gwyneth Llewelyn Make money fast in SL: http://bletaverse.com/free-lindens-dollars-second-life-money :) (yes it sort of works...)
==19 April 2010==
timoreilly - Open Letter to Apple from @johnbattelle and me re Apple's approach to conversation with Its peers and its community http://bit.ly/92kZO1
Scobleizer - Check this video out: Need a graph database like Twitter is built on? @neo4j delivers, @emileifrem explains ... http://youtu.be/2ElGO1P8v0c
loic - How to find old Tweets http://ping.fm/wZvhS
TishShute - #volcano stories see @ritajking's "Notes from a Volcano Refugee in London" http://bit.ly/dbwjom - yup volcanoes are not on human timetable!
TechCrunch - It's Time For An Open Database Of Places - http://tcrn.ch/bqo3j2 by @erickschonfeld
davewiner - "And so it is then, to me, anyway, that Tweet Annotations can and should be completely ignored." http://r2.ly/3bzb
==18 April 2010==
Scobleizer - A famous VC told me yesterday @foursquare would be nuts NOT to sell for $125 million. @mashable has another opinion: http://bit.ly/bpJ82D
TechCrunch - CloudMade's OpenStreetMap Surges On Wikipedia-Like User Passion - http://tcrn.ch/cot4Sp by @arrington
==17 April 2010==
Scobleizer - By the way, did you know you can Tweet with more than 140 characters? Tweetboard found a way. Let's see how it works.... http://po.st/FaRH
taterunino - The Virtual Whirl: A virtual environment user's bill of rights http://bit.ly/9VS5cs
Scobleizer - See a preview of it at http://Scobleizer.tweetboard.com/ -- then try your own account out (replace Scobleizer with your own Twitter name).
Scobleizer - In addition to the post @jesse just did about Facebook's new open graph API, @InsideNetwork has a good Facebook post: http://bit.ly/diJxCD
loic - Wow! Check out this photo of a volcano in Iceland—it's crazy! http://bit.ly/afiUCj /via @biz
hrheingold - More student centric: Shaping a culture of conversation http://bit.ly/b6quFK #ngtl10
hrheingold - About assessing student forum posts http://bit.ly/bVLxoP #ngtl - conversation shd be greater than sum of individual performances
chrismessina - Interesting look at opt-in versus opt-out and preserving user privacy: http://j.mp/opt-in-out /tip @techmeme by @betsymas & @nicklaslundblad
chrismessina - Vodafone launches ActivityStreams support in @OneSocialWeb: http://bit.ly/9049PO Spec: http://onesocialweb.org/spec/1.0/osw-activities.html
TechCrunch - Google Puts Its $50 Million To Work, Starts Using Aardvark For Help Support - http://tcrn.ch/cJ03mb by @jasonkincaid
chrismessina - Call for comments on the Open Web Foundation's Copyright CLA is open thru May 6: http://bit.ly/aHqb7H Send feedback: http://j.mp/owf-legal
*CLA = contributor licence agreemnent
timoreilly - Some amazing thinking about tech, art, culture from @aaronofmontreal http://bit.ly/beh1eI via @gnat http://oreil.ly/bmAppP Stamen is amazing
hrheingold - Good advice for online community managers http://bit.ly/dBTMdW also http://bit.ly/90mPwK
Dave Winer's FB wall
chrismessina - Soooo... Twitter Annotations are just machine tags? I could live with that. Good luck with those namespaces though! /cc @noradio #anarchy
chrismessina - If you liked my Social Agent designs, here's the project page for getting involved: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/Projects/Connect
chrismessina - RT @APIannounce: Announcement: [twitter-api-announce] Early look at Annotations http://bit.ly/asnSRL
chrismessina - Users don't follow security advice because it just isn't worth their time. http://bit.ly/d6ehq5 /via @danachis #security #usability
chrismessina - "Too many secrets, but never enough." /by @raffi @episod. A session on OAuth and Twitter from #Chirp: http://bit.ly/seatechastronomy
TechCrunch - Grou.ps And Grouply Welcome Ning Refugees - http://tcrn.ch/bD3GHk by @leenarao
TishShute - Augmented Reality / Arphid Watch: Tagwhat: *It’s yet another AR startup, but I’m pulling 4 these Tagwhat guys.. @bruces http://bit.ly/9PtrF1
TechCrunch - Google's Plan To Give Chrome OS (And All Web-Enabled Devices) Universal Printer Support - http://tcrn.ch/bOkNjP by @jasonkincaid
hrheingold - Second day using http://paper.li/hrheingold and it is still worth attention. Autocuration
loic - the Seesmic Developer Platform and SDK are live! yeah! http://ping.fm/4NJwr
TishShute - an iphone HD rumor - do u smell an Apple Sony partnership? http://bit.ly/b05RXZ see Gizmodo map of the arms race http://bit.ly/bfhCFh
chrismessina - RT @iftf: US Military: Massive Oil Shortages as Soon as 2015 - http://bit.ly/cav6P6
chrismessina - Designing for Social Interaction (Strong, Weak, and Temporary Ties) by @padday: http://boxesandarrows.com/view/designing-for-social #ux
timoreilly - NoSQL EU April 20-22 looks like an important tech event if you care about the future of the internet data OS: http://bit.ly/b5yR6O
chrismessina - A study that evaluates quality of comments based on length on YouTube and Metafilter: http://ignco.de/188 /via @azaaza
timoreilly - The biotorrent project demonstrates that piracy is not the point (or best use) of bitTorrrent. http://bit.ly/aePldL via @phylogenomics
TechCrunch - PeerIndex Plots A DNA Profile Of Your Expertise - http://tcrn.ch/buXwuc by @mikebutcher
TechCrunch - Snacksquare: A Foursquare Directory Of Deals And Venues - http://tcrn.ch/aqYl9h by @erickschonfeld
chrismessina - Twitter's xAuth is basically the password profile of OAuth WRAP. This'll get confusing fast. http://bit.ly/bf6hsh /cc @ppalavilli #chirp
lessig - Indeed RT @stevenbjohnson: Lovely essay by Nick Carr http://bit.ly/a7mSL9
chrismessina - Don't miss @brynn & @semanticwill's workshop on "Designing for Enterprise Social Search" in @SF on May 7! http://socialsear.ch
loic - Like Seesmic? Now you can code a plugin to integrate your service [SDK ships today!] http://ping.fm/MQ5b7
dsearls - Comment on: To Be (a Brand) or Not To Be (a Brand): Audrey, I posted my comment first by mistake on what later to be http://bit.ly/bWvUqu
chrismessina - Initial code for integrating @anywhere from Twitter: http://dev.twitter.com/anywhere/begin /via @vl #chirp #twitterconnect
chrismessina - RT @wordpressdotcom: Hook, Line, and Sinker: http://wp.me/pf2B5-JG /via @photomatt tip @techmeme cc @progrium #webhooks
:Plugin "HookPress lets you add webhooks to WordPress, providing an easy way to develop push notifications when various events happen on your blog (like publishing a post for instance)."
loic - very reassuring is a commitment to build all Twitter own products on the exact same API as the public API #chirp
loic - I am not sure this will resonate but I am really hungry
==15 April 2010==
timoreilly - analytic.ly announced today at #chirp. We've used these tools, and there is a lot of meat there. http://bit.ly/ckNHoQ
timoreilly - I like the concept of the "right time web" rather than the "real time web." From the panel moderated by @karaswisher at #chirp
loic - interesting Google is starting to hack Twitter stuff in labs, here tweeps search http://followfinder.googlelabs.com/ #chirp
TechCrunch - Twitter COO Dick Costolo Details The @anywhere Platform - http://tcrn.ch/cXvs4x by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch - Twitter's Gift To Developers: Limitless User Streams And Annotations - http://tcrn.ch/aDsv2A by @erickschonfeld
loic - just to be clear I am going to get really angry at the next person at #chirp that says hi to me looking sorry as if someone died #wewillcrus
Hamlet - Blue Mars offers cloud option
==14 April 2010==
taterunino  Fahy vs Linden Lab: No case to answer? http://bit.ly/cYbcOY
TishShute  reading about Twitter revolt & call to an "open federated standard" y'all know I'm 4 federation http://bit.ly/98wmpN lessons 4 #AR here
TechCrunch  Q&A With Jim Zemlin, Executive Director Of The Linux Foundation - http://tcrn.ch/97UyB7 by
TechCrunch  Google Rolls Out Twitter Timelines In Realtime Search - http://tcrn.ch/cQlWwu by @erickschonfeld
*Also covered on Google blog: http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/04/replay-it-google-search-across-twitter.html
hrheingold  Thank you thank you @joshu for inventing social bookmarking. I love both Diigo and Delicious.
chrismessina  "5 Ways to Create an Open Twitter Alternative" http://ur1.ca/uyal /via @evanpro by @chrissaad #soundsgoodtome
Mozilla Weave (Messina)
Prokofy  Twitter's biz model seems kinda creepy. http://bit.ly/dyQDga Does that mean people will ask companies to pay them to tweet that key word?
How LL went from F to A
SL parodies (Gwyneth)
Pixels (Orban)
==13 April 2010==
chrismessina  Hey NYC, save the date! On 4/16 (aka @4sqday!) we'll be throwing a party downtown. You're all invited. http://4sqday.com /via @dens #jealous
TechCrunch  "Promoted Tweets" Not Resonating Well On Twitter - http://tcrn.ch/a9Riam by @erickschonfeld
Google Buzz buttons (Messina and others)
hrheingold  Tunes reduced to 140 notes http://bit.ly/b1Gavl Free album download http://bit.ly/azTesO
TechCrunch  NetVibes Launches A Realtime Tracking Platform With Instant Dashboards - http://tcrn.ch/dgfa9J by @leenarao
chrismessina  RT @episod: Required reading on Twitter's Promoted Tweets ad model: http://bit.ly/bxgTvV #twads
timoreilly  Remembering what really goes on in a classroom is key to thinking about online education http://bit.ly/b1uAR2 via @simonstl in email
chrismessina  RT @opera: A brief tutorial on settings in Opera Mini 5: http://bit.ly/dzG6Za #iphone
dsearls  Why not have your own cloud? http://bit.ly/cOk2w5 points to @LinuxJournal A Cloud of One's Own http://bit.ly/9AINJb #VRM
Promoted tweets
Scobleizer  My question for @dickc: what about these ads is it that made you think we'd love them? I can see why brands will love them, but us? Um, no.
Google trends to compare websites (via Valleywag)
Chris Messina
Scobleizer  I'm really liking @publitweet check out my favorites feed in it: http://beta.publitweet.com/scobleizer/favorites PICTURES! :-)
==12 April 2010==
dsearls  Does http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/09/business/09credit.html creep you out? Answer only if you're in customer mode, and not a marketer.
dsearls  An appeal for open cameras: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/doc/2010/04/12/an-appeal-for-open-cameras/ Responding to @PullNews
TechCrunch  Google's Top Innovators On The Cloud, Net Neutrality, And More - http://tcrn.ch/aZIPCg by @jasonkincaid
TechCrunch  Network Hippo Revamps, Relaunches - http://tcrn.ch/9toc3p by @evelynrusli
TechCrunch  Google Docs Gets More Realtime; Adds Google Drawings To The Mix - http://tcrn.ch/9YgWH2 by @erickschonfeld
davewiner  Guy Kawasaki on the pros and cons of Twitter buying Tweetie. http://r2.ly/yn9x
timoreilly  MySQL User Conference starts tomorrow. http://oreil.ly/9XpNux Just had a great call with @brianaker about the MySQL ecosystem and future
chrismessina  "These results suggest that [developers rely] on stereotype and instinct to understanding user needs." http://bit.ly/9wYjej /via @faaborg
Scobleizer  Blog: is 2011 like 1994 for Apple, Twitter, Facebook, and the Web? http://bit.ly/aV4QL8 CC: @msuster @joehewitt @davewiner @loic
Scobleizer  Adobe screwed itself, this author writes: http://bit.ly/cbCtdw Great reminder that Adobe tried to kill Apple years ago.
Julia Hernandez - 7,500 shoppers unknowingly sold their souls
Catherine Ann Fitzpatrick finds this interesting
==11 April 2010==
chrismessina  My interview with @sjcobrien about Google's commitment to the Open Web is up: http://bit.ly/9J8FPf (w/ thoughts from @timoreilly)
timoreilly  Are open systems always more generative than closed? @stevenbjohnson says to keep an open mind about App Store http://nyti.ms/bR1t7M
Prokofy  Trying to check out the Home Expo in SL (for the NON Linden homes!) which is a great thing but rezzes impossibly slowly
timoreilly - Interesting to see how seriously Google is taking enterprise sales: http://bit.ly/dCj0M1 Sales style: "A Martha Stewart approach to IT."
timoreilly  Steve Jobs' response to complaints about changes to the iPhone SDK TOS http://bit.ly/9tfZga He refers to @gruber's post http://bit.ly/cUs70m
**Plus TechCrunch reaction: http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2010/04/11/gruber-a-voice-of-calm-in-a-mobile-world-gone-out-of-control/
Scobleizer  Techmeme, the-not-safe-for-work version: http://bit.ly/dvAoMI @percival, @alexiat, @gaberivera, @paulcarr Inspired by Dave McClure.
Prokofy  Peter Ludlow and Mark McCahill Enlist Henry Jenkins in Their Griefing Escapade in Second Life http://bit.ly/cSRsiM
davewiner  I've been able to mount the http://scripting.com/ volume on an EC2 instance. Am copying it to my Dropbox folder after upgrading to 50GB.
Scobleizer  If you think Steve Jobs is evil then build crazy awesome apps for non-Apple platforms. Seems to me that is best revenge!
BoingBoing standing cat
mkapor  Dave McClure on what it will take for location-based services to cross the chasm (NSFW language) http://bit.ly/bpTFfH
timoreilly  RT @dalepd Great optical illusion. This is not a spiral: http://bit.ly/9cY60F
chrismessina  Smart reply from @julien51 on @cdixon's post on Twitter:
timoreilly  Praise and pans from @pogue for Cisco's new home wireless router. Lessons here for company lawyers and engineers. http://nyti.ms/a6VSSK
Scobleizer  Yeah @wmougayar everyone should read @davewiner's blog about Twitter yesterday: http://scripting.com he's right on.
Scobleizer  I think I've been looking at Steve Jobs wrong: he has pushed more developers to open web in past week than anyone else. Flash is NOT open.
TechCrunch  How-To: Spring Cleaning Time For Your PC - http://tcrn.ch/bNxSaG by
Michael Boyink replies to Steven K. Roberts about http://tagxedo.com:
*You can build these sorts of things at http://www.wordle.net/ as well
==10 April 2010==
davewiner  Don't forget there is a browser on that iPad. http://r2.ly/ym5j
chrismessina  ~@BarackObama released govt guidelines for using channels like Facebook as tools to informally sample public opinion: http://nyti.ms/bUFJBh
chrismessina - Think: there's only one Facebook app in the AppStore, owned by Facebook. If Twitter owns @Tweetie, will there be more than one Twitter app?
davewiner  The guys who make Twitter clients that aren't acquired by Twitter are going to wish they had federated independently of Twitter.
chrismessina - I love that Microsoft is now all about teh open: Microsoft Web Camps: free, fun, and open to all Make Web, Not War
chrismessina - !!! @Twitter acquired @Tweetie! http://bit.ly/Hljp3 More: http://bit.ly/9yCxx8 Also: Twitter, Now Filling It's Own Hole http://bit.ly/a0pHrT
TechCrunch  Twitter Acquires Tweetie - http://tcrn.ch/9xGFMl by @jasonkincaid
loic  Twitter Acquires Atebits, Maker of Tweetie - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com http://ping.fm/Y3K1y
loic - Evan Williams's Message to Twitter Developers - Bits Blog - NYTimes.com http://ping.fm/pA9bR
timoreilly  Wow! Change happens! Feds to Test Results-Only Work Environment for 400 workers: http://bit.ly/9ovx0f (via @pahlkadot)
loic  blog: Of course were hole fillers and why no-one should depend on only one platform tip @techmeme http://ping.fm/LS5lM
chrismessina  It occurs to me that Apple is crossing a chasm. To where, I don't know. But its early proponents seem to be being left behind. #speculation
TechCrunch  Is Steve Jobs Ignoring History, Or Trying To Rewrite It? - http://tcrn.ch/cQFmGN by @erickschonfeld
timoreilly  Absolutely brilliant post about iPad and magazine publishing from @AndrewSavikas Here I link to the money quote: http://bit.ly/adUAmq
loic  I suggest we replace "there is an app for that" by "there is a hole filler for that"
loic  official tag nailed by Jesse the #unionoftwitterapps has been officially launched, and it's the official one :)
loic  it's time to create the syndicate of the Twitter apps. The French are good at this :) @iaindodsworth @Jesse @theuberguy @mario you're in?
loic  Getting so many questions and reactions about the @fredwilson post if we're "filling holes" and going to die that I will have to write a pos
davewiner  How Twitter can kill the Twitter-killers. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/ykfb
davewiner  Apple and Twitter are examples of "Platform is Chinese Household," a theme I started writing about in 1994. http://r2.ly/yket
chrismessina  RT @jvaleski: 10 years after the conversation started, Mozilla puts network stack, plugins in to their own procs: http://bit.ly/9IaCtF
Scobleizer  Hmm, add a chat room to your blog or web site with: http://nur.ph seems to work pretty well without installing anything. Anyone try it?
davewiner  A Change at Apple Causes Trouble for Adobe. http://r2.ly/yjzd
==09 April 2010==
TechCrunch - Cloud Computing? Microsoft Office Is Not All In - http://tcrn.ch/bdeJhj by @evelynrusli
chrismessina - Checking out a new Java OAuth library by @fernandezpablo: http://bit.ly/oauthScribe
chrismessina - Among other things, do the iPad and iPhone lead to design elitism?
cshirky - Kevin Kelly on movie production in piracy-prone countries: cheap production & trickle revenue from multiple sources: http://bit.ly/adcu8c
TishShute - AR Wave on the Networked Performance blog http://bit.ly/cWV5qC Thanx @turbulenceorg
timoreilly - RT @RomanStanek RT @sgblank No Plan Survives First Contact With Customers – Business Plans versus Business Models: http://wp.me/prGQZ-1pO
timoreilly - Talking at @gooddata BOD about becoming a metrics-driven company. Customer video: http://bit.ly/cP0FAg Discussion http://bit.ly/aV3Lno
mkapor - Armchair Revolutionaries - social gaming, social activism, and more http://bit.ly/bvMQNC
Searles - VRM law number one: the individual is the point of integration
==08 April 2010==
davewiner - Three Ways the iPad Breaks Apple’s Brand. http://r2.ly/yjiy
Scobleizer - Last night @lkilpatrick tethered my iPad to his Palm Pre and used it all the way on 280. I do wonder why I can't do that with my iPhone?
loic - How Reid Hoffman Built LinkedIn Into A Powerhouse http://ping.fm/itmNM
loic - Who Uses Facebook Apps? Is The Platform Dying? http://ping.fm/q7a2d
chrismessina - RT @mashable: Facebook and Google Dominate Online Identity War [STATS] - http://bit.ly/9fSBE7 /tip @techmeme
TechCrunch - FCC: Comcast Decision Casts a Shadow On Broadband Plan - http://tcrn.ch/91mtGS by @evelynrusli
cshirky - Kevin Kelly writes about my view that "Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution." http://bit.ly/8XjHoa
chrismessina - The inevitable rise of the gated community [online]. http://tr.im/UH28 /by @digitalmash about @dribbble
chrismessina - RT @ginatrapani: insight from @bradfitz on why public OSS programmers disappear when they're "swallowed up" by Google http://bit.ly/bOVq18
davewiner - Holy Cow Did Twitter's Top Investor Drop A Bombshell On Twitter App-Makers Today. http://r2.ly/yja5
Scobleizer - I just got Flash running on my iPad thanks to @LogMeInNews I loaded http://logmein.com on my iPad and Mac. Remote browser FTW!
TechCrunch - Google Continues To Embrace QR Codes, Integrates Them Into Its URL Shortener - http://tcrn.ch/diDZrc by @jasonkincaid
==07 April 2010==
chrismessina - RT @Dries: A curious user opened up his brand new Apple iPad to see ... http://bit.ly/aM54et
*[http://i.imgur.com/JDbjc.png image]
TechCrunch - AdLib: Apple's Secret Weapon For Making Better Web Apps For The iPad - http://tcrn.ch/d2emjq by @gregkumparak
chrismessina - Writer 2.0 is a new web magazine about how wordsmiths will survive in the 21st century: http://writer2point0.com /via @Weegee
timoreilly - A good and important thing to pay attention to: the beauty of checklists http://bit.ly/dqINYB #healthcare (and way more)
dsearls - After delays at #EWR, the passport line at #LHR, and the Circle Line, I am in my #London hotel. Tomorrow: http://bit.ly/aJWtxX
TechCrunch - Plaxo Doubles Address Book Traffic, Raises Ambitions - http://tcrn.ch/9RyJzo by @evelynrusli
loic - Yahoo buying Foursquare for $100 million? Let’s check in. http://ping.fm/qAPyo
loic - How to Fix the iPad's Wi-Fi Issues [Apple] http://ping.fm/mKRRf
timoreilly - Sweet: Groklaw invited to be archived in the Library of Congress. http://bit.ly/aLDPmv (via @slashdot)
TishShute - great post by @andrhia, "WTF is Transmedia" Yes @netwurker - it is "an interesting catch22sville" http://bit.ly/bSarZt
TishShute - Producer's Guild of America recognizes credit of "Transmedia Producer" 2day http://bit.ly/boQDiU covers ARG's, #AR, twitter series & more..
hrheingold - CNET FAQ: Is net neutrality dead? http://news.cnet.com/8301-30686_3-20001886-266.html
loic - Ping.fm Now Supports RSS http://bit.ly/amsPPN via @rww tip @techmeme
TechCrunch - How "Dirty" MP3 Files Are A Back Door Into Cloud DRM - http://tcrn.ch/cVbCxs by @arrington
TishShute - catching up w @adamfrisby on his launch of VW in India http://www.gojiyo.com/ being advertised on IPL "the biggest sporting event in India"
timoreilly - RT @Automatt: #where20 a pocket guide to the apis launched there: http://oreil.ly/9rW5kM (via @twbell)
chrismessina - "An Analysis of the Dynamic Behavior of JavaScript Programs": http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/jv/pubs/pldi... http://goo.gl/bz/wlPt
Scobleizer - The geekiest iPad app? http://www.iteleportmobile.com/ VNC. This totally rocks. Lets you look at other machines virtually from iPhone/iPad.
hrheingold - I'm also returning to the more speculative but richly entertaining "The Alphabet & the Goddess" by the late, beloved, Leonard Shlain
hrheingold - Rereading Robert Logan's "The Fifth Language" & "The Alphabet Effect." Coevolution of literacy, cognition, society. McCluhan colleague.
chrismessina - Designing OpenID to work over OAuth. @lukeshepard and @jsmarr working out the details. http://img.ly/OoR
==06 April 2010==
TechCrunch - Cacoo Lets Multiple Users Create Designs Collaboratively And In Real-time - http://tcrn.ch/azklA5 by
davewiner - Comcast Can Block BitTorrent Again, Court Rules. http://r2.ly/yif3
chrismessina - One gem from OpenID Summit: "Making OpenID+OAuth Simpler than the Sum of its Parts" http://bit.ly/EasyHybrid /by @jsmarr #easyhybrid
TechCrunch - Federal Court Tells FCC It Does Not Have Authority To Enforce Net Neutrality - http://tcrn.ch/cQSxUq by @jasonkincaid
davewiner - To be clear, of course I turned Buzz off. a long time ago. Google is ignoring it, that's why they're such incredible assholey assholes.
davewiner - Some asshole posted one of my pieces on Buzz, and now my Gmail inbox is filling with buzz bullshit. Fuck you Google.
davewiner - Is iPad a game-changer? (A mirror of the piece on scripting.com for people having trouble getting through.) http://r2.ly/yiaa
mkapor - Court says FCC can't mandate net neutrality http://nyti.ms/ck8Oov. This cannot be good news.
Prokofy - Now the torrent-kiddies downloading WoW, films & music, much of it illegal, can't consume all the scarce bandwidth http://bit.ly/bcIU3U
mkapor - OneWebDay community & staff join Mozilla's new Drumbeat initiative http://bit.ly/csm1um
timoreilly - "I'm bummed that Facebook are taking a legal position that would cripple the web if it was adopted" says @petewarden http://bit.ly/bYuHQM
timoreilly - Enjoying Richard Stallman's Guardian op-ed about the British Digital Economy bill, broadband, #gov2.0 and file-sharing http://bit.ly/c8800h
Scobleizer - What @jeffjarvis is noticing is very interesting http://bit.ly/dgw1FX but the participatory web will win in the end.
**"But I also want to stop and examine the impact of shifting from a page- and site-based internet to one built on apps. I’ve been arguing that we are, indeed, moving past a page-, site-, and search-based web to one also built on streams and flows, to a distributed web where you can’t expect people to come to you but you must go to them; you must get yourself into their streams. This shift to apps is a move in precisely the opposite direction. Apps are more closed, contained, controlling."
Scobleizer - Um, @lkilpatrick tomorrow I will be at @citrix where they will show me how to run Windows 7 on my iPad. Ahh, I love apps! :-)
chrismessina - "I hope for a future where all I supply a device with is my identity and everything else falls into place." -@edd http://oreil.ly/bTgg3b
**iPad falls short on cloud integration: Complicated iPad synchronization reveals a missed opportunity
chrismessina - How competition benefits Google, based on double marginalization: http://bit.ly/96ws8y /via @tristanharris by @elidourado
loic - First iPad Car Installation [VIDEO] http://ping.fm/VrAPx
chrismessina - The Things commercial for iPad by @culturedcode is great: http://culturedcode.com/things/ipad /via @jornvandijk
**for iPhone: http://culturedcode.com/things/iphone/
chrismessina - Just discovered that @CreativeCommons is working on opening up patents: http://wiki.creativecommons.org/Patent_Tools_Public_Discussion #owf
taterunino - One of the things I like about Linden Lab’s clearspace blog http://bit.ly/dBLxoN
timoreilly - Location in the cloud, in two parts: Part 1 Wirelss Location http://oreil.ly/9Dh6HS Part 2 Social Location http://oreil.ly/ddAqlX #where20
chrismessina - The overall message from the OpenID Technical Summit West so far is: make it easier, make it simpler; make OpenID + OAuth work together.
==05 April 2010==
==05 April 2010==

Latest revision as of 23:53, 30 April 2010