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==27 April 2010==
loic - meet the Facebook Execs a very cool @KaraSwisher video http://ping.fm/CdfoL
loic - How and why to launch your service in France by @cgiorgi http://ping.fm/SKKCB
loic - Trying to do a public search on "seesmic" on Facebook but doesn't seem that option is available yet?
TechCrunch - Brightkite Group Text Delivers 20 Million Messages Per Month, Launches In Canada - http://tcrn.ch/c6toVD by @robinwauters
TechCrunch - Tradeshift Is Courting VCs On A $80-100 Million Valuation - http://tcrn.ch/auZev0 by @mikebutcher
davewiner - Compromising with Facebook. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/3f9i
Scobleizer - Major blog post: Facebook's Ambition: http://scobleizer.com/2010/04/22/facebook-ambition/ What a day, still stunned by the announcements.
Scobleizer - OK, I'm sold on the new Facebook stuff. The new Pandora is FREAKING AWESOME. Sorry @leolaporte you gotta play with this. Wow. @tconrad wow.
Scobleizer - Microsoft Docs is a disappointing first experience for me. First of all, not open to everyone. Second of all, loading slow, etc. Sigh.
loic - Daring Fireball: Gizmodo and the Prototype iPhone http://ping.fm/rMeaj
TechCrunch - iFixit Attempts To Usher In A New Era Of User-Repaired Devices - http://tcrn.ch/cQeUL1 by
loic - The question about Facebook users is if most will turn their profile/updates data public or keep private. That will be key.
loic - Heard at F8: "last year Zuck was obsessed by Twitter this year he doesn't give a crap"
Scobleizer - I love seeing what people are doing with their iPads: Making Music with iPad http://youtu.be/lhH3AJ9kIXg
loic - What would be much cooler would be to get iPhone OS run on Nexus one!
loic - AH someone got Android running on the iPhone http://ping.fm/6wwin
davewiner - Linux on the iPhone: Android running on iPhone! http://r2.ly/3dtv
loic - good question: Has Facebook won the web war against Google? ZDNet http://ping.fm/ZGVcq
Prokofy - Wonder if Mark Wallace wd now call the latest ban of WU "poor judgement" now he is a Linden & can see more of facts http://bit.ly/avs9cO
TechCrunch - I Think Facebook Just Seized Control Of The Internet - http://tcrn.ch/9YgYIH by @parislemon
timoreilly - RT @pahlkadot NYSenate.gov codebase contributed to Drupal, via @ahoppin http://bit.ly/aHcIPu #drupalcon
hrheingold - Reading, highly recommend "The Future of Thinking: Learning Institutions in a Digital Age by @CatinStack et al http://bit.ly/bdwU2t
dsearls - Required reading: The New Copernican Revolution http://bit.ly/bm1bFQ by David Siegel, @pullnews
dsearls - David Weinberger at #Fiberfete : We are moving past the information age, which was about scarcity of information. New assumption: abundance.
timoreilly - thinking how much more *social* the environment is at F8 than it was at Chirp. Great job by Facebook.
Bottled water
Reflections on cyberdissident event
==26 April 2010==
==26 April 2010==

Revision as of 14:01, 27 April 2010