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==26 April 2010==
==26 April 2010==
dsearls - Photos from #Fiberfete: http://bit.ly/aypCb6
*conference on fiber internet infrastructure, in Lafayette, LA
chrismessina - Dudes, the @whitehouse just dropped some open source code! http://whitehouse.gov/tech /tip @techmeme #drupal
chrismessina - Google Buzz layer now available for Google Maps on your computer http://bit.ly/ajsO2u /via @atul #geo #location
TechCrunch - A Look At The Future of Facebook Credits - http://tcrn.ch/bx1tDW by @jasonkincaid
Scobleizer - I came away from conversation that Zuckerberg understands privacy at a level that very few do. More later after I learn more about new stf.
davewiner - For what it's worth, JSON is a re-invention of XML-RPC serialization. It has structs and arrays, designed to model exactly the same stuff.
davewiner - Okay everybody -- got the answer -- arrays. Back in a bit.
hrheingold - Judd Antin's dissertation talk, South Hall, UCB: "Social Operational Information, Competence, and Participation in Online Collective Action" [participation in Wikipedia]
chrismessina - Facebook nixing 'Facebook Connect' branding http://bit.ly/9y4rcC /via @caro #f8 #sigh
davewiner - Looking into JSON, and it's apparently not equiv to XML. If you have two items with same name, the 2nd overwrites the 1st. Correct?
TechCrunch - Zuckerberg: "We Are Building A Web Where The Default Is Social" - http://tcrn.ch/9rPVf2 by @erickschonfeld
cshirky - Revolution, in any field, means the old stuff people used to do starts failing, and most of the new stuff people try fails too.
davewiner - Open request to Facebook: Could you please serialize as XML. I won't be able to play for quite some time otherwise.
davewiner - Zuckerberg is really awkard, but Facebook is going to be god now. Microsoft should let Facebook buy them and let him run the company.
Scobleizer - Lili Cheng is here from Microsoft to announce http://docs.com BOOM there goes Google! :-)
Scobleizer - F8 is a HUGE contrast to Twitter's Chirp. News is huge. Oauth just announced.
Scobleizer - Now you see why Facebook is pushing people to be more public. Just announced search and real time features.
Scobleizer - http://graph.Facebook.com just announced. http://graph.Facebook.com/btaylor is Brett's. /friends /likes etc. Cool.
Scobleizer - Facebook just announced social plugins, one of which is a social bar. There goes @meebo
Scobleizer - Facebook is going to join all sorts of graphs together into Open Graph. Just announced Graph API.
loic - no more caching of #facebook data for 24 hours wooooot! #f8 facebook #rocks
davewiner - Is Apple Booting iAd's Competition from the iPhone? http://r2.ly/yr6r
timoreilly - A Hunger for Good Learning: @ddmeyer on making over math curriculum. Part of a new education focus on @radar: http://oreil.ly/cO3Yop
dsearls - If we see the Net as a medium rather than as a place, we risk losing it. Here's why: http://bit.ly/95n7oA #fiberfete
taterunino - Evans et al vs Linden Lab: The new lawsuit on the block http://bit.ly/db1nuz
lessig - on the release of the #acta text: http://keionline.org/node/831
davewiner - Oy. We're caught in the middle Facebook's obsession with Google and Twitter's obsession with Facebook. http://r2.ly/yr38
chrismessina - 10 Suggestions for Google Profiles: http://goo.gl/fb/1dIjG Google's Battle For Your ID: http://goo.gl/fb/h09zj /by @louisgray tip @techmeme
davewiner - This is What a Tweet Looks Like. (For those who believe there's a 140-char limit behind the curtain.) http://r2.ly/ypn3
davewiner - Hitler “Downfall Meme” gets taken down. (Which theoretically should spawn its own Hitler video, no?) http://r2.ly/3ddm
TechCrunch - Answers.com Starts Answering Questions On Twitter - http://tcrn.ch/dsrz8P by @erickschonfeld
chrismessina - RT @burtonator: Come to the Stanford #VLAB event tonight. I'll be on the Real Time Web panel (#spinn3r). http://ping.fm/yxZrc  
chrismessina - RT @burtonator: Come to the Stanford #VLAB event tonight. I'll be on the Real Time Web panel (#spinn3r). http://ping.fm/yxZrc  

Revision as of 23:22, 26 April 2010