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==06 April 2010==
==06 April 2010==
TechCrunch - Cacoo Lets Multiple Users Create Designs Collaboratively And In Real-time - http://tcrn.ch/azklA5 by
davewiner - Comcast Can Block BitTorrent Again, Court Rules. http://r2.ly/yif3
chrismessina - One gem from OpenID Summit: "Making OpenID+OAuth Simpler than the Sum of its Parts" http://bit.ly/EasyHybrid /by @jsmarr #easyhybrid
TechCrunch - Federal Court Tells FCC It Does Not Have Authority To Enforce Net Neutrality - http://tcrn.ch/cQSxUq by @jasonkincaid
davewiner - To be clear, of course I turned Buzz off. a long time ago. Google is ignoring it, that's why they're such incredible assholey assholes.
davewiner - Some asshole posted one of my pieces on Buzz, and now my Gmail inbox is filling with buzz bullshit. Fuck you Google.
davewiner - Is iPad a game-changer? (A mirror of the piece on scripting.com for people having trouble getting through.) http://r2.ly/yiaa
mkapor - Court says FCC can't mandate net neutrality http://nyti.ms/ck8Oov. This cannot be good news.
Prokofy - Now the torrent-kiddies downloading WoW, films & music, much of it illegal, can't consume all the scarce bandwidth http://bit.ly/bcIU3U
mkapor - OneWebDay community & staff join Mozilla's new Drumbeat initiative http://bit.ly/csm1um
timoreilly - "I'm bummed that Facebook are taking a legal position that would cripple the web if it was adopted" says @petewarden http://bit.ly/bYuHQM
timoreilly - Enjoying Richard Stallman's Guardian op-ed about the British Digital Economy bill, broadband, #gov2.0 and file-sharing http://bit.ly/c8800h
Scobleizer - What @jeffjarvis is noticing is very interesting http://bit.ly/dgw1FX but the participatory web will win in the end.  
Scobleizer - What @jeffjarvis is noticing is very interesting http://bit.ly/dgw1FX but the participatory web will win in the end.  

Revision as of 23:19, 6 April 2010