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==03 April 2010==
==04 April 2010==
timoreilly - A good critique of "green capitalism" - aka "lazy environmentalism" http://nyti.ms/aS6wJo Related infographic http://nyti.ms/aC1D2p
timoreilly - Excellent! RT @digiphile: Here's a post on language: Government 2.0, jargon, technology [#gov20LA] http://j.mp/aXLD6g #gov20
loic - Release notes: Facebook Connect, real-time sharing, subscriber stats http://ping.fm/fukZz
Scobleizer - Apple effect? I am watching Netflix and the movie keeps buffering. I bet a lot of people are trying that tonight.
Prokofy - More wrongheaded anti-privacy EFF crap http://eff.org/n/10036 but they also simply can't READ 2c they got it wrong http://bit.ly/9iygRX
davewiner - My verdict after one day of using the iPad. http://r2.ly/ygsj
lessig - never. RT @sgalineau: The Atlantic's post on Copyright Criminals ought to get a RT by @lessig http://bit.ly/aVr48V #copyright
Scobleizer - What it's like to be first in line into Apple store: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5ZAnPDHLY4 Look at all those iPads!
davewiner - Wish there was bookmark synch on iPad
taterunino - The Virtual Whirl: The emperor's new terms http://bit.ly/bxdAh0
TechCrunch - The Smartphone: A Shackle Once More - http://tcrn.ch/cYwMz9 by
davewiner - How To: Set Up Your iPad. (They're wrong about one thing, it appears to have GPS.) http://r2.ly/ygq8
davewiner - The iTunes UI for synching is awful. I finally figured out enough of how it works to see just how awful it is.
davewiner - Conclusion: If you want to watch ripped DVDs, a plain old Windows XP netbook with VLC is a billion percent easier than anything from Apple.
timoreilly - Would be nice if internet platform vendors got behind this effort to report on security/privacy of apps: http://bit.ly/aylHAy via @naypinya
davewiner - Notes on my iPad installation in a blog post. http://r2.ly/ygne
davewiner - In New York, Digerati Flock to Tom and Jerry’s. http://r2.ly/2zbm
davewiner - I've always blogged in the OPML Editor, in a custom just-for-me environment. So, unless Apple ports it to iPad, it won't be for writing.
TishShute - Here's the “world premier” of ARWave demo video & slides from our panel @ #where20 -awesome experience! http://bit.ly/andjcU
davewiner - http://hook.io/ is like Yahoo Pipes except @maraksquires calls it "Crack pipes.: Heh. :-)
davewiner - http://try.mongodb.org/
timoreilly - "Score one for open source robotics!" http://bit.ly/aT5TT0
chrismessina - "Privacy is not dead" says the Windows Team: http://bit.ly/9mRzYC /via @anguslogan tip @techmeme
chrismessina - RT @azaaza: Mozilla Labs, where the future is being made today. Labs in Business Week http://bit.ly/bjcvDF & http://bit.ly/cdRKTL
davewiner - Picture of @scobleizer camped out in front of Palo Alto Apple Store. He will be there ALL NIGHT mruphy-willing. http://r2.ly/ygba
chrismessina - Awesome to see the @LATimes adopt OpenID: http://blog.janrain.com/2010/04/this-week-los-angeles-times-went-live.html /tip @techmeme
TechCrunch - Google Might Sometimes Serve Malware, But At Least They Are Honest About It - http://tcrn.ch/bD8ViD by @robinwauters
davewiner - Revised: Which will be worse -- 1. Scoble tweeting SXSW. 2. Scoble tweeting TED. 3. Scoble tweeting Davos. 4. Scoble tweeting iPad.
Julia Hernandez - Thank @Willfall for this find, beyond cool ... love the gadgetry and history and the audio is killer too!
Tim O'Reilly - RT @gnat [Wow!] RT @quinnnorton: Why I don't be buying an iPad, and why it doesn't matter as much as you think it does: http://bit.ly/c4jXu1
Catherine Ann Fitzpatrick - http://3dblogger.typepad.com/minding_russia/2010/04/more-moral-equivalency-from-vadim-nikitin.html Russia Today channels the old Pozner-Donahue-Chomsky show of the 1990s...
TechCrunch - NYTimes Request Correction/Removal Of Our Post. We Decline. - http://tcrn.ch/dB5lsb by @arrington
loic - RT @etseng: Huge breakthrough in voice recognition technology: Translate for Animals, now available on #Android! http://bit.ly/aR9lxZ
==03 April 2010==
TechCrunch - Blippy Does An End Run, Harnesses Gmail OAuth To Re-Enable Amazon Support - http://tcrn.ch/btZYmt by @jasonkincaid  
TechCrunch - Blippy Does An End Run, Harnesses Gmail OAuth To Re-Enable Amazon Support - http://tcrn.ch/btZYmt by @jasonkincaid  

Revision as of 21:54, 4 April 2010