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==18 March 2010==
==18 March 2010==
Scobleizer - Oh, I hope the Google Buzz team reads @akiva's screed on FriendFeed: http://goo.gl/EA6E there is a LOT to say about "the chat room problem."
timoreilly - Tweet commentary on my #osbc keynote: http://bit.ly/dohGvZ My slides: http://bit.ly/amInr4
davewiner - What is an unconference? http://r2.ly/2s3c
davewiner - Twitter's downtime contrasts with all the "Do Good" talk at SXSW. All the good that's needed from this company is to keep their network up.
Scobleizer - Jay Baer has the best 13 Observations From South by Southwest http://bit.ly/c28PWE
Scobleizer - Observation: Users > Features on social software. That is why Google Buzz is better than FriendFeed.
loic - A cry for Europe by @freddestin http://ping.fm/Rw9Q4
hrheingold - 3 min film on National Day of Unplugging March 19-20 (Howl parody) http://bit.ly/9brVHV
TechCrunch - Generation I: Middle Children Of The Information Age - http://tcrn.ch/9pkMFO by
timoreilly - Flattered but somewhat bemused by the MindTouch metrics that name me as the most influential voice in open source http://bit.ly/ctvSSR
chrismessina è Check out @michaelrhanson's "Contacts in the Browser" @MozLabs prototype, which uses PortableContacts! http://bit.ly/a0lzWw
chrismessina - Can't wait to take Digg off my OpenID shitlist! http://about.digg.com/node/575 /tip @techmeme grats @shupp #oauth
chrismessina - Economist report on data overload: http://www.economist.com/specialreports/displaystory.cfm?story_id=15557443 /via @zenchaos
chrismessina - ~@umairh writes about his SXSW interview with @ev: http://tinyurl.com/yftgh2r
chrismessina - Steve Jobs is so cheesy. http://bit.ly/dmRZDL /via @Hicksdesign
chrismessina - RT @pkim: Good read on the evolution of Google Buzz, use case of hybrid blogging: http://oreil.ly/c8GFpT /via @tonidotorg
Linus Torbald's blog
chrismessina - LOL. @NetworkWorld called me a "Google executive". I wonder if Google knows the internet gave me a promotion? ;) http://bit.ly/bxQwsz
chrismessina - Humbled to be listed as the No. 3 "Most Powerful Voice in Open Source" by @MindTouch! http://bit.ly/mvp-blog /via @mikediliberto #bwahahahah
TechCrunch - URL Shorteners Slow Down The Web - Especially Facebook's FB.me - http://tcrn.ch/bIXbYY by @robinwauters
davewiner - @Scobleizer -- or better yet, scrap the show and start over without the gatekeeping and exclusivity. Really boring, wasteful and unweblike.
davewiner - @Scobleizer -- how about letting the geeks run part of the show without interference from the politicos and "web celebs."
davewiner - The history of Avatars. http://r2.ly/42yr
chrismessina - High hopes for this Vodafone concept video "Experientia - LifeStream"; damned if I can't figure it out! http://youtu.be/blBDUGveTRo
chrismessina - High hopes for this Vodafone concept video "Experientia - LifeStream"; damned if I can't figure it out! http://youtu.be/blBDUGveTRo

Revision as of 23:47, 20 March 2010