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==18 March 2010==
loic - must watch: trust and distributed reputation is the future killer app for @craignewmark http://ping.fm/dxg4U
timoreilly - RT @BenjaminBlack This post from @Werner on eventual consistency still required reading http://bit.ly/bs7Q66
timoreilly - Alarming: The Coming Botnet Stock Exchange http://bit.ly/cfmYQM
chrismessina - Since I removed Twitter and Flickr from my Buzz feed, people seem to prefer uncrossed streams. What about you? http://bit.ly/cYOFgr
TechCrunch - Google Will Soon Offer A Way For Users To Opt-Out Of Google Analytics Tracking - http://tcrn.ch/dh0fIF by @parislemon
davewiner - Using Dropbox to publish your river. Amazingly useful but simple idea. http://r2.ly/2ra4
chrismessina - What if the browser had sharing built in? Check out the 4th part of my @MozLabs Online Identity Concept for some ideas! http://j.mp/fj_share
chrismessina - RT @boxee: our thoughts about the Future of TV http://bit.ly/azHgqU (warning: it's a long post.. :)) /tip @techmeme
timoreilly - A week in, Google's New Marketplace Has Nearly 1500 Apps. @dliman categorizes them http://oreil.ly/dBPsp2
davewiner - Apple’s Working on a New Social Location App Called iGroups. http://r2.ly/2qxt
timoreilly - Wow. @jayrosen_nyu's How the Backchannel Has Changed the Game for Conference Panelists is fantastic! http://bit.ly/b7R3E8
Scobleizer - Chatroulette is not for me, but http://www.youtube.com/PianoChatImprov is a great video of piano improv on that service. Love.
Scobleizer - Hey @parislemon did you see this? http://austin.vicarious.ly/ it shows you which location service is being used in Austin, Texas now.
loic - 'Diggnation' @ SXSW: A New Breed of Rock Stars http://ping.fm/tdMls
loic - How Google Plans To Take Over The TV Business http://ping.fm/hVmu7
Le jeu dont vous êtes le bourreau - LeMonde.fr
Mitch Wagner - I kilt me a bar when I was only 3.
Tim O'Reilly - Wow - Viacom was secretly uploading videos to YouTube while suing Google for unauthorized reproduction. Slimy. http://bit.ly/9m0AtS
Jane McGonigal at TED
Tish Shute - @puleddu"lactation consultants" are now widely employed to teach babies how to use the world's only "intuitive" interface - the nipple.
Dustyn Roberts - check out the parts lister feature at http://www.thingiverse.com/parts. I've been to MakerBot and their inventorying system is easy and amazing.
==18 March 2010==
chrismessina - High hopes for this Vodafone concept video "Experientia - LifeStream"; damned if I can't figure it out! http://youtu.be/blBDUGveTRo
chrismessina - High hopes for this Vodafone concept video "Experientia - LifeStream"; damned if I can't figure it out! http://youtu.be/blBDUGveTRo

Revision as of 20:22, 19 March 2010