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==13 March 2010==
==13 March 2010==
TechCrunch - Craig Barrett Takes On Vivek Wadhwa In The Tech Education Debate - http://tcrn.ch/d9xMYX by
Prokofy - Technocommunists taking over the telegraph stations...http://nyti.ms/cuTLBl
loic - Better controls for buzz in your inbox http://ping.fm/K8cn1
taterunino - The Virtual Whirl: Why virtual environments?
timoreilly - Intelligence community considering whether to research the real world impact of virtual reality and immersive games http://bit.ly/9UIHqu
davewiner - Two interesting ideas from users for River2: 1. Save articles to Instapaper. 2. Save the tiver to a Dropbox folder.
chrismessina - Appreciate @louisgray's summary of my ActivityStreams talk: http://instapaper.com/zcuu8gsx Supergreat! #gettingstreamy #sxsw
hrheingold - Nobel laureate Ostrom's recipe 4 success 4 groups to manage their own affairs: http://bit.ly/b8ngK5
TechCrunch - Danah Boyd: How Technology Makes A Mess Of Privacy and Publicity - http://tcrn.ch/9BQh8b by @jasonkincaid
lessig - Help the Brits get net freedom right: http://ping.fm/5M3BJ
TechCrunch - Foursquare Opens Up Its Firehose. Social Great Takes A Drink. - http://tcrn.ch/9cbvjx by @parislemon
chrismessina - Notes from @geekygirldawn along with an embed of my slides from my #GettingStreamy talk: http://bit.ly/bEOBg4 #sxsw
chrismessina - Slides from my talk: "ActivityStrea.ms: Is It Getting Streamy In Here?" are now up: http://j.mp/gettingstreamy #gettingstreamy #sxsw
loic - Website Usability Testing: Guide To The Best Free Tools And Services http://ping.fm/TL111
loic - The Secret Origin of Windows http://ping.fm/lhbaF
davewiner - I'm teaching my mother how to email photos to her WordPress blog.
davewiner - Six Delusions of Google's Arrogant Leaders. http://r2.ly/xzd5
loic - I have to admit I watched that missing Paris: 26-Gigapixel Glory http://ping.fm/uzB0Y
loic - How Google Approaches Social Media As A Team Sport http://ping.fm/VORAC
==12 March 2010==
==12 March 2010==

Revision as of 23:22, 14 March 2010