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==06 March 2010==
==07 March 2010==
TechCrunch - The Rise Of Transactional Advertising - http://tcrn.ch/czCzdj by
Prokofy - Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes http://bit.ly/bMYPuN
taterunino - It's wrong to charge people to list freebies then bury the listing, if you're going to charge, give them a service http://bit.ly/ccsQH2
**Ciaran Laval's third rezzday
chrismessina - Looks like BackupMyTweets.com provided a richer data dump [than tweetbackup], but craps out at 3007 tweets. Guess I'll give Backupify.com a try next. /cc @stop
**Here's problem: http://getsatisfaction.com/twitter/topics/pagination_timeline_and_archive_fixes
chrismessina - Trying out @stop's solution to creating a browsable, searchable archive of my tweets: http://j.mp/ay8TAn
TechCrunch - Etacts Launches First Implementation of oAuth For Gmail IMAP Accounts - http://tcrn.ch/9p6YgY by @jasonkincaid
chrismessina - Pretty comprehensive CSS Typography article from @smashingmag: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/03/01/css-and-the-future-of-text/
TechCrunch - Replicators, Innovators, and Bill Gates - http://tcrn.ch/92F6Y8 by @vwadhwa
==06 March 2010==
timoreilly - I gateway my tweets to Buzz, but then use Buzz to expand on why I found a particular link interesting. http://bit.ly/aQd2Z9
timoreilly - I gateway my tweets to Buzz, but then use Buzz to expand on why I found a particular link interesting. http://bit.ly/aQd2Z9

Revision as of 01:06, 8 March 2010