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==05 March 2010==
davewiner - I find that the Google Alerts I set up before they started indexing Twitter are now all but useless. Most results are 140 chars. Pointless.
Prokofy - And more criticism of OAuth once you look and remove OS rose-coloured glasses http://bit.ly/a0EG3T http://bit.ly/b4sbrr
Prokofy - Oh! of course there's lots of criticism of OAuth once u get outside magic LL circle, w/same old technocommie issues http://bit.ly/7zqy5X
Prokofy - also I'd like to hear some independent criticism of OAuth outside the magic circle of opensource extremists and the Pixie Dusted twitterers
Prokofy - Oh dear God on a crutch, did ne1 ask @biz if he wants fantastic new loads on his servers with SL messaging dreck?! http://bit.ly/cVQady
TechCrunch - Mobile App Directory Appolicious Rolls Out Facebook App, URL Shortener And More - http://tcrn.ch/bv7nXu by @leenarao
loic - Google Buzz Blogging Is Real Real-Time http://ping.fm/E0eEw
loic - let's embrace fail by @davemcclure http://ping.fm/RRlTR
Scobleizer - I'm finally putting up my videos on my Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/scobleizer still have to add them manually, though. Sigh.
TechCrunch - Atmosphir Jumps On Unity Platform For Awesome In-Browser Gaming World - http://tcrn.ch/aToqsL by @arrington
davewiner - I've watched the first two installments of "This Emotional Life." Highly recommended. http://r2.ly/xtje
davewiner - To be clear, Google should have been parsing RSS ten years ago. We've been really patient while they didn't figure it out.
Scobleizer - If you could only load ONE app on your iPhone, what would it be? Check out the responses already: http://bit.ly/a8WW7y Mine? @tweetie
chrismessina - Here's a freebie (thru 9/2010): PhoneDisk mounts your iPhone or iPod Touch in Finder: http://www.mypodapps.com/phonedisk/ #macosx
timoreilly - Heavy metal birds. Cool art/music project via @mrsthing http://bit.ly/aXuRxk
timoreilly - DARPA looking for "transformative apps" and platforms for military, including app store http://bit.ly/an0a17 via Ross Stapleton Gray #gov20
==04 March 2010==
==04 March 2010==

Revision as of 18:34, 5 March 2010