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==04 March 2010==
==04 March 2010==
TechCrunch - With 100 Million Comments, Topix Has Quietly Become The Local Watering Hole - http://tcrn.ch/aBkvcl by @parislemon
loic - Facebook | Working with Zuck http://ping.fm/emsc9
chrismessina - StatusNet 0.9 released w/ support for OStatus (PubSubHubbub, Salmon, Webfinger + ActivityStreams)! http://bit.ly/ba8Igl /tip @techmeme
TechCrunch - Google Wave May Finally Tread Water With Email Notifications - http://tcrn.ch/9QdMqw by @parislemon
TechCrunch - Tawkon Measures The Radiation From Your iPhone. No Wonder Apple Doesn't Approve It. - http://tcrn.ch/aqgECD by
davewiner - Re Apple yanking wifi detectors, these apps were apparently using undocumented system calls, something devs agreed not to do.
davewiner - Apple yanks Wi-Fi detectors from iTunes. http://r2.ly/xtdk
TechCrunch - Yahoo Contacts Gets Facebook Connect - http://tcrn.ch/9vdOPa by @leenarao
Scobleizer - Oh, gawd, Microsoft says it "is all in on cloud http://www.microsoft.com/cloud/ ". ORLY? Sorry, marketing campaigns don't fly that high.
Scobleizer - I'm noticing some of the same things that @Scott_Fox is about how Twitter is becoming more "broadcasty": http://bit.ly/cAQAwP How about you?
TechCrunch - Google Apps Now Disaster Proof - http://tcrn.ch/9a08rh by @leenarao
TechCrunch - In Mobile, Fragmentation is Forever. Deal With It. - http://tcrn.ch/9lyBVT by @rich_wong
davewiner - Question: Has NY been indoctrinated in the art of LobbyCon? http://r2.ly/z6ad
davewiner - Google and RSS. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/2gwk
Hamlet - is future of web in browser?
TechCrunch - Kooaba Debuts Image Recognition API - http://tcrn.ch/cPNobj by @robinwauters
TechCrunch - Kooaba Debuts Image Recognition API - http://tcrn.ch/cPNobj by @robinwauters

Revision as of 00:22, 5 March 2010