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==28 February 2010==
L'opposition guinéenne à Paris (Françoise)
Tim O'Reilly Time, entropy and cosmology: @wiredscience does an interview with Sean Carroll: http://bit.ly/9cztn0 (via @slashdot)
Piano table (Maracas)
Raph asks if virtual worlds are over
Reason magazine
==27 February 2010==
timoreilly - Important post from @johnbattelle: I Don't Like The iPad Because... http://bit.ly/a0ogZm There's a lot at stake.
timoreilly - Jolicloud brings an iphone inspired interface to Linux on netbooks. Expect more like this. http://bit.ly/blC0n3
TechCrunch - Twitter To Add "Nifty" Site Features That May Make You Forget Third-Party Clients - http://tcrn.ch/90ShfC by @parislemon
loic - Twitter suggesting users to not use desktop clients is... interesting http://ping.fm/sro3P
davewiner - I predict that this tweet will make the Twitter developer community freak out. http://r2.ly/2eam
*"If you had some of the nifty site features that we Twitter employees have, you might not want to use a desktop client. (You will soon.)"
davewiner - Face It: NYC Is Not The Best Place For A Startup. http://r2.ly/xqhe
TechCrunch - Can Entrepreneurs Be Made? - http://tcrn.ch/dq7B2D by @vwadhwa
chrismessina - Moving all of my software licenses out of Amar Sagoo's Licensed.app (http://amarsagoo.info/licensed/) into @1Password. Tedious.
taterunino - The Virtual Whirl: Virtual worlds must accommodate, adapt and evolve, or die http://bit.ly/ch9Bdl
timoreilly - Pew Research asks about the Internet in 2020Will Google Make Us Stupid? Will we live in the cloud or the desktop? http://bit.ly/c9asWx
chrismessina - Microsoft's research into integrating social networks into the browser sounds curiously algorithmic: http://instapaper.com/zmjv4yrd #idib
chrismessina - RT @atomiota: If you thought Facebook's recent patent approval was bad, check out their other applications http://bit.ly/ai5Kj6 (via reddit)
chrismessina - "We'd Ask Lady Gaga to Solve Health Care"; "Behavior change is all about the incentive - and bling." http://bit.ly/aiIern /by @rwwmike
chrismessina - RT @djembe: Long overdue (and lengthy) post on using @Cappuccino to build @MemoryMiner web viewer. http://memoryminer.com/blog/?p=131
timoreilly - From Hackerspace To Your Garage: Downloading DIY Hardware Over the Web http://bit.ly/a7x6Pc
Prok endorses SL 3d party viewer policy
Prokofy - Milk or Meat and Microsoft RU on #rustechdel & Twitfight with @vgabriel http://bit.ly/9IxFn3 See what YOU think of the list of NGOs in RU.
Scobleizer - Answers are about 70% to keep shoving Tweets into LinkedIn and 30% saying that practice is vile. Interesting that feed importing is so bad.
Scobleizer - A bunch of people have told me about @Tunglerocks (online collaborative calendar and helper) so I set one up http://tungle.me/scobleizer
hrheingold - I started this online community in 1998 and it's still going strong: http://www.rheingold.com/community.html -- newcomers welcome
hrheingold - http://hourlypress.com/ calls itself an "authoritative social filter"
davewiner - Caprica and repurposed virtualities. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/z2t7
*"They give everyone the power to create their own version of Windows and share it with others."
hrheingold - Free teaching resources for "Encouraging Critical Thinking Online" http://www.intute.ac.uk/criticalthinking.html
taterunino - Second Life third-party viewer policies not well received http://bit.ly/cxMaPl
loic - 'Internet addiction' could appear on the official list of mental illnesses http://ping.fm/8s5SN
davewiner - Big change in the tech world. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/z2jf
taterunino - In-world comic viewer http://dwellonit.taterunino.net/2010/02/25/in-world-comic-viewer/
davewiner - Nextweb analysis of Facebook feed patent. http://r2.ly/xphv
loic - great list of all social media strategists by @jowyang http://ping.fm/6p373
loic - Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages via @whitscott http://ping.fm/33e3e
Mitch Wagner - Wagner Au on the new SL viewer
Gwyneth Llewelyn Our own @Doubledown_InSL hits CNN: http://ping.fm/W0aEK Congrats, DD! (Thanks for the link, @TrudyTakacs!)
==26 February 2010==
TechCrunch - Google News Tries Sharing With Facebook, But Where's The Buzz Button? - http://tcrn.ch/bOgyCS by @erickschonfeld
davewiner - Facebook Patents The Feed. http://r2.ly/7yjh
Winer pitches dropbox
davewiner - Tim O'Reilly's follower count is drifting slowly downward in the aftermath of the Suggested Users List. http://r2.ly/xpem
Scobleizer - check out new unofficial guide of @sxsw http://plancast.com/sxsw /via @plancast
TechCrunch - Stealthy Knowmore Loads Up On Talent To Silence The Social Noise Problem - http://tcrn.ch/apaRse by @parislemon
chrismessina - Slides from @brianellin's talk "OpenID UX - Lessons Learned from RPX": http://bit.ly/chOGEK #openidux #openid
chrismessina - Interested to check out http://buzz.com now that the site's live. And no, there's no relation to Google Buzz. This is AT&T's "Buzz" product.
TechCrunch - Yammer Communities Opens The Door To B2B Microblog Collaboration And Much More - http://tcrn.ch/9f8q1u by @jasonkincaid
loic - LeWeb 2010 will happen on dec 8-9th and new venue! http://ping.fm/eh4aJ
chrismessina - Facebook's 2010 goals for OpenID: 1. Developer simplicity 2. Coupled to data/services (OAuth) 3. Broad consumer site adoption. #openidux
TechCrunch - Some Gmail Features Matriculate, Others Flunk Out - http://tcrn.ch/agUxFK by @leenarao
Peter Wayner on what's NOT peak these days:
*"Peak carbon in the atmosphere, peak population, peak traffic congestion, ... and in a gesture to the Julian Simon acolytes out there: peak knowledge, peak synergy, ...."
*his website: http://www.wayner.org
timoreilly - Awesome post about mistakes and the progress of science: On riding the mistake wave http://bit.ly/dxorf1 (via @gnat)
**"We [in neuroscience] really haven't kept up with the general pace as a science. If you reincarnated Gall and explained to him where we are up to, you could bring him up to speed over a pint. If you did the same with a physicist or cell biologist from the same period, the poor buggers' brains would be throwing sparks by 1905, spewing smoke by 1930 and be in total meltdown by 1953 — and that's when the pace really picked up!"
==25 February 2010==
loic - most of Google's ad revenue comes from its own sites (plus a little from adsense)
chrismessina - Arrived in windy, cold, and snowy Chicago for tomorrow's OpenID UX summit! (@ Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD) w/ 15 others)
Prokofy - Russia Invents the Telescreen: ChatRoulette http://bit.ly/bq5BSC
Prokofy - It's curious that the Lindens had to hide their actual grasping grab for API engineers for soc/media in a wrapper called "easier for newbs"
Prokofy - Why didn't anyone tell me? Google Buzz is merely a big Second Life group chat scroll. At least, 1.23 style before it was broken in 2.0.
hrheingold - @timoreilly My previous objects 2 Lanier's premises, terms http://www.smartmobs.com/?s=Maoism - better critiques by @TreborS Fred Turner
Owen Peery - duct tape
==24 February 2010==
==24 February 2010==
Gwyneth on the new SL viewer
Wagner - ArminasX reviews the new SL viewer
Rubaiyat Shatner streaming to ustream & secondlife AT THE SAME TIME from the same source. interesting
Francis Chang
**ZOMG Alpha mask layer! Could this be the end of the invisiprim?
Gwyneth Llewelyn - Indeed :) The end of invisiprims and the end of prim-based in-world interfaces :)
Catherine Ann Fitzpatrick My long response, as usual, to Ethan Zuckerman, outlining the prospects to get around Internet censorship -- and also getting
around those who theorize about it.
Hamlet - In Subtle but Powerful Shift, New Second Life 2.0 Viewer Merges Real Life & Avatar Identity Onto Single Profile Panel
davewiner - "Posterous is an engineered product, while Tumblr is a designed product." http://r2.ly/z344
davewiner - "Posterous is an engineered product, while Tumblr is a designed product." http://r2.ly/z344

Latest revision as of 23:10, 1 March 2010