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==28 February 2010==
L'opposition guinéenne à Paris (Françoise)
Tim O'Reilly Time, entropy and cosmology: @wiredscience does an interview with Sean Carroll: http://bit.ly/9cztn0 (via @slashdot)
Piano table (Maracas)
Raph asks if virtual worlds are over
Reason magazine
==27 February 2010==
timoreilly - Important post from @johnbattelle: I Don't Like The iPad Because... http://bit.ly/a0ogZm There's a lot at stake.
timoreilly - Jolicloud brings an iphone inspired interface to Linux on netbooks. Expect more like this. http://bit.ly/blC0n3
TechCrunch - Twitter To Add "Nifty" Site Features That May Make You Forget Third-Party Clients - http://tcrn.ch/90ShfC by @parislemon
loic - Twitter suggesting users to not use desktop clients is... interesting http://ping.fm/sro3P
davewiner - I predict that this tweet will make the Twitter developer community freak out. http://r2.ly/2eam
*"If you had some of the nifty site features that we Twitter employees have, you might not want to use a desktop client. (You will soon.)"
davewiner - Face It: NYC Is Not The Best Place For A Startup. http://r2.ly/xqhe
TechCrunch - Can Entrepreneurs Be Made? - http://tcrn.ch/dq7B2D by @vwadhwa
chrismessina - Moving all of my software licenses out of Amar Sagoo's Licensed.app (http://amarsagoo.info/licensed/) into @1Password. Tedious.
taterunino - The Virtual Whirl: Virtual worlds must accommodate, adapt and evolve, or die http://bit.ly/ch9Bdl
timoreilly - Pew Research asks about the Internet in 2020Will Google Make Us Stupid? Will we live in the cloud or the desktop? http://bit.ly/c9asWx
chrismessina - Microsoft's research into integrating social networks into the browser sounds curiously algorithmic: http://instapaper.com/zmjv4yrd #idib
chrismessina - RT @atomiota: If you thought Facebook's recent patent approval was bad, check out their other applications http://bit.ly/ai5Kj6 (via reddit)
chrismessina - "We'd Ask Lady Gaga to Solve Health Care"; "Behavior change is all about the incentive - and bling." http://bit.ly/aiIern /by @rwwmike
chrismessina - RT @djembe: Long overdue (and lengthy) post on using @Cappuccino to build @MemoryMiner web viewer. http://memoryminer.com/blog/?p=131
timoreilly - From Hackerspace To Your Garage: Downloading DIY Hardware Over the Web http://bit.ly/a7x6Pc
Prok endorses SL 3d party viewer policy
Prokofy - Milk or Meat and Microsoft RU on #rustechdel & Twitfight with @vgabriel http://bit.ly/9IxFn3 See what YOU think of the list of NGOs in RU.
Scobleizer - Answers are about 70% to keep shoving Tweets into LinkedIn and 30% saying that practice is vile. Interesting that feed importing is so bad.
Scobleizer - A bunch of people have told me about @Tunglerocks (online collaborative calendar and helper) so I set one up http://tungle.me/scobleizer
hrheingold - I started this online community in 1998 and it's still going strong: http://www.rheingold.com/community.html -- newcomers welcome
hrheingold - http://hourlypress.com/ calls itself an "authoritative social filter"
davewiner - Caprica and repurposed virtualities. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/z2t7
*"They give everyone the power to create their own version of Windows and share it with others."
hrheingold - Free teaching resources for "Encouraging Critical Thinking Online" http://www.intute.ac.uk/criticalthinking.html
taterunino - Second Life third-party viewer policies not well received http://bit.ly/cxMaPl
loic - 'Internet addiction' could appear on the official list of mental illnesses http://ping.fm/8s5SN
davewiner - Big change in the tech world. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/z2jf
taterunino - In-world comic viewer http://dwellonit.taterunino.net/2010/02/25/in-world-comic-viewer/
davewiner - Nextweb analysis of Facebook feed patent. http://r2.ly/xphv
loic - great list of all social media strategists by @jowyang http://ping.fm/6p373
loic - Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages via @whitscott http://ping.fm/33e3e
Mitch Wagner - Wagner Au on the new SL viewer
Gwyneth Llewelyn Our own @Doubledown_InSL hits CNN: http://ping.fm/W0aEK Congrats, DD! (Thanks for the link, @TrudyTakacs!)
==26 February 2010==
TechCrunch - Google News Tries Sharing With Facebook, But Where's The Buzz Button? - http://tcrn.ch/bOgyCS by @erickschonfeld
davewiner - Facebook Patents The Feed. http://r2.ly/7yjh
Winer pitches dropbox
davewiner - Tim O'Reilly's follower count is drifting slowly downward in the aftermath of the Suggested Users List. http://r2.ly/xpem
Scobleizer - check out new unofficial guide of @sxsw http://plancast.com/sxsw /via @plancast
TechCrunch - Stealthy Knowmore Loads Up On Talent To Silence The Social Noise Problem - http://tcrn.ch/apaRse by @parislemon
chrismessina - Slides from @brianellin's talk "OpenID UX - Lessons Learned from RPX": http://bit.ly/chOGEK #openidux #openid
chrismessina - Interested to check out http://buzz.com now that the site's live. And no, there's no relation to Google Buzz. This is AT&T's "Buzz" product.
TechCrunch - Yammer Communities Opens The Door To B2B Microblog Collaboration And Much More - http://tcrn.ch/9f8q1u by @jasonkincaid
loic - LeWeb 2010 will happen on dec 8-9th and new venue! http://ping.fm/eh4aJ
chrismessina - Facebook's 2010 goals for OpenID: 1. Developer simplicity 2. Coupled to data/services (OAuth) 3. Broad consumer site adoption. #openidux
TechCrunch - Some Gmail Features Matriculate, Others Flunk Out - http://tcrn.ch/agUxFK by @leenarao
Peter Wayner on what's NOT peak these days:
*"Peak carbon in the atmosphere, peak population, peak traffic congestion, ... and in a gesture to the Julian Simon acolytes out there: peak knowledge, peak synergy, ...."
*his website: http://www.wayner.org
timoreilly - Awesome post about mistakes and the progress of science: On riding the mistake wave http://bit.ly/dxorf1 (via @gnat)
**"We [in neuroscience] really haven't kept up with the general pace as a science. If you reincarnated Gall and explained to him where we are up to, you could bring him up to speed over a pint. If you did the same with a physicist or cell biologist from the same period, the poor buggers' brains would be throwing sparks by 1905, spewing smoke by 1930 and be in total meltdown by 1953 — and that's when the pace really picked up!"
==25 February 2010==
loic - most of Google's ad revenue comes from its own sites (plus a little from adsense)
chrismessina - Arrived in windy, cold, and snowy Chicago for tomorrow's OpenID UX summit! (@ Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD) w/ 15 others)
Prokofy - Russia Invents the Telescreen: ChatRoulette http://bit.ly/bq5BSC
Prokofy - It's curious that the Lindens had to hide their actual grasping grab for API engineers for soc/media in a wrapper called "easier for newbs"
Prokofy - Why didn't anyone tell me? Google Buzz is merely a big Second Life group chat scroll. At least, 1.23 style before it was broken in 2.0.
hrheingold - @timoreilly My previous objects 2 Lanier's premises, terms http://www.smartmobs.com/?s=Maoism - better critiques by @TreborS Fred Turner
Owen Peery - duct tape
==24 February 2010==
Gwyneth on the new SL viewer
Wagner - ArminasX reviews the new SL viewer
Rubaiyat Shatner streaming to ustream & secondlife AT THE SAME TIME from the same source. interesting
Francis Chang
**ZOMG Alpha mask layer! Could this be the end of the invisiprim?
Gwyneth Llewelyn - Indeed :) The end of invisiprims and the end of prim-based in-world interfaces :)
Catherine Ann Fitzpatrick My long response, as usual, to Ethan Zuckerman, outlining the prospects to get around Internet censorship -- and also getting
around those who theorize about it.
Hamlet - In Subtle but Powerful Shift, New Second Life 2.0 Viewer Merges Real Life & Avatar Identity Onto Single Profile Panel
davewiner - "Posterous is an engineered product, while Tumblr is a designed product." http://r2.ly/z344
chrismessina - I have to admit, buzzzy.com is a pretty sweet Google Buzz search engine!
hrheingold - April 15-18 confenrence San Jose, CA on psychedelic science for 21st century. This is really about scientific research. http://bit.ly/d7FL33
Loic - augmented identity
Google app engine
Gwyneth Llewelyn @SignpostMarv recommends this fascinating article summarising a decade of open source
Writing tips (FB thread of Steven K. Roberts)
Gwyneth Llewelyn Found on the SLUniverse forums (thanks, Hypatia!): article about Virtual Goods
chrismessina - Fascinating details about the remote spying done at Lower Merion school district: http://bit.ly/a9Hx0g #lanrev #security #youarebeingwatched
TishShute - "7 Ways Augmented Reality Will Change Your Brain" from @thomaskcarpente http://bit.ly/ah2Tv9
taterunino - There's now a JIRA out there for the problems with the major increase in network consumption since 1.36.2. http://bit.ly/b0zalF
chrismessina - Browser choice, Euro style. http://flic.kr/p/7Fiuph #nascar
TishShute - Ray Kurzweil "the web is going to take over everything including our minds" #TOC
*(me: has already happened)
Prokofy - Crumpled Up in Sheer Despair at SL 2.0 Viewer http://bit.ly/9JTnG3
Tools of Change (TOC) conference
hrheingold - Commons/community based enterprises in current issue: Intnl Jrnal of the Commons http://www.thecommonsjournal.org/
mkapor - New Second Life Viewer is out #SLViewer2 http://bit.ly/apqtkE. Big step forward.
timoreilly - Kind of fun watching Foursquare try to understand that I'm on a moving train. Expands the notion of what kinds of "locations" to support
taterunino - A red-letter day for Second Life, Second Life 2.0 viewer and more http://bit.ly/a5KNXp
davewiner - Twitter Ad Platform 'Imminent.' http://r2.ly/7xjq
timoreilly - While I haven't read Jaron Lanier's book "We are not a gadget," his premise seems overblown. @dtaspscott has it right http://bit.ly/cK0IDu
Scoble on the new SL
Scobleizer - The Second Life news is breaking a little early:
chrismessina - Curious to see Apple seriously getting into the cloud business with their new data center: http://bit.ly/9inrso
timoreilly - RT @matthewburton A list of services that measure online influence http://bit.ly/akzASh light on twit tools like @peoplebrowsr
Prokofy - I don't think I have enough duct tape to seal all the holes against the Internet that is now going to come flooding into Second Life. Sigh.
*(he's taking about html on a prim)
==23 February 2010==
Scobleizer - 22 features I'd like in Google Buzz: http://bit.ly/9491uT Yo @elatable just a small list, can't you ship tomorrow? :-) Thanks!
Scobleizer - The tech press like @centernetworks is keying in on how poor Google Buzz really is: http://goo.gl/fb/ymrW but it has users! :-)
TechCrunch - Loud Noises! Google Buzz Is A Broken Instrument Capable Of Beautiful Music. - http://tcrn.ch/dx7g3q by @parislemon
**"Buzz needs to become Friendfeed"
loic - (updated link) problogger: Dear FaceBook Friends, I’m De-Friending Most of You [It's Not You, It's Me] http://bit.ly/bh9dN4
Scoble - pycon keynote
taterunino - Hearing a lot of people saying that Second Life's using *way* more bandwidth today than usual. Crude test indicate it. As much as 10x more.
Prok on #rustechdel
*And Morozov on digital dictatorship: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703983004575073911147404540.html
Prokofy - M Linden take note of pushback on Google Earth re: Peek360 http://bit.ly/a8PTPL
davewiner - World Wide Web For Dummies, Not Us. http://r2.ly/xndb
chrismessina - "There was no evidence of self-idealization," concludes the report. /by @sarahintampa via @chabotc http://bit.ly/9tg7mG #identity #facebook
davewiner - Headlines like this scare the bejesus out of me. If companies get this kind of power, it's time to break them up. http://r2.ly/2c9g
davewiner - Some in the media business are saying no to the tech companies. But what then? Where will they get their tech?
davewiner - "attempting to hire a truck driver and finding out that 90 percent of the job applicants can't find the gas pedal" http://r2.ly/2att
davewiner - Every would-be entrepreneur should read this piece by Fred Wilson on Corporate Entities. http://r2.ly/2c6h
Scobleizer - Blog: is Second Life about to enter its second life?
Scobleizer - Blog: COMING SOON the disruptive molecular age of information: http://bit.ly/d6fBMi @loic for talk at Stanford tomorrow. What do you think?
TechCrunch - The Future Of Energy? Bloom Energy Boxes Are Already Powering Google, eBay, Others - http://tcrn.ch/cURx5P by @parislemon
Scoble's Corporate Weblog Manifesto (2003)
davewiner - Getting rid of Google Buzz is much harder than I thought. Even though I disabled it, it didn't go away. #hello #google http://r2.ly/xmyc
tateru - review of onverse
davewiner - Marco on the eno of Joel Spolsky's blog. http://r2.ly/7y6k
Joel on software
davewiner - I finally slogged my way all the way thru DynDNS to be able to administer a server that's behind NAT. I feel beefy and powerful. :-)
chrismessina - The almost-done Mozilla Drumbeat site reminds me of where I wanted to take Spread Firefox! https://drumbeat.stage.mozilla.com /via @msurman
Prokofy - 10 Greatest Annoyances in SL Viewer That Won't Likely Change in 2.0 http://bit.ly/bNdsaf
==22 February 2010==
TechCrunch - A Fix for Discrimination: Follow the Indian Trails - http://tcrn.ch/bzBlsc by @vwadhwa
loic - Does Tiger Woods Owe You An Apology? http://ping.fm/pJA7g
loic - Four Ways of Looking at Twitter http://ping.fm/wavR1
loic - of course someone had to create the most popular Google Buzzers list http://ping.fm/Mn34F
loic - A tour of the open standards used by Google Buzz http://ping.fm/wLaKt
davewiner - When Google says they're building on open standards, ask why they don't build on RSS. Is it not sufficiently open? Or standard?
chrismessina - Interesting comments from @mitchellbaker on Firefox, identity, and "the other monopolies": http://instapaper.com/zW0z3iqz #weave
davewiner - Touch devices don't have the concept of mouseover? They could, if finger is hovering over a spot but not touching screen. http://r2.ly/xmnz
loic - Why I've Fallen in Love with the Nexus One http://ping.fm/IdjA9
chrismessina - Zack Rosen on the failings of "semantic web researchers": http://www.zacker.org/semantic-web-research-isnt-working /via @johnbreslin
Ok Go on treadmills
timoreilly - The Atlantic: Management Secrets of the Grateful Dead http://bit.ly/aiu2l9 The Dead as pioneers of customer-focused best practices
Steven K. Roberts - real-life tinker toys:
davewiner - A brief essay on the bewildering complexity of the tools we use. http://r2.ly/xmai
TechCrunch - Octazen: What The Heck Did Facebook Just Buy Exactly, And Why? - http://tcrn.ch/c7dY6x by @arrington
**Mashable's take: http://mashable.com/2010/02/20/facebook-octazen/
chrismessina - Drool! The Readability bookmarklet from @arc90 now supports fonts from @typekit! Hot! http://j.mp/readability
TechCrunch - Welcome To TechCrunch Or 5z8.info/dicksonparade_k5f1f_hackwebcam - http://tcrn.ch/991AcX by @parislemon
timoreilly - Nature vs Nurture in Entrepreneurship. Good piece by @fredwilson http://bit.ly/dnZdhB
davewiner - this guy is right. There's no way Google didn't know *exactly* what privacy issues it was walking into with Buzz. http://r2.ly/xn84
timoreilly - Using mobile to extend the grid. Important concept http://www.gvepinternational.org/news/163/ via @monkchips
Prokofy - How I know Facebook is a virtual world: @mitchwagner is calling his FB wall "his house" & yelling b/c I called him a whiner "in his house".
timoreilly - I love @thomashawk's take on Google Buzz: Don't listen to the naysayers http://bit.ly/bZ7Xc4 via @louisgray http://bit.ly/d0MXZT
chrismessina - RT @rwwmike: Know Your Meme: I WANT THE OLD FAFEBOOK BACK
davewiner - I invest a lot of energy in trying to protect the openness of the Internet from Google. Lately I'm beginning to believe it won't work.
davewiner - This must sound arrogant, but I wonder what Google thinks would happen if they adopted someone else's format instead of reinventing it?
==19 February 2010==
TechCrunch - Jobs: "Flash Would Murder the iPad." Really Now, Let’s Be Realistic - http://tcrn.ch/aCcvdT by
TechCrunch - Google Reader Recommendations Swap Popularity For Personalization - http://tcrn.ch/cmBnIq by @parislemon
hrheingold - via @dansmind86 @SunFoundation hackathon for Haiti. Tons of projects: http://bit.ly/9asUwJ
chrismessina - Sweet! The Coworking community finally owns http://coworking.com! Nice work @alexknowshtml!
davewiner - Google boss says 'nobody was harmed' by Buzz debacle. http://r2.ly/xjxx
davewiner - Rebooting the Thursday night meetups. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/xjz9
chrismessina - Love these icons, especially the terrariums:
davewiner - My story is -- I quit tech in 1993 because it was so controlled by tech co's -- but the Internet saved us. This shit is *worse* than 1993.
davewiner - Now that I have real Internet service, I bought an Airport Extreme and hooked up a Mac Mini and a big hard drive, and I have a network.
davewiner - This guy would have done really well in Stalinist Russia, writing propoganda for the commisars. http://r2.ly/xjvx
TechCrunch - Line2's Google Voice For Businesses Can Now Juggle 3G, Cellular, And Wifi Networks - http://tcrn.ch/bb5A4M by @jasonkincaid
chrismessina - RT @jsenior: ANN: 3 new Web App Toolkits! Calendars, Bing Maps, Freemium Apps! http://www.microsoft.com/web/webapptoolkits /cc @dalmaer @t
timoreilly - Rolling stone on Wall Street Bailout Hustle: http://bit.ly/9n7uRZ These guys really do remind me of French aristocrats before the revolution
taterunino - Linden Lab investigates new/updated technologies for Second Life http://bit.ly/afOv8r
davewiner - Why doesn't Google use the FriendFeed API for Buzz? http://r2.ly/xjn4
davewiner - Of course David Pogue slams anyone (but himself, presumably) who criticizes a tech company. http://r2.ly/xjkj
timoreilly - Google's Living Stories platform goes open source http://bit.ly/aOVMMT
==17 February 2010==
Prokofy - Will Wright: "I Learned A Lot More From My Broken Toys" http://bit.ly/b58BM1
davewiner - Free wifi in Berkeley. http://r2.ly/xhx8
TechCrunch - Google Buzz Warning: Force Feeding Users Can Result In Vomiting - http://tcrn.ch/dolvrd
loic - How Google Went Into "Code Red" And Saved Google Buzz http://ping.fm/fXONd
timoreilly - Why a warming planet can result in more snow: http://bit.ly/aZEYeP
TechCrunch - How SecretLondon Switched A Facebook Group To A Startup - http://tcrn.ch/cHdkv3
mkapor - RT @therealfreada What if Valley giants invested in real diversity instead of suing to hide race + gender data? http://bit.ly/bt7wZF
chrismessina - "Top 10 things to fix in Google Buzz" http://ping.fm/sDpFs (over 7K votes in 24h!) /by @jyri tip @techmeme
chrismessina - Useful tips from @rklau on self-monitoring in Google Buzz: http://goo.gl/fb/szvt
davewiner - Viewing the Mouse Tracks You Leave Behind. http://r2.ly/xhkg
chrismessina - 'a degree of calculated “over-trust” and “intelligent altruism” is a rational strategy for uncovering ... opportunities.' /via @davetroy
==16 February 2010==
TechCrunch - Twitter Loves Open Source And Launches A Directory To Prove It - http://tcrn.ch/dijQnw
timoreilly - My latest blog post: The Convergence of Advertising and E-commerce http://bit.ly/cLcsvw
**Refers to Siri: http://www.siri.com
**Voice driven iPhone app: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/feb/15/tools-trade-siri-iphone-app
Messina - new buddypress for social network based on Wordpress
*No longer requires Wordpress MU (multi-user) http://mu.wordpress.org/
davewiner - Path.io is a list-making and sharing tool. Hope they have good APIs. I have a great list-making tool. http://r2.ly/xhe7
TechCrunch - Annoyed With Buzz In Your Gmail? Add Facebook Too! - http://tcrn.ch/agiKRW
TechCrunch - HTC announces the Nexus One's slightly cooler twin, the Desire - http://tcrn.ch/bRPqs7
davewiner - "If you’re speaking on the opposite side of the continent early Monday morning, fly out Saturday, not Sunday." http://r2.ly/xgyu
chrismessina - How we're thinking about decentralizing conversations with WebFinger for Google Buzz (et al): http://goo.gl/fb/c064 /by @dewitt
timoreilly - RT David E. Weekly (FB) Ouch. "Why Facebook & Twitter Will Always be Crappy Businesses" http://ow.ly/17IW9
chrismessina - Please add your +1 to get rel-me added to Delicious! http://support.delicious.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=3960 /cc @microformats
chrismessina - Facebook Data Team reveals that people in "open" relationships are less happy! http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=304457453858
hrheingold - Informed critique, better than Lanier: "What the MySpace Generation Needs to Know About Working for Free http://bit.ly/bBEkpO
chrismessina - RT @dbounds: Added Buzz support to Cliqset. Consuming ActivityStreams with PubSubHubbub. Things are looking up. /me: almost missed this!
hrheingold - Love jayrosen_nyu recent answer to uninformed debunkers http://jayrosen.posterous.com/what-to-reject-when-youre-rejecting-the-wisdo
timoreilly - Insight on how Google is using YouTube to force the adoption of HTML 5 video: http://bit.ly/993hmY (via @slashdot)
timoreilly - How Facebook and an android phone made it possible to channel Haiti calls for help to rescuers: http://bit.ly/bS4JoX via @gnat
TechCrunch - The Wholesale Applications Community Sounds Like A Disaster In The Making - http://tcrn.ch/cuLGiJ
hrheingold - RT @sivavaid If U want 2 understand the strange state of #privacy in social networks (#buzz), please read article: http://bit.ly/cOYb7e
Scobleizer - Blog post: Google Buzz copied FriendFeed's worst features, why? http://bit.ly/ahmgG8 Buzz really came up short after using it for a few days
timoreilly - Nice piece by @timkastelle Aggregate, Filter & Connect for Smaller Firms uses @oreillymedia as a case study. Thanks! http://bit.ly/9k3Hw7
davewiner - Pretty sure google employs fake commenters to throw discussions about google off track
chrismessina - Is Google Buzz too complicated for regular folks? Thoughts from @ScepticGeek: http://bit.ly/bi5b0u /me: let's wait and see.
TechCrunch - Sciencefeed Launches Friendfeed-Like Platform For Scientists - http://tcrn.ch/8YLV9F
TechCrunch - ChaCha Turns To Facebook To Socialize Questions And Answers - http://tcrn.ch/aO1CdL
loic - removed all widgets, google voice and notifications from my nexus one, now it has good battery time.
==15 February 2010==
Program for the Future (via Felsenstein)
chrismessina - Just bought my first @Groupon — $30 in food at Kasa in @SF for $15! Awesome deal! http://j.mp/8XY89q #dolorespark #deal
davewiner - FInally people are getting that the unread count on feed readers is a deadly concept. http://r2.ly/xfy6
davewiner - For once the Hacker News guys aren't trashing me. :-) http://r2.ly/xfwa
Loic - car simulator
Messina - Open Govt Tracker
loic - hint to find all your comments on Buzz: search for commenter:loiclemeur (replace by your username) thanks Elijah
loic - reading my comments on my Google Buzz profile http://ping.fm/IPbxJ
davewiner - Google did something seriously wrong. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/xh4p
==13 February 2010==
chrismessina - Google Buzz moves from auto-follow to auto-suggest model:
chrismessina - Use Google Buzz (mobile) as a stand-alone Mac app: http://fluid.pbworks.com/Google-Buzz /cc @iTod #ssb
chrismessina - Nice write up of @ciberch's move to Facebook: http://tcrn.ch/bxRtPW Here's her post: http://bit.ly/cnATlf #activitystreams #diso
TechCrunch - What’s Better: Saving the World or Building Another Facebook app? - http://tcrn.ch/c7UtCt
davewiner - Google Buzz’s split personality problem. “What’s cool right now” vs “What’s happening right here” http://r2.ly/xfhi
timoreilly - Good series of posts by @jeffjonas about the Christmas Day Intelligence Failure. Start here: http://bit.ly/dd28uY
timoreilly - Death and Taxes 2010: Amazing poster showing the details of the 2010 Federal discretionary budget. Zoom in! http://bit.ly/b340sX
davewiner - rssCloud by the Numbers. http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2010/02/13/rsscloud-by-the-numbers/
timoreilly - Data not drugs: Taking control of your health in the age of genetics http://bit.ly/d7lQI2
chrismessina - RT @jyri: Own your content on the web with WebFinger http://bit.ly/bdg0v7 (by Brett Slatkin co-creator of PubSubHubbub)
chrismessina - RT @posterous: Integrating Posterous and Google Buzz http://post.ly/NZqn #relme #microformats #howto
TechCrunch - No, Buzz Is Not Being Removed From Gmail. It MAY Get A Separate Web App Though. - http://tcrn.ch/b4wgOK
chrismessina - RT @dalmaer: NOTE: Read the full info on the Adobe/HTML5 situation... not just the quick quotes. Mass confusion. http://bit.ly/9Yy9xv
chrismessina - Findings from analysis of 400K microblog postings collected early on from Jaiku: http://bit.ly/9gtSam /via @jyri @gumption
TechCrunch - Microsoft And Partners Are About To Add A Big Fat Social Layer To Outlook - http://tcrn.ch/9lJrA1
==12 February 2010==
davewiner - "Come June, a bunch of my remaining [Twitter] apps will die." http://r2.ly/xemy
Prokofy - Greedy, Cynical Avatrian Scraper Bot Invades Privacy, Overrides Consent http://bit.ly/bM208R
davewiner - Facebook working on a Gmail competitor. http://r2.ly/xegq
Scobleizer - The more I hear the big ideas of #ted the more I'm convinced that what the world needs is micro ideas we can do in our kitchen.
chrismessina - Answers to: Where is Twitter going with OAuth? What's up with OAuth? http://bit.ly/whatsupwithoauth /by @raffi via @joshelman
TechCrunch - Aviary Now Free As A Bird - http://tcrn.ch/cL9Kgc
chrismessina - Improvements coming soon to Google Buzz based on your feedback! http://bit.ly/9Y7yGI /tip @techmeme #GoogleBuzz #agile
TechCrunch - The StartupBus: The True Story Of 12 Strangers Building Three Startups, Getting Real - http://tcrn.ch/aplZ6R
chrismessina - RT @atul: One Lesson From The Twitter Grader Screw-up: OAuth Rocks http://j.mp/d9nJhI #security
loic - we have to make the real world much more like online games to make it work better #ted
timoreilly - Cyber warfare: don't inflate it, don't underestimate it http://bit.ly/ambPZ4 Interview with author Jeffrey Carr re "The Great Equalizer"
chrismessina - RT @rww: Email as Identity: Google Turns on WebFinger http://bit.ly/9zmwrP #openid #diso
==11 February 2010==
chrismessina - "Breaking News": Yahoo! OpenID on @HuffPo http://bit.ly/dtMZfb /tip @techmeme via @mwinton grats @atom
pavig - Digital forgetfulness http://bit.ly/ckZL8j Food for thought
chrismessina - RT @bradfitz: WebFinger now enabled for all public google profiles / "gmail" names... http://bit.ly/ayYeld #webfinger #diso
cshirky - They have programmers at Google, right? Who know about the Web and stuff? Because #Buzz seems to have shipped with no way to close threads.
TechCrunch - Google Acquires Aardvark For $50 million - http://tcrn.ch/dqJgfV
davewiner - As you read this great essay by Doc Searls, ask yourself if Google has become "too big to fail." http://r2.ly/xdsg
davewiner - Google shuts down music blogs without warning. The 'Google Butt' team strikes again. http://r2.ly/xf3d
dsearls - Dig Sheila Lennon's post http://shenews.projo.com/2010/02/san-francisco-traffic-video-in.html and its amazing #video. #sanfrancisco
pavig - Stop selling scarcity http://bit.ly/9gre0R sound advice for (new) media folk.
chrismessina - Looking for Google Buzz help (or to file complaints!)? Here's the support forum: http://j.mp/buzz-help #googlebuzz
chrismessina - Simple steps to filter Google Buzz out of your inbox: http://flic.kr/p/7C6Pog
chrismessina - Overwhelmed by efail. I wish I had more cerebral noodly appendages.
TechCrunch - Topsy Becomes An Even More Powerful Alternative To Twitter's Offical Search Engine - http://tcrn.ch/9Vaob2
davewiner - How to Create and Seed a Torrent Download on Amazon S3. http://r2.ly/xdfk
Facebook Chat Launches XMPP Support
Leadership lesson from dancing guy
chrismessina - TPUTH. http://tputh.com /via @coudal #brilliant #googlebuzz
Scobleizer - I agree with @iVinay one thing @Twitter does mostly right is it lets you control who shows up on your screen.
chrismessina - Facebook Wants To Be Your One True Login http://bit.ly/9Jxnkk /by @rwwmike tip @techmeme (this concerns me — there can not only be one!)
chrismessina - RT @raffi: A proposal for delegation in OAuth identity verification, take two http://post.ly/N4sX
davewiner - Steve Rubel: Google Buzz is Google Wave Light, a Non-Starter. http://r2.ly/xdbn
timoreilly - Fascinating: algorithmic recruitment with GitHub http://bit.ly/bTJBfP (via @edd)
chrismessina - "The ideas that power our next generation of growth are just as likely to [come from a cafe as in the lab of a big co.]" http://j.mp/94YH8a
davewiner - Google Buzz reaction from the web is more of a 'bzzt' at best. http://r2.ly/xdax
davewiner - NYC Resistor: Electronics, Hacking, Classes, and Workspace. http://r2.ly/xdan
Messina - Google fiber optics RFP
davewiner - Phil Jones says Facebook nailed it in their latest transition and Google is frightened. http://r2.ly/xdau
TishShute - "Augmented Reality: The Internet Eats Everything It Touches" from @bruces - my 3 head secret is out now! http://bit.ly/bS41yf
timoreilly - RT @jgrahamc Ode to the rank amateur scientist: http://www.jgc.org/blog/2010/02/rank-amateur.html
pavig - #SecondLife scripting to move to C# / Mono (toodle pip LSL) http://bit.ly/aFWGA2
Google buzz privacy flaw
davewiner - 5 Reasons Why Google Buzz Will Fail. http://r2.ly/xczh
Scobleizer - Are you in Long Beach this weekend? Check out BIL http://2010.bilconference.com/category/speakers/ free event contrasts with TED.
davidorban - Follow me on Buzz http://www.google.com/profiles/david.orban#buzz Question now is which service will originate, and which aggregate?
davewiner - What's wrong with Google Buzz. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/xcyh
chrismessina - Someday asking for a site's API will be like asking which email protocol someone uses. Interoperability FTW!
==10 February 2010==
==10 February 2010==
TishShute - Thanx @brady, "The Physical World Becomes a Software Construct: Talking with Brady Forrest about Where 2.0, 2010" http://bit.ly/brNHuH
taterunino - RT @metaverseoz Identity: Linden Lab change of heart? (Feldspar Epstein) - http://bit.ly/a4eBLM
1938media - crunchgate
davewiner - Might be the perfect tweet for all time. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/ua4b
Jan- photos of Mars
Maracas - how many FB friends is too many?
Maracas - computer ode
Maracas - peep research
chrismessina - RT @jyri: My thoughts on Google Buzz: http://ping.fm/kWBd7 /tip @techmeme #googlebuzz (ps great new blog design, @jyri!)
chrismessina - Great tip from @ilteris: Just sync your Things library with Dropbox (I also do this with iTunes!): http://bit.ly/17deQh
davewiner - inessential.com: On the benefits of thin-server RSS syncing. (It's good to see Brent take a leadership role in RSS.) http://r2.ly/xe4p
TechCrunch - FriendFeed (and Gmail) Founder's Reaction To Buzz "This Seems Vaguely Familiar" - http://tcrn.ch/adaWmH
arrington - wondering how long AOL has been padding their stats with this AIM auto aol.com loader.
chrismessina - Until Things.app supports cloud sync, I'm going to have to move to find a new todo manager. Sigh. /cc @culturedcode
O'Reilly - Google Buzz re-invents Gmail
davewiner - How do I get Buzz out of the user interface of Gmail? Show me where I opted in to this horror. I want the option. This is so fucked up.
davewiner - Google Buzz? Pfffft. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/38gi
davewiner - I got to the API and saw: No Twitter compatibility. That's a big red X over the future of Google's latest misadventure. Pfffft.
davewiner - After 15 minutes I remember that Google is mean and distrusting and filled with side-goals that have nothing to do with delighting users.
davewiner - My first Buzz tweet. Not sure if you'll be able to read this. Let me know. http://r2.ly/xcp7
mashable - Facebook Kills Lexicon, Focuses on Analytics for Page Admins - http://bit.ly/alPBTk
mashable - Facebook Kills Lexicon, Focuses on Analytics for Page Admins - http://bit.ly/alPBTk
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==07 February 2010==
==07 February 2010==
taterunino - RT @metaverseoz Identity: Linden Lab change of heart? (Feldspar Epstein) - http://bit.ly/a4eBLM
davewiner - Might be the perfect tweet for all time. (Scripting News). http://r2.ly/ua4b
AlKronos - Spoken word radio torrent archive - http://radioarchive.cc - nice.
AlKronos - Spoken word radio torrent archive - http://radioarchive.cc - nice.

Latest revision as of 23:10, 1 March 2010