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timoreilly - Sad to see Intuit opposing a simple #gov20 program that would save time and money: http://bit.ly/8MJLoU This is the story of our time.
chrismessina - mitchell baker: browser, identity, data, where is the home of "me"? that's what mozilla wants to disrupt #dld10 /via @jobsworth
WooRank Screens Your Website, For Free
pavig - Twilight - New moon, in 1 minute http://bit.ly/4w6eRU heh.
TishShute - "Comm.. systems that have no inherent eavesdropping capabilities are more secure than systems with those capabilities" http://bit.ly/8dcmKs
**"China's hackers subverted the access system Google put in place to comply with U.S. intercept orders."
arrington - RT @TechCrunch: Jason Calacanis Punches Comscore In The Face. Comscore Punches Back. Fred Wilson Drags Us Into It. http://url4.eu/1D1UB
Debate about setting SUL follower counts to zero
chrismessina - Is it time to switch to Chrome? @1Password alpha extension now available! http://bit.ly/59hSVv #macosx
davewiner - 40 most recent links from @davewiner. http://r2.ly/jg4i
Deviant art
Scobleizer - Entrepreneurs: How to MAKE YOUR APP MORE ADDICTIVE: http://bit.ly/6othMq Eight ways I've found that @Twitter, @Foursquare, @Facebook are.
Prokofy - The only reason leftists are whining abt this is b/c they didn't realize Facebook & Twitter as corps cld leverage this http://bit.ly/8Sp32q
*Prok is talking about the Supreme court ruling on campaign spending. (What does he mean?)
chrismessina - I've started using hashtags and slashtags to add metadata to receipts and business cards from trips and conferences. Genius.
mashable - Why Twitter Wants to Know Where You Are - http://bit.ly/5ceMIG
Rent your stuff to your neighbors
Be extraordinary - do a microtask for someone
Prokofy - All Conversations are Markets http://bit.ly/7kdN6J
timoreilly - Guide to creating your own Apps for Democracy http://bit.ly/7e3DH6 @corbett3000, who ran the first one, talking about this now at #citycamp
TishShute - RT @thomaskcarpente @ClaireBoo @Dutchcowboy Samsung.. w/ Layar on their new phone via Tmobile http://bit.ly/5OsQEg layrs 4 pubs/football
pavig - Educational Gaming Commons - worth watching http://gaming.psu.edu/ #psuegc
Winer - preserving internet sites is a business possibility
TishShute - "if I were the boss of.." google, microsoft, Apple, LL, "make kid friendly" versions of search, maps, Open Sim.. http://bit.ly/4U0j7s
==23 January 2010==
==23 January 2010==

Revision as of 21:37, 24 January 2010