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chrismessina - RT @DifficultProbs: Is A Creative Commons for Privacy Possible? http://bit.ly/5H8NBq /by @azaaza tip @techmeme #privacyicons
loic - This is my first update by voice on the nexus one, impressed
Lacy of TC says Google quits China because it's losing
Zittrain on Google's China move
TechCrunch - Pinboard's Dead-Simple Bookmarking Service Is Still Going Strong http://tcrn.ch/4UxoDM by @jasonkincaid
timoreilly - A triumph for the Internet Archive: the first Librarian of Alexandria in 1600 years. http://bit.ly/7msk8I See also http://bit.ly/6v0OoC
taterunino - The story behind the Second Life central database upgrade http://tinyurl.com/yg4g27o
davewiner - BTW, I hacked up a realtime version of the main NYT feed. The Times doesn't do realtime (yet!) so I did it for them. :-) http://r2.ly/qy6d
*how it's done: http://www.scripting.com/stories/2010/01/12/rssIsTheUniversalLanguageO.html
davewiner - One way I use RSS. I start using a new service, Plancast. Don't know how it fits in my flow. So I sub to the RSS in River2.
davewiner - Has Amazon EC2 become over subscribed? http://r2.ly/s9nh
timoreilly - WWW was designed to disrupt science publishing, yet that's one field it hasn't disrupted. Important to understand why. http://bit.ly/8a7RHM
davewiner - Just signed up for Plancast, where my name is davew. Looking for its API, it has RSS, which I hooked into River2. http://plancast.com/davew
Google responds to Chinese cyberattack
Scobleizer - By the way, the reason I saw the new earthquake reports so quickly as @TnInkgirl noted, is because of Twitter's new RT feature. Love it! @ev
KathySierra - Useful, insightful comment by Thomas @vanderwal on how games can inform UX design, on this Ning discussion: http://bit.ly/6uVX1u
VMware buys Zimbra (Basis For Web Apps) from Yahoo
TechCrunch - Plancast Makes Arrangements With Search, Facebook Event Importing, And User Tagging http://tcrn.ch/6gZAHc by @parislemon
pavig - If you do any kind of tech production work, please read the last paragraph of http://pinboard.in/blog/63/ (Wise wise words.)
Why Google will win the smartphone race
:"I suspect manufacturers will roll mobile features into future desktop/laptop OSes, leading to a convergence of functionality for mobile Windows devices
into Windows 7. Why have a dumbed down Windows Mobile when most devices are powerful enough to run a version of Windows 7?"
timoreilly - Shades of the Dutch Tulip bubble, biowar, and terrorism, all in Second Life: the plight of Digital Chickens #igniteshow http://bit.ly/8OFO1h
*Sion Chicken Farmers on Ning: http://sionchickens.ning.com/
mashable - Facebook’s “Reply by Email” Feature Now Live For Everyone - http://bit.ly/7yTdPO
timoreilly - Love this - EGG Energy: The Netflix of Batteries for the Developing World http://bit.ly/4x97qu via @TomRaftery
==13 January 2010==
Reputation Defender
Reputation Defender

Revision as of 17:37, 14 January 2010